TechStars Series: How GrabCAD Built A Thriving Community

How do you build a thriving community of over 194,000 engineers?

Hardi Meybaum is the co-founder of GrabCAD, which has the goal of becoming the “largest mechanical engineering collaboration platform.” I want to find out how he built his community.

This interview is part of my series with entrepreneurs who were funded & helped by TechStars.

Hardi Meybaum

Hardi Meybaum


Hardi Meybaum is the co-founder of GrabCAD, which has the goal of becoming the “largest mechanical engineering collaboration platform.”



Full Interview Transcript

Andrew: In this interview, you’re going to hear the very entrepreneurial

thing that today’s guest did one week before his first daughter was born.

You’re also going to learn how he got investors for his startup even though

the dude was way outside of Silicon Valley. If you’re going for funding,

if you’re outside Silicon Valley, I want you to specially pay attention to

that section. And you’re going to see how his company turned down customers

and why doing that can help you build a better business too. All that and

so much more coming up. Three messages before we get started.

First, do you need web design work? Go to It’s run by Alex

Champagne, who has helped me with a lot of last minute projects at Mixergy.

Now he’s running a design company at

Second, do you need a lawyer who actually understands the startup world

that you live in? Go to I’ve known Scott Edward

Walker for years so tell him you’re a friend of mine when you go to

Finally, what are the big challenges that you have as a founder? Go to and take courses thought by proven entrepreneurs who

want to help you get through your toughest challenges.

Let’s get started.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew:. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. How do you build a thriving

community of over 194,000 engineers? Hardi: is the co-founder of GrabCAD,

which has a goal of becoming the largest mechanical engineering

collaboration platform. They’re well on their way to do that. I want to

find out how he built his community, how he got so many engineers to engage

in it and so much more and we’re going to ask him that. But before I do, I

got to say thank you to TechStars and specifically to David Cohen for

introducing me to Hardi. This is part of my series of interviews with

founders whose companies were funded and helped by TechStars. Hardi,


Hardi: Welcome.

Andrew: Hey, I want people to understand how effective your site is or how

important your site is to engineers. I was wondering if you could start off

by telling the audience the story of the motorcycle designer who was using

GrabCAD because I think that’ll help the audience understand your business.

Hardi: Yeah, happy to. So we have one mechanical engineer called Terry

Stonehawker. And it was summer in Midwest in America. I don’t exactly know

where he lives but we’ve communicated many times and he was really

struggling in his life. His passion is designing and building motorcycles

but he didn’t have work because he joined GrabCAD during the recession and

in his area there really wasn’t a lot of jobs for him.

Andrew: I’m sorry. Before you continue, let me just see if I understand

this. There’s people who just design motorcycles. Is it for fun or is it a

job that he has designing motorcycles?

Hardi: So he had, half of the time he was free-lancing designing

motorcycles and selling those and half of the time he was just day to day

mechanical engineer. Worked in a company before he was laid off.

Andrew: OK. All right. So he’s designing motorcycles. He was laid off. He

comes to your site. He registers to do what?

Hardi: So what we’ve built is a way for mechanical engineers to express

themselves through the great work they’ve done. So Terry was actually one

of our first users and what he did is, he designed one custom motorcycle

and he spent six months modeling in the computer aided design system that

motorcycle. And after that he manufactured that. But before you manufacture

something, you design it and he spent six months designing that and he

uploaded full six months work to GrabCAD and he did that for all the work

he had designed.

Andrew: So he designs a motorcycle. He uploads all the full design to your

site, where anyone else can see how he designed it. Where anyone else can

basically follow the instructions that he uploaded to your site and

recreate this motorcycle that took him a long time to design, right?

Hardi: Yes. They can manufacture it or students and not-so-experienced

Engineers can actually download to pull the models and learn how he

actually graded Decath [SP] on this.

Andrew: Before you tell me what happened to him, what’s in it for him? Why

would he upload all of his designs to your site, the GrabCAD?

Hardi: There are different motivations. For him, he really wanted to get

the word out about his passion as well as give back to the community and

help those young Engineers. There have been many peer-to-peer relationships

between experience and young Engineers that have already happened on

GrabCad. So there’s many different motivations to people who actually share

their work.

Andrew: OK. So he uploads it and then what happened to him?

