A few lessons from this program
Here are some of my notes from our interview:
Do-It-Yourself – You can generate a lot publicity for your brand by yourself because so much of new media is accessible. New media tools like blogs, twitter, and Facebook are available to anyone. You don’t need a PR team to start using them and seeing results.
Influencers, influencers, influencers – You need to identify influencers in your industry and start going after them. Andy likes tech conferences because attendees are early adapters who influence others’ decisions.
Get others to talk – It’s nice to talk up your own brand, but it’s much more effective to have others talk about you. Get quotes from venture capitalist investors, analysts, bloggers and other trusted sources. I used this idea right away and asked Andy for a quote about my interviews. Here it is:
“I think it’s clear that entrepreneurs can learn a lot by these short interviews.” –Andy Oliver