Andrew: I’ve told you about them forever, so you probably already know the name’s of my three sponsors, right? For example, if I asked you who’s the lawyer that tech entrepreneurs trust, because he understands the start of community. You probably know it’s Scott Edward Walker of Walker Corporate Law.
And if I asked you where you should you send your friends who want to build online stores, you’d probably tell me, because Shopify stores are beautiful. They’re designed to sell, and Shopify makes sure that there won’t be any tech support for you to do, because they’re easy to set up.
Finally, if you have a friend who says, “Hey, I want a phone number. And then, if somebody presses one, I want it to go to sales. And two, I want it to go to tech support cell phone number. And three, I want it to reach my home phone number, and all that stuff.” Where do you send them? Of course, you send them to Three great sponsors, now let’s start with the interview.]
Hey there freedom fighters. My name’s Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Home of the ambitious upstart, with a big question for you. Should you be more selfish? Timothy Sykes is a penny stock trader, blogger and entrepreneur who thinks you should be.
And he also thinks that I should tell you in this intro that he is a millionaire. I think he pretty much insisted on it. You can read his blog at And two of his start ups are investimonials and profitly. And Tim, welcome back.
Tim: Thanks for having me again.
Andrew: What do you mean by more selfish?
Tim: So, people are used to sharing for the good of social network B-S and for their own ego. And if they were more selfish, and if they were a little greedier, they could actually share and profit. Because, what you post on the internet influences people.
So, my whole thing is I make millions of dollars from teaching others with blogging, and millions of dollars from my stock trading. And I show everything. I show exactly how I do it. I’m Andrew Warner on Mixergy. So, I’m very transparent, but not just talking about money for the sake of talking about money. But for the sake of inspiring people.
This past year, I’ve learned that, guess what, I’m going to be around for several years, several decades, maybe centuries if I actually clone myself like I want to. But, I need to think longer term. And so while it was nice to make a few million dollars a year, I didn’t know if it was over.
Now I realize, okay. I have a very good product, because I am an expert in the industries of penny stock trading. And now social media, blogging for profits. So, I’m going to be around for a while, and I need to start thinking long term. And thinking long term means, getting the best products out there and getting the best customers.
And getting the best customers means, you need to inspire them daily. Which is what I’ve learned, because when I post pictures of what I do with my money, my students trade better. They’re harder workers. They watch more of my videos.
They give me more feedback on what I can do better as a teacher. And, it’s all a nice little circle of goodness and money. And I think more people need to . . .
Andrew: I see what you do with your money . . .
Tim: . . . realize that.
Andrew: and I’m going to talk to you about this . . .
Tim: Yes.
Andrew: Pictures with Lamborghini. Pictures with women in bikini’s. But, let me just stick with the audience and me for a little bit. When I first interviewed you . . .
Tim: I have a rap song.
Andrew: . . . about five years ago. You told me . . .
Tim: I name dropped you.
Andrew: What’s that?
Tim: I name dropped you in this upcoming rap song. You’re going to be very happy.
Andrew: Good. You should. I have a bigger audience, and now that you name dropped me . . .
Tim: Don’t be offended, ever.
Andrew: Oh, I will not be offended. I’m saying you should name drop me, because it’s good for me to get my name out there, and it’s good for you, because I end up talking about people who talk about me.
Tim: Good.
Andrew: One more thing, guys. If you’re in the audience, and we do have a live audience for this. And you’re texting me because you’re a premium member, in a moment I’m going to go to my phone. But I want to stick with this for a bit. Tim, at first when I interviewed you about five years ago, you told me about the need to sell.
And it took me a while, but I learned to sell. And it took me a while, but I learned to sell. You told me about giving people meek. Giving them a lot of substance. And I said, ‘Hey, you know what, that is why people go to his site. Because he has substance.’ You told me about topics like ‘Kill your Failed Projects Quickly.’ And I really took notes, and I implemented. And . . .
Tim: Good.
Andrew: . . . I saw that you did it. Today, I go to your website and I see these empty blog posts that basically link over to sales pages, that then link over to ‘How to be Millionaire’ processes. I do follow you on Facebook, because I really like you as a personality, but I see pictures of you with bikini models.
There’s not much substance there anymore. You’re not teaching, you’re saying, ‘Hey, be rich like me. You’ll have hot women, you’ll have a car and you’ll be a millionaire who gets to be out on a beach.’ Is that basically the message now?
Tim: That’s the message for non students. To become a student, you need to basically inspire them. That’s what the pictures of the Lamborghini and the travel, it’s fine. It’s to get you to subscribe. Now all of my good stuff is behind the pay wall, you have to pay me.
Andrew: You’re telling me that all that is, is marketing designed to get me into a program. Then once I pay you for the newsletter, once I pay you for the video series, that’s where the content is.
Tim: Exactly, it’s the same teachings, always, it’s actually more. I now have 14 DVDs, I have 800 video lessons. All categorized, all teaching.
Andrew: That’s what you want us to do now.
Tim: Yes, that stuff I used to give out for free. I would give out free things. You know what, if you don’t want to learn, I’m not going to give it to you. I’m looking for the best students these days. I’m not just looking for any students.
Before, I was trying to grow my business. I wanted the most number of subscribers. Now, I realize, that most of my subscribers, most of the students who want to be rich, they want to be rich, but they’re too lazy. They’re not willing to do what it takes. My job now, is not profiting, it’s always easy to profit. I made $2,000 in 20 minutes today. I made $20,000 in sales for my educational products today. The hard part, is finding solid students.
Andrew: Can you find solid students who really want to work, when you’re showing millionaire ads?
Tim: Yes.
Andrew: I’m scrolling through your blog, and …
Tim: This is what inspires them the most, I didn’t choose this. Before I used to write 4,000 word exposes on scams, and be like, learn this bitch. Now I still write that for my premium students, but to get people in the door, guess what, a picture of a Lambo with a girl in a bikini, that gets you inspired a lot more.
Andrew: Here’s what I think, and I don’t blame you Tim, because I want to learn from you, I always have. You’ve challenged me by being more pushy in the past, and saying, Andrew, you need to be pushier, and it’s helped me. I want to be open to your way of thinking.
Frankly, what it seems is, you have a bunch of get rich quick sex, that you’re using to sell. It’s about the sell, and it’s about generating more money, which is totally fine with me. Its not about teaching. It’s just about, hey, how do I get rich quickly, so I can parlay this money into an asset that will outlive me. That seems like your plan isn’t it?
Tim: That’s basically just the ignorant assumptions of somebody who doesn’t have access to all my premium content. I have that, and I encourage that, because the haters like to think that, and negativity spreads faster than positivity.
I’ll give you an example; I bought a $27,000 watch the other day. Instead of posting a picture of that first, I posted a picture of a fake knock off of that watch. The negativity was like, Tim Sykes has a fake watch, blah, blah, blah. That spread, and that got me like 200 new Facebook subscribers. I converted some of that into premium members. Then, I posted the real watch later. I can be like, look, I can have fake watches, I can have real watches. I’m rich bitch, you got nothing on me. I don’t have to hide anything, that’s the beautiful thing.
There’s so many internet scammers, they’re not going to post fake stuff. They’re worried about what people think of them, because they have nothing behind them. You know, these people that teach social media, and it’s all bull shit.