Hardi: First of all, about fifty thousand Engineers have downloaded and

gained benefit from seeing his work. However, one other special thing

started to happen. He suddenly started to get a lot of phone calls from

people wanting to hire him. Today, when I last spoke with him, he’s working

with the top aviation and automotive company in Germany designing a

submarine. He’s helping people all over the world to design and manufacture

custom motorcycles. So he lives his dream, having more work today that he

can do from home that he can actually handle.

Andrew: So, Software Developers share code on a regular basis. It’s part of

the culture. What about Mechanical Engineers? Is it a part of their


Hardi: It wasn’t a part of the culture when we started. The whole idea why

we started GrabCAD Library and Profile was that we saw that to be an

inefficiency in the design process. When you’re designing a bicycle frame,

you will design first the frame, then the wheels. But you do not need

wheels, you could use work other people have done. One idea of how we see

that GrabCAD can make Mechanical Engineers work more efficiently, is to

offer them a way to share their cad files like Software Engineers do.

Andrew: Where is the revenue going to come from or where is it coming from


Hardi: Right now, we’re monetizing through challenges. So if there is a

customer who wants to solve a difficult engineering problem, they can post

it as a challenge to GrabCAD and all of our user base can solve that. This

is how we’re making revenue right now, but we’re also working on a

collaboration product that helps Engineers to work more efficiently using

modern internet. We haven’t launched that yet, but it to come soon.

Andrew: Do you know what actually? It looks like I got my number wrong.

It’s not over 190 Engineers who are a part of your community, that’s the

number that it was when you and I were supposed to do this interview a few

weeks ago, but something had come up for you. I’m looking at your site

right now, it’s over a quarter million Engineers who are a part of the

community, right?

Hardi: That’s true.

Andrew: In addition to recruiting them, you had to convince them that is a

new way to work and that it makes sense for them to do it. You also have

over forty thousand free Cad modules and lots of downloads for them. So I

have a sense now of where you are now. What I want to know, is how you got

here. Let’s go back to what I had said you did around the time your baby

was born. What was that?

Hardi: So before we started GrabCAD full time, I had a day job. I went to

work every day as a team manager for consultants and I worked on the

GrabCAD idea at night. So I really lived two lives.

Andrew: Sorry, was the business up and running then? Or were you just

working on the idea of it?

Hardi: So we had a mechanical engineering consultancy company. We had

customers ordering services from us and we work on the weekends and the

nights if were not doing our day job. And it wasn’t called GrabCAD then.

Andrew: Ah, so you’re day job was this mechanical engineering consulting


Hardi: Actually, my day job was a software engineering consulting company

where I was a team manager. My work in my own company with my partner was

where we did the services for mechanical engineering.

Andrew: So you had this software engineering job, and you had a part-time

business that you were launching, and somehow that evolved into GrabCAD, a

product that’s up and running on, right?

Hardi: Yes, that’s right.

Andrew: And you then quit your job, so you could focus full-time on

entrepreneurship, even though you had a baby on the way. Why?

Hardi: I quit my software engineering job a week before my first daughter

was born. I realized that life really cannot continue the way it was. I

felt that every time I went to work I was really miserable. It paid the

bills, it was an OK job. But every time I went home and was working nights

on the GrabCAD idea, that was the most exciting. I felt that if I had a

baby coming, I needed to enjoy life more. I felt that doing both of these

really doesn’t [??] that well. So, I decided to quit my day job, I

convinced my wife that it was a great idea, although she didn’t think that

at the time, and I started working on the GrabCAD idea full-time. I did

think that after making that decision a lot changed.

Andrew: I can see that a lot changed. We’re going to find out specifically

what changed. But first, I’ve got to ask you, what do you say to some

people, even some people in my family who say that’s irresponsible. That

you have to first focus on your child if you’re going to have a child, your

personal happiness happened before you had a child, it might happen after

the child goes to college, but you can’t take a risk with a new child on

the way.

Hardi: I think it’s less risk.

Andrew: It’s less risky to give up a salary and pursue your own happiness?


Hardi: I think that when you are being an entrepreneur, it might sound hard

but you can always get a day job.

Andrew: You mean you can always get a day job afterwards if it doesn’t work


Hardi: Yes, exactly.

Andrew: Is it true only of engineers like you? If an entrepreneur is that

idea guy, salesman type of person who has a vision and is going to launch

his business and it doesn’t work out, he can’t just easily go and get a job

the way an engineer can, right?

Hardi: I think you can. I think entrepreneurs are the kind of people who

get a lot of stuff done, and every organization needs that kind of person.

I don’t think there is a huge risk involved in quitting your day job if you

have some financial cushion.

Andrew: That’s a pretty confident attitude, I tend to agree with it. At the

moment, though, when I’m starting a business or taking a big risk, I’m a

little shakier about it. Do you get that nervousness too, do you get that


Hardi: Not anymore. It was a very hard decision. The first time I spoke

with my wife about it, I wasn’t 100% sure. Of course, everything seems

easier once you’ve done it. I was nervous about it, but when I thought

about it rationally, I knew that I could always go back to live that life,

although I wasn’t very excited about that thought.

Andrew: [laughs] So you had a service company, the service company was

called ‘Futech’ [sounds like]?

Hardi: Yes, it was Futech. What we found in Futech is that we were doing

this work for customers in Estonia where we started, and that wasn’t the

most exciting thing that we did. We wanted to go international and start to

get customers from the U.S. and Germany, and everywhere in the world. So in

order to get those customers we thought, what if we built just a solution

where customers can order (?) services or modeling services, or rendering

services for their ideas and we offered them to deliver those CAD drawings

and models in 48 hours.

Andrew: So if I have an idea for say an new iPad stylist, I come to you

guys and I say this is the way the stylist should look, it should feel like

this pen, and so on. And what you do is you would turn it into a

computerated [SP] design. Something that I can use to create it.

Hardi: Yes.

Andrew: That was the service business that you were running.

Hardi: Exactly. And then we launched and we branded it differently. We

launched that from And that was the first version of GradCAD.

Andrew: Oh I see. But when you were doing FewTech (SP) before this new idea

where you’re going to take other people’s design visions and turn them into

real designs, what was FewTech doing? What kind of consulting work did you


Hardi: It was exactly the similar rate but it wasn’t through the internet.

It was manually. Customers called us or emailed, and we met them and we

talked a lot about them, and then we tried it back and forth. (?) working.

So all the interactions were manual, not through the internet.

Andrew: I see. OK. By the way, how does the cost of living compare in

Estonia to the US? Is it easier to get by with less money as a entrepreneur

there or is it tougher?

Hardi: It’s much easier. The US is a very expensive country compared to

Estonia. The only thing that’s more expensive in Estonia is fuel.

Andrew: Is what?

Hardi: Gasoline. It’s like two times more expensive.

Andrew: Oh. Gasoline is more expensive.

Hardi: Yeah.

Andrew: All right. I could live without that.

Hardi: But other than that it’s a very, very cheap country. So you can

easily, if you save some money, you can easily live six months without

needing (?) or more money.

Andrew: All right. That’s encouraging to hear. All right. So let me see.

You start out this business where you were going to just pick up the phone

and talk to customers, and turn their ideas into real designs. Then you

say, huh. This is great but it’s local and just like my expenses are not

very high here because it’s local and my ability to charge isn’t very high

because it’s local. My ability to reach a lot of people isn’t very strong

because it’s local. So I’m going to turn this company FewTech into a global

operation. I’ll call it Anyone can come online and give me

their ideas and I’ll turn it into real design. How did that work out for


Hardi: So it was a very nice experience first. The nice experience was that

we really didn’t have any clue what we were doing. Starting from price, for

example, we didn’t know we wanted to have a fixed price because we wanted

that experience in ordering the service to be very (?). We thought, OK. How

much should we charge. We just came up with an idea, and by that time in

(?) I had never been in the US, so we didn’t know how much a Starbuck’s cup

of coffee will cost, or something like that. So we came up with an idea of

asking $25 for one drawing. (?). The lab built the prototype and threw it

out there, and wanted to see what happens, and surprised for ordering one

drawing was $25. Somehow we’re still not sure how that happened. We

suddenly started to get orders from people who wanted to design cupcake

ovens, ATV (?), motor engines, and all sorts of weird stuff.

Andrew: All right. I can see how it happened. It’s because you were

charging so little, $25.

Hardi: Yeah. That might be one of the reasons. But still they found us

somehow and ordered work from us, which was great. It was a very good


Andrew: OK. How long would it take you to turn someone’s cupcake oven

design into a, what do you call it? Do you call it a CAD design?

Hardi: Yes. CAD model.

Andrew: OK. CAD model. So how long does it take you to turn their idea into

a CAD model?