What I have is a huge educational infrastructure built in the background, that non subscribers don’t see. When you say, oh, it’s all about getting people in the door. Guess what? No, I’m talking, and this is why I said, I want to focus on the long term. I need to find truly motivated students. To do that, I post the rewards. The rewards help me find the better students.
Andrew: The better students are the ones who are …
Tim: Who want these goods that I post.
Andrew: Who want the goods?
Tim: Yes. I need to find, I become superficial, to find superficial people. Superficial people are better students, is what I’ve found. That’s why in 2012 alone, I had over a dozen students who made over $100,000 with my strategy. Every single one of them is a new student in the last year or two. Not students from three or four years ago.
The original students, it’s a lot of hard work, and they didn’t have what it takes. They weren’t inspired, because I would do all the hard work, and I’d be like, OK, this is a good life, you’re working hard, you’re making money. No, in the last year, I’ve shifted to saying, guess what, it is hard work, money is good. Guess what? Look at all the fun things you can have, and that brought in a whole new crowd, and these people are better students.
In going forward, that’s going to pay off big dividends. The reason why I’m in LA filming a new TV show, is because, guess what, I want testimonials for my TV show. I want to say look, I’ve created a millionaire. My top student has only earned $600,000 so far with my strategy. I need to create a millionaire before this TV show airs. Then my business can really explode when I have the new TV show.
I also have two books, and seven new websites launching. I want better testimonials, which comes from better students. Which comes from me finding more people who are superficial.
It’s funny how it works, but it’s true. You know, it is 100%. I’ve got my partner here, Zack Westphal. Were launching We’re actually working on it right here. I mentioned it last time. Now we’re going to have a way of basically teaching people how to monetize social media in a way that no one has ever done before.
Andrew: You’ve blogged about stocks and you said, “Watch me guys, as I start to earn back my money.”
Tim: Yes.
Andrew: That was the beginning. You rose up, I think the first time I interviewed you, you were doing $45,000 a month. This was back in 2008.
Tim: Yes.
Andrew: In 2010, you came back and told me that your revenue was $1.3 million.
Tim: Yes.
Andrew: 2011s revenue you said was $3.5 million.
Tim: Yes.
Andrew: 2012, what was the revenue?
Tim: $4.4 million.
Andrew: $4.4 million. From what? Where does the biggest chunk of revenue come from?
Tim: It’s all educational products, with the newsletters and the DVDs. Now we group it, because I have so many DVDs and newsletters. Now when people see this picture of this Lamborghini they say, “I want the Lamborghini, teach me.” So my team gets on the phone with them and we talk with them, and we say, “Here’s what newsletter is going to be best for you. Here’s what DVDs are best for you,” because everyone is different. Teaching people about the stock market, it’s not an easy thing. Most people lose money as a trader. Most investors under-perform the S&P 500. We’re looking for superstars, and to create superstars from scratch.
Andrew: What’s your funnel like? A person comes in, and I’m guessing from Google, right, mostly?
Tim: Yeah, some, but it’s all over the place.
Andrew: The largest, Google, social media is huge, because people see those photos. People see all those shots of you in these great locations, with great women, and cars, and so on. Then they come back to the web page. What’s the next thing that they do? You try to get them to buy right away, it looks like.
Tim: No, no. You see, this is the thing, if you go to, we don’t even have a store. We don’t want people to just buy. We want to see who’s actually worthy. This is what has changed …
Andrew: How do you tell who’s worthy?
Tim: This is not an easy thing. This is why I have over 20 employees now. Many of them are consistently interviewing these people who apply. They say, “I want to be a millionaire.” Well, you have to go through a series of tests. We have to see if you’re worth our time, because …
Andrew: I see. So now I see three different sales options. Now I think I understand it. There’s small, medium, and then do you want to be a millionaire, and do you want to be a millionaire is a video, and underneath it is a button to apply, and then when they apply that triggers a call from you guys, where you figure out what they’re about, and you decide what to sell them.
Tim: Yeah, and we’re trying to help them. We’re trying to see what’s best for us too, because it’s no longer, obviously you see my sales growth, but its lagging. It goes one, two, three, four million. Okay, next year maybe five, maybe six million. No, that’s not what I want. I want to get to 10, 15, 20, 30 million. The way to do that is true success stories. Google helps a lot and everything, but people don’t know who I am on Google. A lot of our best sales are referrals from existing customers. When they pay me a few hundred dollars for an educational product, or a few thousand dollars for in person coaching, they make $10,000 or $20,000. They tell their friends and they tell their family. So a lot of my customers are just word of mouth. That seems to be the best thing, because then you get rid of the whole scam doubting kind of layer. That’s what …
Andrew: If it’s so easy, then why do you teach it? Why don’t you just trade your stocks?
Tim: It’s not so easy. It’s easy to make a few thousand dollars. Making $2,000 in 20 minutes this morning that was as simple, it’s the exact same pattern as everything I’ve been teaching for five years. Only about two or three dozen students actually made the same trade and saw it ahead of time, because most of my students are lazy. That’s the sad truth.
Andrew: Even after you screen them out, they’re mostly lazy?
Tim: They don’t want to look every single day. No one wants to see all the video lessons. I have 800 video lessons, roughly 70 hours of content. There’s always new stocks in play. The stock market, unlike social media, is constantly moving. When I go into teach social media and how to monetize it I’m much more excited, because it’s not always changing. You can actually stand still for a week and nothing changes. I made over $3 million trading, but now I made over $10 million blogging in just a few years.
Andrew: I want to come back and find out how you monetize social media, but for now let me stick with a couple of things that we talked about in the past. First, you were going to create a site that teaches people how to blog, but my sense was, when you told it to me and you told it to my audience, I think we talked about this publicly, it was a test. You wanted to see if people are interested enough for me to build it.
Tim: Yeah.
Andrew: You didn’t end up building it, did you?
Tim: No, I mean, it’s also me managing my time. I’m still getting better. I finally just hired a personal assistant and live in chef. I’m just trying to sort through my busy day, because there’s so many people, thanks to these pictures, thanks to my marketing, there’s so many people who want in. So, I need to manage my time better. 2012 was a big year with that.
So Upsellonomics is tremendous. It’s why I’m also here with my partner Zack, who’s like the brains behind us. But, you know, it takes time and that’s what it comes out. Everything good takes time. I’ve been working on two books for the year or so but just a little bit in the background. I haven’t had time to dedicate because again I make nearly $300,000 trading in the stock market last year. I’m also doing video lessons, seminars, webinars.
Andrew: So what’s the biggest source of revenue? Is it that monthly newsletter for $100 that people sign up for, is it the videos? What’s the biggest?
Tim: I mean, it’s all kind of merged now because we create these combo packages where it’s not like ‘You’re just getting the newsletter’ because now it’s the newsletter and the DVDs and the seminars. Our products go all the way to over $10,000 now where if you want to learn with me in person, like I’m going in 1 week, actually less than 1 week, 4 days, I’m going to be in Rome teaching students from the [??] and I’m going to lose money on renting this $7,000 a night hotel room that these people are paying me to learn. But it doesn’t matter because I get great video and interest and all feedback and they say look ‘We’re living luxuriously and you can ]??], you can make money from anywhere’.