Hardi: The stuff that people ordered from us wasn’t very sophisticated. It

probably was two full days of working, but the trick was that those orders

usually came Friday afternoon, U.S. time, which was Friday night at

Estonian time. We promised 48-hour delivery, so basically we would forget

our weekend plans and start designing for our [dear] customers in the U.S.

Andrew: As you know, part of our research process here at Mixergy is we

look into your background and we also do a pre-interview with you. So, when

Jeremy Weiss, our producer, talked to you about this part of your life, he

said that you thought, “All right. We can’t keep doing this anymore.” That

it’s great to get a lot of business in the door, and you celebrated when

you first got it, but you had to just move on. When it was time to move on,

what did you do?

Hardi: So, we thought, “OK. That’s great. People are ordering the

services.” But when we asked our service, “Do we want to do those CAD

models every night?” the answer really wasn’t yes. Then we thought that

there are two ways to do it. One is just start hiring people in Estonia who

will be designing those products, but this was actually exactly what I’ve

just been doing in a software engineering company. I had great consultants

who were doing software engineering work for customers, and I really didn’t

want to go back on that track anymore.

Andrew: Why not? That is the job that you had before you started your

business, and that’s the job that you quit when you had a baby coming. What

was it about that that you didn’t like about hiring people? What was the

frustration that made you say, “I’m never going back to that”?

Hardi: In that particular company, I think it is a totally different

experience when you’re building a services company that just builds the

stuff that other people are interested in. It’s a totally different company

when you have a product company, when you have a vision of one product, and

you can grade that product, you can shape that product, and see how other

people use that. So, that was one of the reasons why I didn’t get to

excited about going to the services one. That was the reason moving to that

direction with a company where we actually decided, “Hey, let’s build an

internet solution, where engineers can find work from customers who are

already there.”

Andrew: I see. I see. It’s also pretty hard to hire people like this. We’re

not talking about hiring someone to set up a WordPress blog. This is pretty

complicated stuff, and if you were going to start hiring for this, it would

take a long time, it would be a tough process. Then you’d have to keep

those people happy. All right. So, you came up with the smarter idea, which

is to just put those design jobs online and let engineers come it?

Hardi: Yep.

Andrew: What did that first version of your site look like?,

Hardi: Before we launched that part, really the first version of GrabCAD

was a quite ugly one-page, three step, you submit the design, describe what

you wanted, and we calculated the price. Then you inserted your name and

pressed “submit”. That was absolutely the first version of GrabCAD. How it

happened? Indrek, who is also a mechanical engineer and I’m a mechanical

engineer, Indrek did a HTML and design. We’re two mechanical engineers, and

we hired one that’s also an engineer to do PHP code for us. He was trying

to build that in three months, and couldn’t finish that. So, he came to us

and said, “It’s too complicated for me.”

Andrew: That three step process is too complicated for him?

Hardi: Yes.

Andrew: I could do that for you in four seconds.

Hardi: Good. We learned that later on, that software engineers can grade

that in half of the day. Yeah. He came to us and said, “I will not charge

you money, but I cannot do that.” He delivered the code for us, so I

actually all night learned the PHP. I finished the product and I pushed

that live. So, two mechanical engineers created the first version of

GrabCAD. So that was really the first version of what we did.

Andrew: What year was this?

Hardi: This was 2010.

Andrew: You guys could use the woof, woof form to do that. But you didn’t

know? I’m not laughing. I’m laughing at the situation. So here’s the thing.

You’re coming at this space. You’re coming as a mechanical engineer from a

place of confidence, from a place of knowledge and experience but when it

comes to software, you just didn’t have that. You were just willing to go

in and learn and put whatever took out there and figure it out.

Hardi: Yeah, and by that time when we were building the first version, we

didn’t know the term venture capitalists. We didn’t know what VC meant.

Andrew: All right. You didn’t know what venture capitalist meant. You were

in Estonia so you weren’t part of the tech community and didn’t know about

things like minimum viable product but still you created a minimum viable


Hardi: Yes. Now when I’m reading the books, I see the [??]

Andrew: It’s not a minimum viable product. It’s the Estonian launch. That’s

the way you did it. I always ask this of people who say things like you

did, which is you told us this is an awful, crappy site which was the first

version. The question that I often ask is why did you release it that way?

How did you get yourself to overcome the feelings of insecurity that are

natural to an entrepreneur who says I’m in business because I want to

create something that I’m proud of. That’s the way you want to feel.

That’s the reason you got into business and then the first thing you launch

is something that you yourself call crappy. How do you get yourself to go

from that to that?

Hardi: I actually, this is the problem. We never had because one of the

core values of the company’s learning and you don’t think that we are the

smarter people in the room. We think that we can learn quickly and during

the whole process of building GrabCAD we always listened to our customer

and we always experimented by throwing stuff out there and seeing how

people actually used that. And I think the first version of GrabCAD

illustrated that we didn’t, everyone said this idea is not going to work.

There wasn’t anyone who said ‘That’s a great idea. You should do that’. And

we just wanted to try and that was the smallest thing we could do to try if

it could work or not and I think it was a great experiment and that thought

us a very important lesson that you should really experiment and see how,

what people think rather than listen to criticism of people saying that

will never work.

Andrew: So is the only way that you knew that this was going to work, the

rest of the world didn’t but you did, is the reason why you knew it was

that you had a hunch or was it also that you talked to people who needed a

CAD model? You talked to people who had these visions for products and

didn’t now how to create CAD models and you understood their frustration

and their desperate need. Was it anything like that or just a hunch?

Hardi: I would be lying to say they were talking a lot of customers saying

that ‘Do you want this product?’. Like, we didn’t know anyone in the U.S.

We didn’t really have a clue. But we had a hunch and we knew that it’s

actually very hard to order very small services and there are a lot of

overhead. So we knew that’s the problem we saw everyday. And we knew that

but we didn’t knew who are our exact customers. Are they from the U.S.?

Germany? Out of big companies or small companies? That was just the

experiment throughout and find it later.

Andrew: I see. So the document, this three part process built in PHP that

you learned overnight or on the evenings, that was your way of figuring out

that there was a market for it. There was no conversations with customers.

There was no heavy market research. It was just ‘Hey, I’m putting this out

there and if people come in and fill out this form, even though I’m not

marketing it like an SEO guy, then it means that there’s something to


Hardi: Yeah.

Andrew: OK. All right. So there was something to it. You couldn’t keep up

with it. It was time to find a way to open this up to the world and the

engineers who are out there creating this CAD models. What’s the next step

that takes you there? What do you do to launch that business?

Hardi: So we learned that the hard way. We were in Eastern Europe, in

Estonia and we had second time which was, the problem we had is in order to

do this work with all the [??] we need lot of engine and the idea was that

in order to get these engineers, we would create this repository where

people can share CAD files. Engineers can share CAD files and that’s how we

would get the engineer using the product. But based on our skills and

creating the first version of GrabCAd, we already knew that that’s not

something that we can do. And then we read a couple of books and learned to

turn [??] and it was time to raise some money. And so we met a couple of

investors in Estonia and really the feedback was ‘OK, you have some

customers. That’s nice. And you have some product and you have vision. OK,

that’s very nice but now what we need to start, what you need to start

doing is creating a business plan’.

Andrew: A business plan.

Hardi: Business plan so what we did is we created a five year or seven year

financial model. We did market research. We found out exactly how many

engineers there are. We found out all these facts that they’re totally

useless and I think the business plan was like 50 pages long and we stopped

finding new customers, just creating business plan on a Word document and

spreadsheet, because investors asked that. So that’s what really invent. We

raised money with that business plan from Eastern Europe.

Andrew: You did?

Hardi: We did, yes. That was our first seed run we did. Very small run but

we convinced investors that we can write a great Word documents.

Andrew: But it took you six month to write this business plan. You lost

customers along the way. How much money did you raise with it?

Hardi: We raised $360,000.

Andrew: OK. All right. From what kind of investors? Professional angels?

Hardi: One angel and one institutional BC in Eastern Europe in Estonia.

Andrew: What about the issue that you guys weren’t software developers? How

did you address that?

Hardi: It wasn’t an issue. If I see back at the time, I would really raise

the red flag but this wasn’t an issue for investors by that time. I think

maybe one of the reasons why it wasn’t an issue was we actually

demonstrated that we can actually build the product.

Andrew: I see. And you hired someone to do it, too. I mean, you were going

to hire developers to do this for you.

Hardi: Yeah. So we hired actually a fantastic software engineer to start

working for us. He’s a very smart guy but then we made our second mistake

which was that he decided to move to Brazil and we were in Estonia and when

you have a startup, you really need to be in one room. So he’s unfortunate

enough not to with the company anymore because it was very hard for us to

work together in different time zones and we didn’t have money so we

couldn’t afford traveling back and forth. So that was the mistake but he

laid out the great fundamentals because he was the best [??] engineer.