So even though I lose money on in person events, my whole thing is I need to create successful traders and create successful customers. My future business depends on their success. So we have a good relationship.
Andrew: If anyone in the audience wants to text message me, text message me. I got my phone here with me with an extra battery until we figure out the chat box. I want to at least use text messaging to interact.
And I want to hear what you guys think of the photos that Tim is posting online. What do you think about his approach to selling. There should be a box right on where people are watching us live where you can tell me about this.
So Tim, here’s my feeling about this and help me understand this.
Tim: Please do tell me. What are your feelings?
Andrew: Here’s the thing. I want to follow your lead here but I don’t feel comfortable saying to the world ‘I can make you a millionaire. Be a millionaire’. I don’t feel comfortable flashing this stuff out there and I know that anyone who’s listening to us is going to say ‘That’s great for Tim. I don’t want to tell to people that they can be millionaires’. I don’t want to go down these path.
Tim: Everybody has their own limits. You have to decide what your limit is. I have no limits because I want to be the single most successful teacher in the history of the world. I want to do whatever it takes to create a millionaire. I will do whatever it takes to create multiple millionaires.
So if I have to take photos of girls in bikinis and drive Lamborghinis and travel the world, which you know, it’s really not that bad of a job, it’s actually quite fun, I’m going to do that. Because that is what I found works best to inspire people. And people who don’t see the educational value, think it’s just fluff. I’m working just as hard on the background for my premium stuff as ever. But this stuff is great to try and get you in the door.
Andrew: And the long term strategy is to do what?
Tim: Create a millionaire. create multiple millionaires. And then wit the rewards of telling people about [??]. So we brag about it. Everything I do I brag about. If I’m driving my Lamborghini and I get a ticket for triple [??], guess what? I’m going to post a picture of the ticket. [??] is real. It’s the beauty of the business.
Andrew: It’s all about bragging.
Tim: I don’t exaggerate. Like there are [??] who rent these exotic cars for like a day. I own my Lamborghini. I have a $5 million mansion in Miami these days, like, these are the things that I already have so it’s about being real and being ostentatious. Being a little over the top but it’s just for a good purpose and that’s what it always comes down to.
You know, if I lost my Lamborghini, would I be crying? No. I don’t really even care about it. It’s just a toy, it’s just a marketing device to get people in the door. People who want Lamborghinis work harder. That’s the honest truth and that’s my stats say. And this is what Upsellonomics, this is what it’s all going to be about because you don’t see the stats that we see. I see that the video views have gone up 30% when I get new students who want these superficial things. 30%. That’s a big increase for doing the exact same videos before and after when I post these like rich lifestyle type photos and videos.
Andrew: Wait, wait. So you’re saying 30% more people buy from you when you post a picture?
Tim: They watch and they read the content and they open the emails more because they want the rewards. showing the rewards first before the teaching is a huge step. Before I would always teach and teach and teach and teach and people were like OK. There’s a few hard workers but that’s not the majority of the people.
Our society, our world is driven by monetary and superficial rewards So, by showing these rewards first it’s showing them the carrot. That’s what gets them to drive much faster and further. That’s why I had a dozen students who made over $100,000 last year. The year before I think I only had one or two. It’s not because I had that many more students, it’s because I had better students. My key is finding better students and getting more, because what if I come back next year and say, “Look, I had a dozen students who made over $1 million.” Guess what I would do with their photos and their videos? I would dress them like the little monkeys that they are, although they’re self sufficient, because I’ve taught them and I haven’t just given them a million dollars, which is more valuable. Then my business expands from this four, five, or six million going up a million a year type thing, to 40, 50, 100 million because, guess what? More people want to be millionaires. I’ll do what it takes. You have to decide what it takes for you to live with what you can post, and what you can do to inspire your students.
I will do anything to inspire my students. That is what’s most fulfilling. When I make $2,000 in 20 minutes, I’ve done it thousands of times, I felt nothing, but I was very glad that some of my students made the same trade. Some of them even made it better. Mark Crook [SP] used to be an accountant working in a cubicle. He’s watched all of my videos four times. He’s now one of my teachers too. He’s up nearly $200,000 with my strategy. He no longer works in the cubicle. He can travel anywhere. Guess what? He is incentivize by my pictures. He did the trade better than me today. Fantastic. That’s what gets me really excited to bound out of bed every morning these days.
Andrew: In the beginning it was a blog with you trying to sell. You were selling a book, you were selling videos, you were selling membership. It evolved and we learned about how you grew it over the years. What happened in 2012? What was the new thing that you, I keep interrupting my own question, but it seems like one thing you learned is to call up customers and close the sale over the phone and qualify them, as you talked about. What else did you learn that’s new that my audience can say, “Hey, you know what? This guy has some real substantive business tactics here.”
Tim: It’s all about thinking long term. Social media, teaching over the internet, this is all new industries. For the first few years I just wanted to build my net worth. Now I’m worth a liquid $3 million in cash. That’s nice, but what is my life really going to change if I’m worth a liquid $4 million in cash? Not much. I want to get to 20, 30, 50. More importantly, I want my students to get there.
Andrew: Wait, let’s see how you got to here, and then I want to know what you’re planning to do to go even bigger. What did you do? What else did you learn that someone in the audience can say, “Hey, I took that one tactic away, that one message away, from Tim’s interview, and I feel enriched by it.” Give me one thing you learned that worked for you.
Tim: The main thing is getting better customers, not just getting more customers. Quality over quantity, because those are the people, the brand ambassadors, whatever you want to call it, what is it, a thousand true fans? That whole thing where you get these people who absolutely love you. I didn’t do that before. I was spreading myself too thin with too many products, just trying to cast a wide net all over the internet and trying to catch people in. Now, I catch people in, but most people aren’t worth my time. I’ve become much more picky. I think that if a lot of people can do that, rather than saying, “Oh, if China has a billion people, if I just get 1% of the market…” No, forget China. Most Chinese people are incompetent, and corrupt, and greedy. Those aren’t good customers.
Andrew: At the end of last year, you told me privately that you had fewer customers and less traffic than the year before, even though your sales grew. Actually, you probably told me that publicly too.
Tim: Yeah.
Andrew: Did the same thing happen this year, fewer customers?
Tim: Yeah, the exact same thing. You know, I’m still working on quality free content. I’m actually trying to get better with that, but with the TV show, writing the books, caring about premium subscribers more, some stuff falls by the wayside. The other day I forgot to blog for five days. I wish that I had more time, but I also don’t want to get sick. I already work 17 hours a day. This is why I’ve started hiring more people. We talked about this last year, but this year I’ve doubled my team up to over 20 people, to handle everything from programming, video, dealing with students, brand ambassadors if you will, and just taking a lot off my plate.
Andrew: Wait, what are the brand … You have students who do what?
Tim: What do you mean? Well some students, this is the interesting thing, before it was just me giving my trade alerts. Now some students like Mark Crook [SP], Alex [??], a future one Tim [??] has made over $100,000 and he just graduated from college, they become teachers. They’re teaching my strategy, or some variation of my strategy. The students become the teachers, because they’re experts. It’s kind of like, you know, I call it the Jesus business model. You have Jesus. He’s one man. He died. I don’t want to die, but [??] have priests giving the same kinds of advice, and the same kinds of wisdom, so that I have more time. So, we’re just building these little businesses. They’ve all just started in the past year, but it’s a very good process. [??]