Hardi: So you raised a few hundred thousand dollars. It was going to go to

software developers and I’m guessing also to designers of the site. The

site, if I understand it right, that next step for the site was to create a

repository of CAD models so people can share them and when engineers came

to share them and to submit them and to look at them and so on, some of

them would end up doing the work that your customers we trying to hire you

to do, right? Create CAD models based on people’s visions.

Hardi: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew: OK. So how far along did you get with the three hundred or so

thousand dollars that you raised?

Hardi: We actually, how far away we got? So I think we managed to build

that product that get about 3,000 mechanical engineers and about 100


Andrew: OK. So 100 people who were willing to pay you for CAD models, and

engineers who can do that work. How was the pairing going, were people

actually getting hired?

Hardi: Yep, they were. Our model was different, so we were always, on

GrabCAD, obsessed about the quality of the content and the engineers. In

mechanical engineering you can just make mistakes. If you make a mistake

and design a bridge that fell apart when you were walking on it, and you

got killed, then you are in trouble. So we focused a lot on the quality of

engineers and models, so we created a model where customers can say to us

that they have a certain kind of project, and we actually went to our 3,000

users and find the right engineer for that customer, and we really like the

project managers of that process to make sure that all projects will be

done in a good way and a quality way.

Andrew: At that point, what were you charging and how much did you guys get

to keep?

Hardi: By that time, we were not charging $50 any more, I think the average

project value was around $1000. The work amounts were really quite small

again, so we raised prices I think four times. Our margins were actually


Andrew: 80% goes to you, 20% goes to the engineer who develops the model.

Hardi: Yes, because we put a lot of work into that.

Andrew: OK. And because you’re vetting the process throughout, I see, OK.

Hardi: Yep, and we always did the quality control and everything. We

actually did most of the work in-house.

Andrew: By the way, you say that creating a business plan was waste of

time, but was there any part of it that was helpful to you? Like

understanding how many engineers there are in the world? Or one of the

things that I remember business plans have in them are the risks to your

business. Does having to confront your risks help you deal with them

somehow? Was there any value in creating that business plan?

Hardi: When you think about something, there is always value.

Andrew: I see.

Hardi: There might have been some value. When you’re creating something new

that nobody has really done before, how could you possibly know what the

risks are? You can make your best guess, but they will always be best

guesses. Instead of focusing on creating a nice, 50-page long thing on

paper, you should really focus on talking with customers and trying to get

your product out the door. You will get actual feedback from the market

rather than your own ideas of what the market will look like. There are

usually big gaps between those things.

Andrew: For you, what were those gaps in what you thought market needed and

what it ended up needing?

Hardi: I think we totally overestimated at the beginning how difficult it

would be to get engineers. We thought that we would have 100,000 engineers

in two months. I haven’t looked back at the spreadsheet, but we really

didn’t have any data to make the best guess. We weren’t very accurate doing

that, because we didn’t fully understand the motivation of why someone

should sign up for GrabCAD. I do think that if we would have spent that

time actually talking to engineers we would have a much better outcome.

Andrew: What else do I want to know? So you said you’d be better off

talking to customers than creating a business plan, did you eventually talk

to customers in the early days, and if you did, what did you learn from


Hardi: The good thing is that with our services business, we already had

customers, so we knew about the customers, but it wasn’t very helpful,

because when we actually introduced the new product that you could order

services online at much cheaper price, they all said why would I use the

internet to talk to you? Why shouldn’t I just call you up and get together

and start working and that. So there was some learning, but it wasn’t at

the same time.

Andrew: All right. Why did you come to the U.S.?

Hardi: So we launched GradCAD library and repository, and then we started

to look around. So what’s going on in the world? And we found that, I

think, in Estonia, I don’t have exact data, that there are maybe 1000

mechanical engineers, maybe a little bit more. Around a couple of thousand,

a thousand to a couple of thousand.

Hardi: And then we looked at looked at Long Island in New York, there are

more than 1000 mechanical engineering services companies. And that’s really

helped us a little bit of [??] And we always have been talking with

customers, even in the early days, and we just wanted to be very close to

the customers. That was really a totally different scaling in the U.S. So

we then decided to come to the U.S. and we didn’t know much about that.