Andrew: You’ve been wanting to do this for a while. I think before you called it the P. Diddy model, where you wanted to be a producer of other artists, and you wanted them to go out and make money, and you get a piece of it.
Tim: I think I said it was Def Jam Records [SP]. I don’t know, something like that, where it’s definitely more along the lines of rappers. We’ve been doing that. I just launched this guy. His name is Paul Scolardi [SP], his nickname online is [??]. In two months, he’s over 200 students, because he’s had all these 50% wins and 100% wins. People are like, wow, this is amazing. It’s also a bull market, so I am …
Andrew: You get a share of his money?
Tim: Yeah, I take a third, you know, a 30% cut.
Andrew: You process all his sales to make sure you get the money?
Tim: Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. I handle all the market. Basically, what we do for, if you’re a profitable trader investor out there, we’re always looking for more gurus, we basically handle everything on the back end. There’s a lot of stuff on the back end. We have 22 different pieces of software from credit cards, to affiliates, to customer service that we basically [??], so the guru can focus on creating good content and teaching his students. That’s what gurus should do all the time. So, that’s what we try to do with these guys.
Andrew: I’m being asked about Investimonials and, those two sites.
Tim: Investimonials is an SEO powerhouse. We get 2,000 unique visitors a day just because there’s over 25,000 reviews on different brokers. We have over 10,000 products, financial products listed and there’s just reviews. It’s like Yelp or Trip Advisor. We really haven’t figured out how to monetize it yet, but we just keep getting more and more reviews, and it becomes more and more useful over time., you’re sharing all your trades, and it’s become this platform where we can deliver real time trade alerts via text message, we have a chat room. We have roughly a thousand students in the chat room during the day now. That’s up from 600 last year, which is up from 300 or 200 the first year. The chat room is much more interactive. Any time during the day …
Andrew: Do you have to pay to get in that chat room?
Tim: Yeah, yeah, so that’s part of the newsletter. The newsletter, you’re getting chat room access, you’re getting watch lists, you’re getting trade alerts, you’re fully prepared. Before, when I first started, it was one here, buy a book, buy a DVD, buy this, buy that. It was one off products. Nothing was syncing. Nothing was symmetrical. Now it’s okay. We have an overall mission to make you into a better trader. We simplified the tag line, just become a better trader, be a better trader. That’s it. We’ll do whatever it takes, whether we show you data, we show you video lessons, we show you trade alerts so you can learn in real time, all we’re doing is trying to share information as good and as comprehensive as possible to make better traders, and more profitable. Then, because our prices are so low, you can make back all the money in one trade. It’s a good value proposition.
Andrew: Now if someone buys into this and says, “I’m not ready to go as far as Tim Sykes and get a Lamborghini, and show off the picture, but I do not want to be one of these idiots with social media and waste my time on there building value for someone else. I want to build my own piece of this, my own business the way that Tim has to the extent that I feel comfortable.” What do you tell them to do? Where do you start?
Tim: You need to test your audience. In the first two or three years, even though I was making a million dollars a year, I was just testing nonstop, posting different photos, posting different kinds of blog posts, exposing scams, posting customer testimonials, and seeing what got me the most sales. At the time, I was focused on growing my business one sale at a time. Now I want better customers, better students, more dedicated, so I’ve shifted a little bit. But, always be testing. Never just post, some businesses think I’ll just post one testimonial a day every single day for a month, testimonials should sell. No, you need a variety, because you need to see, based on Facebook likes, based on Instagram likes, based on feedback from your customers what gets people motivated about your business. For everyone’s business it’s going to be different. For me, because it’s the stock market, because it’s about making money, you’re graded in the stock market by how much money you make, that’s the one thing. It doesn’t matter if you do a great stock trade and you lose money on it you’ve lost. You want to make money in the stock market. So, everything I do is based around money. Obviously there are some people who are teaching how to kayak better and that has nothing to do with money. So, maybe show photos, maybe show videos, but always be using these social networks, and use your audiences …
Andrew: What didn’t work for you?
Tim: What didn’t work for me?
Andrew: Yeah, what did you post that just fell flat.
Tim: Long videos, long exposes, anything long, people have a short attention span. That’s why I went with Lamborghini over Ferrari. Lamborghinis are more striking. They hit you. You know what a Lamborghini looks like right away. A Ferrari, you might mistake it for a Toyota or a Lexus, if you’re not looking close enough. So, I learned that people have short attention spans. Even if I make an amazing video lesson for an hour talking about everything about this company, dissecting it, which takes me four or five hours of research, I get three Facebook likes and people are like “Good job! Hard worker!” Then, I freakin’ take a picture of my Lamborghini, I posted a picture of the trunk because the trunk is in the front of the Lamborghini. It was funny, going grocery shopping, I had baby spinach and I couldn’t fit all of the baby spinach in the trunk because I didn’t want to crush the baby spinach. People loved it! That took me no time, the baby spinach was like $4.95 a pack and that got a lot more feedback than an hour long video. I tested and I evolved.
Andrew: What about being a leader instead of being someone who is trying to pander to peoples’ interests?
Tim: I am a leader. I don’t see any other bloggers or finance people talking about what they do with the money that they make. I am fully transparent, even more than transparent. I’m over the top–
Andrew: Shouldn’t you say, “Hey, you know what guys, I know you want to watch this Lamborghini shot, but what you really need to see is a picture of this desk where I sit and I frickin’ work my ass off all day long. Then, I go to sleep and I wake up and I do it again.” If that’s what–Go on.
Tim: You have to be careful about instilling your values in others. I do that by teaching. Gradually, if you’re a student and if you’re learning the premium video lessons and watching how I trade every day and work hard every day despite, I was in Turse and Kakos the other day, I’m in LA, I’ll be in Italy. I still work hard, I still do my research, I still have my routine but in order to get people to see that, day in, day out, you need to, kind of, trick them. When I make the analogy, “If you see a homeless guy on the street and he’s asking for something to drink and you have a bottle of Jack Daniels in your left hand and a bottle of green detox in your right, which is he going to choose? The bottle of Jack Daniels or the green detox?”
Andrew: The Jack, I would choose the Jack.
Tim: So, this is what I would do. I would give the homeless guy the Jack, but because he’s homeless he probably has cataracts and he’s probably not in good shape, I would put the green detox in the Jack Daniels bottle and trick the homeless man into drinking the good green drink. That’s what I’d do. All this social media, all this stuff, I’m tricking people into actually working hard and they don’t realize it. Outsiders think that it’s very superficial and stupid. They look down on me. What I’m actually doing is good for the homeless people, good for social media people and they just don’t see it until you see the effects over time which is why that thirty percent increase in video watching is so important. You can see all of my students profits. My students have now made over six million dollars. The increase in their profits, the arc has gone up, the steepness of the profits has increased thanks to this stuff where I’m tricking them because they’re basically like homeless people. I want that to make sense. It’s very important.