Andrew: You know what, again you said, talk to customers, be close to the

customers. I got to ask again, what did you learn from talking to those

customers? You have this constant conversation with your customers that I’m

concerned as an interviewer, what you learned from that process becomes

almost invisible to you because it’s just part of your day. Just like you

don’t think of how many times you took a breath in and out today, you also

don’t think of how much you learned from talking to your customers. That’s

my theory, you tell me. What do you think of that?

Hardi: I think maybe you’re right. Maybe that’s so deep in our company

culture is to listen to what people are saying, that I take it for granted.

But I think one of the main assumptions when I’m trying to remember is that

we thought that… Now I remember, one other idea is that we thought that

customers in the U.S. are actually much more sophisticated and more eager

to use that service, because people are using more internet than they were

in Estonia. And that was one of the assumptions we made, which have been

true but we also estimated that part as well. Our industry is very


Andrew: All right, and did you move to Boston specifically in the U.S.?

Hardi: As I said, never been in the U.S., never know what to expect. So, in

Europe, Boston doesn’t exist.

Andrew: People in Europe don’t talk about Boston?

Hardi: They don’t talk about Boston.

Andrew: OK.

Hardi: They talk about Silicon Valley. So, when I started to do some

research I saw that three big CAD companies are in Boston, and one in

Silicon Valley. So I bought the plane ticket… We didn’t have a visa, so

only a tourist not a business visa, so I couldn’t work in the U.S. and I

could only stay here for three months. I was a month a half in Boston and a

month and a half in Silicon Valley, and the idea was that after these three

months I would go back to Estonia and we will decide, should we move to the

U.S.? Where? To Silicon Valley, or in Boston?

Andrew: I see, and what’d you come up with?

Hardi: We came to Boston, we actually find some very good customers who

were ready to give great feedback, we found a lot of advisors who were

ready to give advice. And we really didn’t find that good connection in

Silicon Valley. We found it a little bit more in different places, and it

wasn’t that tight community. So we decided that Boston is a better place to

build our company than Silicon Valley.

Andrew: All right, and you met a bunch of people like you said, one of them

is Jon Hirschtick [SP], who’s he?

Hardi: So Jon Hirschtick is a founder of SolidWorks which is really one of

the great success stories, CAD success stories and he built the company

that creates software for mechanical engineers and is currently probably

the most widely used among engineers.

Andrew: Solid Works is the name of the company, right?

Hardi: Yes.

Andrew: He sold the business?

Hardi: Yes, he sold the business. It was a great exit for everyone and

really a great story. I met one consultant who works in Silicon Valley and

he said to me, “Before you come to the U.S. try to schedule meetings two

months before because people are so busy, we’ll never get a meeting, so try

to schedule it two months before.” I didn’t do that, but what I did is I

listed three people I would like to meet and who were famous in Boston and

in CAD community. One was Jon Hirschtick, on the top, and I thought if I

would meet him, that would be really great. I came to Boston and the first

week we needed to find an apartment; the second week I was meeting him and

I think I spent four hours in our first meeting with Jon Hirschtick. That

was truly amazing, he’s a very inspiring person.

Andrew: What did you learn from him in that four hour meeting?

Hardi: I learned so many things. I learned about messaging, I learned

experimenting, I learned about communicating, I learned about investors, I

learned a lot of things. I really cannot put that into words.

Andrew: I got to tell the audience that you didn’t want to start this

interview until you grabbed a pen. In fact we disconnected the Skype call,

you came back with a pen and paper, and said, “Now I’m ready.” You’re a

note taker. Do you still have your notes from your first conversation with


Hardi: I do.

Andrew: How do you save it?

Hardi: I’m using a regular notebook and I’m stacking them on bookshelves.

Andrew: I see, so you just walk in, you ask him about investors or he

starts telling you about investors, you write it down; what do you do with

your notes afterwards? Beyond, obviously, putting them on the shelf, what

do you do to make sure that you use them? Do you do anything to ensure that

you use what you’ve learned?

Hardi: The process I’m using is that every Friday afternoon I go through

all the notes that I’ve taken. I write them in my computer so [??], the

most important ones and the ones that I feel are so important. Then I start

to think about them in the near future or in a year. I make sure that I see

them every single week so I have this process of capturing those notes.

Andrew: What do you mean, where do you put them to make sure you see them

every week?

Hardi: During that Friday afternoon I go through the old important

projects that I’ve been thinking of starting and I’m deciding if that’s the

right time to start. Once a quarter, I go through all the projects that

have come up in the last two years to see maybe if these are the things

that we should start working on.