Andrew: No, it makes a ton of sense. I did an event with Neil Patel, up on stage and Otis Chandler, of GoodReads and a bunch of other entrepreneurs. At the end I took Neil and a couple of others out for a drink and I said, “Neil, I’ll be honest with you. Here’s the revenue from the night, here’s how it went.” Neil goes, “That’s okay but if you really want to make money, what you need to go after are the people who have to make the mortgage payment this week. Those are the guys who have the real money, those are the guys who are willing to spend their real money.” Which is so counterintuitive. Have you found the same thing?
Tim: I don’t want to go after those people, I want people who can be self sufficient but yeah, you want people who want it more. That is what Neil Patel is basically saying. People who are motivated. Finding the people who are the most motivated is what matters. I don’t want to go after somebody, like I get emails saying, “I want to make $3,000 this week can you help me?” I don’t want those people. I want people who are interested in the longer term, but I want people who want that money. That is the toughest part of my job, finding the hardest working students. My guy who made $600,000, he’s not even posting his trades anymore because now he’s spoiled. I’m like, “Yo dude! Post your trades!” and Eric, he likes to play golf, he likes to drink, he’s like, “No, I’m making good money. I want to be private.” That’s not your fucking choice! You know? If you come with me on this path of making a lot of money, I need you to be diligent, I need you to be transparent because its not just about yourself, its about inspiring others. What I’m trying to do is create a whole society that is open. The finance industry is not an open industry. It is the antithesis of open. So, I’m trying to change the industry for the better, but yes, I am using tools like these superficial pictures to get people interested and motivated and it works like a charm.
Andrew: What happens when you fail? How do you as a person–
Tim: I won’t. I will not fail. Even if I am dead, my video lessons will live on. I will create a millionaire from scratch. I will create a millionaire from scratch. I will create a millionaire from scratch. I will create many multi-millionaire’s from scratch. You watch, Andrew Warner.
Andrew: Tim . . .
Tim: You watch . . .
Andrew: That’s not what I’m saying Tim [laugh] . . .
Tim: . . . for the next few years. You said what if I fail.
Andrew: No, no, no, no, no . . .
Tim: Failure’s not an option. I will not fail. I want this too bad. I get too fucking pumped up. I love seeing my students banked, and I will make sure it happens.
Andrew: What I meant was, a couple years ago you were on here you had a set back and I asked you why were you open about it. And you said, I want to leave the world bread crumbs and show the world that yes I had this setback and when they come back and look at my story they will see that I was open with my setbacks. And that’s why I did that interview with you on [??] and was open about it. [breath] What I mean today, when you’re a guy who’s now seen as a success, when you’re a guy who people are trying to imitate and pinning their hopes and dreams and their big aspirations that they were too embarrassed to even have, on you. And if you have a public setback, how do you handle it?
Tim: I blow it up. I make it huge. I show off all of my failures and I make it big. I actually was speaking at Tulane University. I have a scholarship there. They invited me back to speak to the students about career advice the other day. And the same question came up. And there was a whole panel of speakers.
One guy who manages a 2 billion dollar hedge fund. There’s all these successful people. One lady works for Obama. And they said, you’re going to have set backs, you just try and diminish it. Try to down play it, move on and be more positive. And I said, ‘Fuck that. Blow it up. Make it huge. Show everybody the failures, because when I fail, I know I’m always going to come back.’
For example, one of my biggest blog posts last year in 2012 was when I lost nearly $40,000 in one day because I was trading with a fever. 102 degree fever, and I was stupid. It was a dumb mistake, but it was the right pattern. I eventually turned out to be right 24 hours later. But I took too big of a position. My head was hurting. You shouldn’t trade with a fever. And a lot of people doubted me.
And that negativity spread everywhere. And people were saying, ‘Sykes is over. He’s going to blow up. He’s such an idiot. He’s making excuses about some fever.’ I actually did have a fever. And the beauty of my business model is that everything that I talk about actually happens. But what happened was, the next day when I turned out to be proven right, even though I lost 40,000 in 1 day. I made back about 26,000.
It was one of my biggest profit days and people saw it live. And even though I still had like a 99 degree fever, the negativity knowing the fact that I would succeed, I didn’t know if it would be the next day, or the next week, or the next month, the negativity brought in people to watch, because it was real. Rather than these [??] who claim I make money on every single pick. People like Jim Kramer on CNBC.
He’s only right 30 to 35 percent of the time. But if you look at his track record, guess what? He doesn’t show it all. He doesn’t talk about it. He doesn’t delve into it. One of my most successful emails of last year was learn from my biggest loss of 2012. And I show it. And I talk about it, because I know that, guess what? No matter how bad it is, I will succeed because I’m that motivated. And that’s what I want. People to get back on the horse. A lot of people, they have a big loss or they screw up and they never come back.
And they’re embarrassed. They can’t dig themselves out of the hole. And that’s the wrong attitude, so my showing exactly what the right attitude is helps. Helps dramatically. And it helps all these people who do have losses. And sometimes I have losses. It happens to everybody. But for me as a teacher, I need to blow everything up.
Whether it’s a big win, a big loss, I don’t care. Because I’m just trying to show people, this is what I’m doing. Look at me. Learn from me. Learn from what I do right and what I do wrong. And that attracts a lot of customers.
Andrew: I’m glad you’re recording your side of the conversation. Some of this is coming in a little bit blurry, but we’ll take you recording and post it for the people watching, afterwards. I wonder what the value is, frankly. Let me ask you this, Tim.
Tim: Yeah.
Andrew: A lot of people have been asking me to do some kind of community. And the reason that I’m doing this interview live is so that maybe we can put a chat box underneath it in the future, and let people talk to each other. But what’s the value of just letting people chat with each other? Why do they keep asking for it?
Tim: People are lonely. Especially internet people, and they want community. I was against my chat rooms at first, because I think that if you learn ahead of time, and you’re prepared ahead of time, you don’t need the comfort of others. Unfortunately, most people, again, most of my students are lazy. They don’t have true faith in me.
They don’t have faith in the patterns that I teach. So they look for others, and they say in these little chat conversations, “Who else is from Canada?” And people go back and forth. And they’re like, “I’m from Canada.” And they feel better, because they’re not alone anymore. And I don’t think that’s a good thing.
I wouldn’t create a community if I didn’t have to. The chat room is necessary because of real time information with the stock market. With you, I wouldn’t create a community. I would say, “Look mother fuckers, I’m the expert here. These other people that you’re talking to, they’re just wannabe’s.” It’s like going to a networking event where there are all these little people who are meaningless and they are going nowhere in life and they’re have all their business cards and they waste your mother fucking time. You need to do better with your time and that’s what I try and teach people and it’s not an easy lesson because they want to chat, they want to be lazy, they want to be sociable, no. If you’re truly an expert or if you truly want to be an expert, you need to focus on your craft like the fucking Samurai soldiers who used to spend all day perfecting their craft. Watch The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise.
Andrew: All right. Well, for anyone who is watching us live right now, this is an experiment. After Tim and I are done, I want to get one person, maybe a premium member, up on Skype to chat. Maybe we’ll even broadcast it; I want to hear from you guys why you want this community and what you’re looking for and what the experience of watching this live has been for you today. Tim, Upsellonomics, what is it?
Tim: Come in here Zack. Let’s have Zack explain it. We’re working on this literally like all day, this morning and tonight. This is my partner, Zack, and he’s responsible for really helping me change my business from just…, I used to do like 50 percent off DVD sales. That was my big sales tactic. Now he’s changed the business. He’s going to explain for a second.
Andrew: OK, Zack, I hope he’s recording this clearly because right now you’re just coming in as one big blurry blob on the screen [??].
Zack: That’s what I look like, so [??] what’s up, is that good?
Andrew: Give me one thing useful before…, I don’t want this to be a promotion for Upsellonomics. Give me one useful tactic for selling. Tim just said that you helped him sell, that you gave him better ideas than his old 50 percent off sales idea. What’s one thing that you did that helped him?
Zack: Obviously like Tim and I have been working together now for a couple of years and even before I came along, obviously Tim was really successful, but it’s all about presentation and like Tim’s been talking about inspiring people, and so it’s kind of like selling people the dream, but actually that’s where a lot of marketers have it wrong, is they try and sell the dream, but their product sucks or they’re just doing it to make money; whereas with us, it’s about selling the dream and building that posture, and then actually getting like a kick-ass product.
Tim: Giving the homeless guy green detox juice.
Zack: Something like that, so but I can like wrap it up…
Andrew: That’s what you’re saying, you’re saying, “Hey, the thing that we did to increase sales is create a good product,” and most people don’t?
Tim: Get out of here, get out of here.
Zack: I’m explaining this.
Tim: All right, all right.
Zack: So no, the most important thing someone could ever do is [??].
Andrew: Come on, channel Tim.
Zack: Work on your funnels, that’s it. Like if I could tell anybody anything, you work on your funnels, you posture the people like putting emails into your funnels. You take them through the exact funnel that you want to take them to [??].
Andrew: [??] most audiences wouldn’t be that interested in a funnel, but once you start talking about a sales funnel, I’m curious. What did you do to smooth out his funnel?
Zack: Oh man, as you can see, we only have like two different areas someone [??] off the website. Everybody always tries that stupid bullshit like, “Sign up for my free newsletter or a couple of big tips,” and stuff like that; whereas people come into our world and make X dollars, X amount of days or drive this Lamborghini or come trade with me here, right, so we bring in this excited funnel which we actually really live that lifestyle, and then the funnel usually lasts probably like four to six months [??].
Andrew: Four to six months is how long a funnel [??]
Zack: This product and this product, and so we offer them like a level of different products of ours, different services of ours, and you know what? The thing that is really advantageous for us, maybe versus other businesses, and this is where a lot of businesses suck, is their products suck, right, so they try and launch and drive people as fast as possible to buy their best product the fastest; whereas we can take someone, get them started here, get them started here, and they keep buying more of our products because we actually have a good product. We spend a lot of money and we spend a lot of time on product fulfillment and that’s where everybody gets it wrong, everybody gets it wrong, so that’s why we see big returns as months go by. Usually, life of a lead for some people is what, like five to six weeks sometimes, so after you capture their email, standard marketing is four to five weeks after that lead is dead, right, there’s no responsiveness; whereas with us, it’s not even a lead, it’s a client of ours and they’re just getting better and better because we actually give a really good product, so we sell, and we market, we give really cool and we sell it kind of hot with like really cool cars or models and all this cool stuff, but at the same time, we actually really back it up and give that student a chance to create wealth or whatever, and then four months down the road when we release a new product, when we have a new event, guess what? They’re buying again versus other marketing companies. That lead is already pissed off; they don’t feel like they had a good product.
Andrew: I’m so glad you guys are recording your side of the conversation. I apologize for that because I wasn’t able to live capture most of what you said, but here’s what we’ll do, Tim?
Zack: Yeah, I’m back, Upsellonomics.
Andrew:, Tim [??].
Tim: What he said is posturing, and that’s so important because I’ve always had a good product. I just didn’t explain it clearly and I didn’t explain the rewards in the past, so now I clearly define the rewards and now people can justify it, “OK, this is what could be done, this is what could happen if I am successful,” and so it’s my whole job at getting people successful so that we fulfill everything, and that’s what it comes down to.
Andrew: OK, so you say you’ve always had a good product, but you had a hard time explaining it or you didn’t do as good a job as you do today explaining it, and the way that you explain it today is by showing people the benefits of it and those benefits are the models, the cars, the trips around the world, and the money in the bank.
Tim: That’s it. You show them, you give them the carrot and then they race and it works so well. I’ve always had the product the background. That’s why like when you came on here, it’s like, “Oh, all I see are these empty blog posts and stuff like that.” I’m going to get you signed up as a premium mother fucker and then you’ll see exactly what we have.
Andrew: Is part of the reason that you call people is so that you can figure out what to charge them, like the electronics sales people in New York used to do?
Tim: No, no; what you have to understand is whether I make three, four or five million dollars right now, it just doesn’t matter. That’s the truth. I mean with the $4.4 million in revenue, just under 50 percent margins, I’m doing well, but my life doesn’t get changed until we do something huge where we have these amazing testimonials, and so I don’t care if someone spends $1,000 or $2,000 or $5,000. It’s nice, like I want them to buy more, but I also want them to have the right fit and some people, if they just want to learn like part-time and they’re not really into it, OK, so they can study the video lessons on their own, but they don’t have time for the fully intensive stuff, so I’m not going to try and pitch somebody who’s working 7 days a week and try and sell them like, “Oh, you should come learn with me in person,” because they’re not going to have time because you can’t take off work, so it’s about finding what works best for people so that they can be the best traders that they can be.
That’s what I learned over the past year and it’s not an easy lesson because before, I’m a greedy Jew and I just want the most money, so I’ve had to take a step back, and we have scholarships too. Every now and then we have somebody where they’re like, we want to invest in their future because they want to work so hard, and that would be fantastic.
Andrew: All right, well, you’re incredibly compelling. I love watching what you’re doing on social media. I love watching how you react to people; I love the photos.
Tim: Don’t you dare say I failed though.
Andrew: You know what, that that’s what you heard and that that pissed you off the way that it did.
Tim: Because there’s a difference between [??].
Andrew: I may say [??], but why does that bother you so much? Are you feeling like you’re close to that? I don’t see it today.
Tim: No, I’m not close to it. I’m just so determined and I want you to understand how determined I am.
Andrew: So why did that piss you off so much. You clearly got angry, so angry that even as I tried to explain that what I meant was a set-back, another issue like you had back [??].
Tim: Because you used the word “failure.” Fail is different than set-back. Fail is permanent; set-back is temporary. I have set-backs all the time. I had a set-back where I had to realize that I wanted better students rather than more students. That was a big set-back for a very long time, for several months, when I had to change my whole business to basically go from giving all this free content to get the most number of students, to getting the best, and that took awhile. That was a set-back. Fail is permanent, like you have failed, you will not create a millionaire, and I am so determined to create a millionaire, I will not fail.
Andrew: I see, that’s your next goal and now you’ve said this publicly, that you’re going to do it.
Tim: Yeah, I mean I’ve written blog posts. That’s what [??].
Andrew: I said, “What if you fail?” You thought I was talking about this. What if you fail at finding a millionaire?
Tim: Creating a self sufficient millionaire from scratch. I will not fail because that is what it’s really going to take my business to the next level. And so my entire, again, whether I make $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 million. It’s all nice. I’m living comfortably, it’s fine. But to really get the big money to be really successful, to influence the most number of people, to teach the most number of people I need to create a millionaire and that’s what everything is focused on.
So even there’s empty blog post, guess what? The people who actually want to be millionaires, who have the best shot at being millionaires, they’re not even reading my blog posts, they’re not even following me on Facebook because they’re already in. They don’t need to be tempted, they don’t need to be inspired anymore. We’re already studying all the premium content that I give them, which is a lot.
Andrew: James Ash says that he was glad that I asked you about the failure question, that I followed up with that.
Tim: Give me a few audience questions. If you’re going to do a live interview, I mean, let me hear them.
Andrew: You know what? All I have right now is people texting me and I realize that I didn’t give them enough room to text. So the questions are being cut off.
I knew that you’d be up for experimenting.
Tim: Nobody asks a one sentence question. Tell your people to be more concise. There’s a freaking lesson. Twitter has 140 characters.
Andrew: Oh, here we go.
Tim: You can’t ask a question in 140 characters?
Andrew: No. I’m cutting it off.
Where does Tim see himself in 20 years? What does he want to be?
I know what you want to be. You want to be $30 to $40 million, you said earlier, right? How do you get there? Sorry, actually, you know what? I shouldn’t answer for you. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? James, I’m sorry for cutting off your question, and how are you going to get there?
Tim: You know, it all depends on when I create a millionaire and how many millionaires I can create because if I create 1 millionaire in the next 10 years, sure, my business will probably do $30 or $40 millions because everybody wants to be a millionaire. But if I create 100 millionaires, then guess what? I don’t know where my business is going to but I’ll be damned happy that I created 100 millionaires.
So it’s tough to visualize where I’m going to be in the future based on how many millionaires I create.
Andrew: And then how do you capitalize on that?
Tim: Let me focus on creating a millionaire first and then, you know, again I have the TV show, I have the books, I have websites, I have social media knowledge. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. There’s a little company called Subway and they did pretty well off of marketing Jared who lost all that weight.
Andrew: I see. You’re looking for your Jared.
Tim: I’m looking for my Jared. And, you know, I think that’s going to really change everything. Once you hit that, I mean. It’s cool to make a few hundred thousand dollars and all the people that have made over $100 thousand last year are very happy. I mean, they didn’t pay me anywhere close to that amount, you know, a small fraction. So they’re in the green by far. But there’s something about millionaires status and being totally self sufficient and just free of everything.
Andrew: I see. The more you say this to, the more people want to sign for your programs because people who are listening are saying ‘I can be that person. I can follow Tim’s advice, I’m determined, and I’m going to make it’.
Tim: Well, I mean, just thinking about what people are doing there. They’re going to school, they’re getting in debt for years and years and years hopefully to get a job that’s paying 5, maybe 6 figures eventually so that they can pay down the debt and maybe then 10 or 20 years later they can make enough money to become a millionaire.
So it takes them all and all, if you’re a doctor, lawyer, 10, 15, 20 years to be a true millionaire. With my stuff, guess what? You can start learning, you can start profiting today. There’s no debt and everything is just sped up and yes, it’s not like a respected industry like doctors or lawyers or perhaps that’s why there’s so much opportunity because everything is chasing the wrong stuff and I have this undiscovered niche, which is the way that I like to think about it.
Andrew: All right. I’m going to take one final question from actually someone who wrote in to me. This [??] came into me from Andrea [??] who runs a company called Launch Grow Joy which helps people with their physical products, jewelry, toys, apparel, etc. She helps them with those kinds of businesses and she says she likes to hear people talk about overcoming their obstacles.
How about that? Do you have an example of an obstacle you’ve overcome in the last year?
Tim: Yes. I mean, the main obstacle was finding dedicated students and that was changing from, you know, posting a lot of detailed stuff for free because people, you know, when you learn for free you don’t come back to the site. You’re not really inspired. You’re like ‘Ah, I’ll check it out every now and then. He posts good content but I’m not really going to be dedicated’.
When I make sure that, yes, you have to actually pay and you have to get in here. You have to be motivated constantly, daily, with pictures and videos and showing you possibilities to actually want to study hard. That was a total shift. If you look at my Facebook photos, or I just joined Instagram a month and a half ago, but if you go in and look at my Facebook photos from two years ago versus now, totally different, totally, totally, totally, totally different. That was a big obstacle. I take a lot of flack. A lot of people don’t get it. A lot of people are like, “Oh, you’re so obnoxious.” That is the main change with my business. You haven’t seen it reflected in the numbers, the revenue numbers, but we have seen it reflecting with the students. I think that will be reflected in the students success, which will eventually get back to my revenue numbers and profit numbers going forward. It was a weird problem to have, but it’s definitely an obstacle.
Andrew: All right, the website is, but frankly don’t go there. Go follow his Facebook profile. That’s where I feel a lot of the fun is. Tim, thanks for doing this interview.
Tim: Thanks for having me, and say hi to all your poor fans out there. Hopefully you can be more financially …
Andrew: Why do you say that?
Tim: Because most of the people listening are poor. They’re dependent, and they’re insecure, and they hate their boss. They have to worry about rent, and child support, and crappy little fees like that. That’s how they’re living their life. They need to entertain themselves with bullshit like Huffington Post, and Press Hill [??], and on the internet. When, in fact, they should be looking at the internet at the giant boat of opportunity that it is, and taking advantage of it, and capturing the low hanging fruit. Then they don’t need useless entertainment. They can change their lives. They can finally be free and finally be happy. That’s why I say, say hello to your poor people, because they’re using the internet wrong …
Andrew: I don’t think that’s my audience. I think the person you’re describing is not my audience. I think the person …
Tim: Who cares what you think? Who cares what you think? You’re poor too.
Andrew: [inaudible]
Tim: You’re wrong. Your whole audience, and when I say poor I don’t mean somebody who has $5 to their name, I’m saying somebody who’s not a millionaire. Your audience is mostly not …
Andrew: I see, you’re saying anyone who is not a millionaire is poor, and they should go and sign up for your program to become a millionaire now.
Tim: Correct. Correct. [??] sign up. I don’t want people …
Andrew: That’s essentially your marketing right there.
Tim: No, I don’t want just people who sign up. You’re stuck, if you actually have a dedicated program, if anybody has something dedicated to turn somebody into a millionaire so that they can be self sufficient and not so unhappy, 75% of people under the age of 30 hate their jobs. That is your audience. That’s everyone’s audience. That’s disgusting. You spend most of your life at your job and you hate it.
I’m offering you the opportunity to try and change that. I wish more people were doing this. I wish there were more teachers like me with more Lamborghinis. I don’t think there’s that many teachers with Lamborghinis, and if there are they’re embarrassed to show it, and that’s sad. For shame. For shame. The American education system is screwed up. We need to change it. I’m at the forefront of doing that.
Andrew: I can watch you talk like this all day. I freakin’ love it. All right.
Tim: I can talk like this all day. I’m talking into a laptop, but I know that I’m reaching these poor people out there, these non-millionaires, who want to be millionaires. Maybe there’s one or two who’s like, “You know what, Tim? I’ll do this. I’ll study.” All it takes is like an hour a night. I’m not asking you to devote your life. This isn’t a true Jesus [??] business model. You don’t need to become a priest, you just need …
Andrew: You know what it is? We don’t have a TV at home, but when we’re away on vacation, if there’s a TV in the hotel room, I will turn it on and watch an infomercial. Olivia won’t know why I get sucked into it. It’s because I love good salesmanship. I feel like that’s what you’re showing.
Tim: This is not salesmanship. This is just truth.
Andrew: You’re one of the best …
Tim: This is not salesmanship at all.
Andrew: It’s not salesmanship?
Tim: This is not salesmanship at all. If I was the best salesman, I’d be a fucking billionaire. I created Eric Wood. He’s texting me right now. He’s up $600,000 in a year and a half. I have over a dozen students who make six figures. If I was a good salesman, I would be a fucking billionaire. I’m not a good salesman. I’m just dedicated. I will be a billionaire when I create a thousand millionaires. Think about that. Think about that.
This is not an infomercial. How dare you say that, Andrew. I’m going to smack you next time I see you.
Andrew: What is this?
Tim: What is this? This is me being fucking pissed off that there’s not more millionaires in the world, and there aren’t more people willing to do this. That’s what this is. I get frustrated, because I get emails every day …
Andrew: I’m getting questions. I’m getting just reactions to you. [??] I better hold it in … All I’m doing, this guy’s off the wall …
Tim: Let’s hear what these poor people say. Let’s hear it. Let’s hear what poor people think. What kind of ramen noodles is Tim eating? No, I don’t eat ramen noodles. I’m having an amazing caviar, and lobster, and steak tartar dinner.
Andrew: This is the best. Look, Tim, here’s what I see here. You can talk like no one I’ve ever seen before. You can rip into people. You can sell. I could watch this all day.
Tim: [??] inspire. This is what I want to do. I just want to inspire people. I want people to realize that if you’re not a millionaire, you’re poor.
Andrew: If you’re not a millionaire, you’re poor?
Tim: Yes. That is …
Andrew: Is Zack poor?
Tim: That’s on my tombstone. No, Zack’s not poor, we’re multimillionaires.
Andrew: Zack’s not a multi-anything.
Tim: Zack is a multimillionaire. I’m going to post this.
Andrew: How is Zack a multimillionaire?
Tim: Guess what? He is great at posturing. That is what we do. He changed my business. If he didn’t change my business I’m still selling these DVD’s…
Andrew: He’s been posturing?
Tim: Yes. Posturing. That is what I’m selling. That is what all this is about. I’m teaching people how to change their businesses. I was doing a million a year. It was fine. I was technically a millionaire. Now, it’s about multimillions per year. There is a difference. There is a whole other realm that you need to get to. You are not doing it right yourself so you are going to be one of Upsellonomics’ best students. I’m excited.
Andrew: I’m looking forward to checking it out. I’m looking forward to having you back on to talk about your growth. This is one of my favorite interviews of the year. It feels like it always comes in February.
Tim: We will be back. I don’t know when stuff is launching. All I know is that we will keep you updated.
Andrew: I’m getting all kinds of comments from the audience that I will not read.
Tim: Give me some comments. Come on! Give me something. Give me some fuel. I love this stuff.
Andrew: “This guy is off the wall.” Here is another one; “Tim needs to teach a mixergy course on how to strategically be a dick.”
Tim: I am off the wall!
Andrew: I hate saying these because I like you. I don’t want this.
Tim: I’m pissed off that I haven’t created a millionaire yet. It’s absurd that after five years teaching this same.. Look at MJNA. It is the exact same stock market pattern. I’m not creating anything revolutionary. People still don’t do it. It’s pathetic. It’s disgusting. So, Yes. I am off the wall. Thank you buddy.
Andrew: I have to tell you, I don’t agree with that person. To me, I could watch you all frickin’ day. I love this stuff.
Tim: That is because you are a multimillionaire and you know what it takes to get there. Do you appreciate it? Poor people don’t know what it takes. They don’t even have the faintest idea of how hard they are going to have to work to actually become a millionaire. That is why I despise them. I want to slap them silly and tar and feather them if it were still legal.
Andrew: The website. As many negative comments as I am getting right now, I am not going to continue to read them. I know that after the interview what will happen is people will send me compliments like they did that one time that you said…
Tim: Negativity to poor people is positivity. Negative times a negative is a positive. All these people are meaningless. They are going nowhere in life. They don’t mean anything.
Andrew: Another person is actually saying, ‘That comment was said with love. I enjoy this.’ Alright. Great. Don’t worry. I’m not going to read your name.
Tim: He is still not going o change his life. After this interview he is going to read Perez Hilton and see what Beyonce wore at the fucking Grammy’s this weekend. That is disgusting to me.
Andrew: All right. I’m going to leave it there.
Tim: Although she looked great at the Super Bowl. I give her props.
Andrew: Why do you do this? You wear Lamborghini, you tell me, “Andrew, give me a few minutes to go get myself to look right”, and then you are in a bathrobe. I was looking at the video from two times ago and you were at home in a bathrobe too, with your hair all funky.
Tim: This is how I work. I work from home. I can work from anywhere.
Andrew: Why don’t you inspire my audience with the way that you look or a good backdrop or something?
Tim: I don’t plan these things. If I planned this I would have the models in here and one would be licking my ear right now. That’s what I would do if I really planned this. This is how I work. I work in a bathroom. That is the beauty of being a bathrobe millionaire. You can work from home. You can work from your hotel. I don’t own a suit, Andrew. I’m out here filming and if they want me to wear a suit, I don’t own a suit. I don’t own a suit. OK? I don’t. I wear loafers to weddings. I don’t own nice dress shoes. I don’t need that. I can do whatever I want because I’m a fucking multimillionaire. I want more people to feel that way. That’s it.
Andrew: Whatever I say, you are going to come up with a great way to turn it around.
Tim: I’m not turning anything around! I’m explaining to you that I don’t wear these things.
Andrew: First of all, you are saying that you need to show people that you have a Lamborghini. You need to give them aspirations. Then I ask you why you come on with a bathrobe and you say you need to show people that a bathrobe is the way to go and you don’t have to get dressed up.
Tim: I drive my Lamborghini in my bathrobe all the time. I drop stuff off at the bank. I go to Subway. I don’t give a fuck. When you are a millionaire you can do whatever you want. OK?
Andrew: I would do a weekly session with you here but I have to end this right now.
Tim: I wish I had time, but I don’t.
Andrew: First of all, I need your recording of this interview so I can get a clear copy of what you have said here. Not just yet. Don’t hit stop. Second, I want you to go check out Tim’s Facebook page. You guys will find it. Third, right after this interview, especially those premium members that texted me…I need to find a way to open the texts up to everybody.
Tim: Yes. I want to see these comments.
Andrew: At the end of this interview, which we did live, could one of the audience members help me break this down? Tell me what you saw from the audience. All I saw was me trying to organize this interview. I’m going to end it right here. I’m going to talk to the audience. I’m going to see what they say. This is the least structured interview that I have ever done. I still frickin’ enjoyed it.
Tim: Get your Indian transcribers. Pay them 50 rupees more and get them on it!
Andrew: Alright. We are going to have them on it. Tim, thank you so much for doing this interview. Zack, good to see you. Bye everyone.