Andrew: You said that you take your notebooks on Friday and you type into

your computer the key ideas that you’ve learned. Why not just start off by

writing them in a laptop or writing them into an iPad? Why not use

something digital as opposed to what I’m using right here, which is a pen

or pencil?

Hardi: Actually, two weeks ago I started to use my iPad for that and it

does save a lot of time, but when I’m using my pen I will never just write

down sentences. There are a lot of arrows and you really cannot do that

with an iPad. I do fear that you are having a conversation with someone and

you take your device out, and although you’re making notes, it disconnects

you a little bit with the other person, so that’s why I like notes. So it’s

a trade-off, efficiency versus keeping engaged.

Andrew: You know what? I found that too. For years, I would pull out my

phone, whether it was the old Trio or the iPhone, and take notes in

conversations, and it was always awkward. I had to either announce it, and

say, ‘Look, I know this sounds weird but I’m not texting, I’m typing some

notes,’ or just put it away. Something about paper makes people feel like,

‘Whoa, you’re really paying attention. If you just got out a piece of paper

and a pen, you must really care what I say.’ For some reason I’m really

interested in how people capture ideas and how they use them.

Hardi: I can see it.

Andrew: Sorry?

Hardi: I can see that.

Andrew: Yeah. [laughs]

Hardi: Nobody has ever asked me before.

Andrew: As an entrepreneur, do you feel that this was an unnecessary

diversion? Did I pick on some random fact in your life and get carried away

with it? Or is this something that you would be interested in if you heard

someone else talk about it?

Hardi: I actually think it’s very interesting. I just recently joined a CEO

group where a small group of CEO’s share their experiences and share some

of their action plans, what they’re planning to do. I’ve found that very

helpful in understanding how other CEO’s think of running their companies,

and that’s actually helped me rethink how we are doing things here. The

only reason why that happened is that I actually saw under the hood what’s

really going on. So I think it’s very interesting and important.

Andrew: What’s the entrepreneur group that you’re a part of?

Hardi: It is called High Grove [sounds like] CEO.

Andrew: All right. Why did you go to TechStars after having already raised

$300,000, after being in the U.S. and getting to know some really smart

people, why’d you go to TechStars?

Hardi: When I’m thinking back, first of all I really like the managers of

TechStars. I’ve met Brad Feld and the Boston TechStars managers Katie Rae

and Reese Southerburn [sounds like]. They’re just amazing people. I thought

that having, for three months, these people helping us in building CrabCat

[sounds like] would be just an amazing experience. It was true, it was a

great experience.

Andrew: What did you get out of it? What’d you learn or do differently as a

result of TechStars?

Hardi: That’s the question that I’ve had asked so many times. I would

actually not do anything differently. What I learned was that speed

matters. This was the first time I saw how others’ [??] actually worked. I

could benchmark CrabCat execution to twelve other startups. And they were

all executing at amazing speed. This is one of the things we learned, that

in three months you get so much stuff done. I’m trying to remind myself

every now and then to ask are we executing with the same speed as we were

when we were in TechStars. If you’re not, let’s start thinking about why.

We should execute that same speed in order to be successful.

Andrew: What about the way that you structured your deal when you were in

Estonia? How did that influence your ability to structure a deal with

TechStars and future investors in the U.S.?

Hardi: The deal structures here in the U.S. are very different than they

are in Europe, and they’re even more different when you’re in Eastern

Europe. The whole deal structure wasn’t the greatest to go and raise money

from the U.S. But luckily, our first investors really understood that in

order to really build a business we need to be flexible and they needed to

be flexible. They’ve been actually very, very helpful and very flexible in

adjusting so we … [??]

Andrew: So they restructured their deal so that it would be more of an

American structure? Just so you could grow?

Hardi: Yes, that happened, but it was really a win-win solution for


Andrew: What’s a way that they had to restructure it?

Hardi: Not to go into the details, but one of the things we needed to is

bring our headquarters from Estonia to the U.S. During that process, the

legal structure of the board is very different that it is in the U.S. There

were some negotiations, and in the end we found a solution where everyone

was happy but that wasn’t the solution that we started with.

Andrew: What about that in Estonia investors would get a bigger piece of

your business than in the U.S. right?

Hardi: Yeah, that’s true. Usually the valuations in Estonia are much

smaller than in the U.S., so luckily we didn’t raise too much money

initially, so we still had an opportunity to come to the U.S. and raise

money with a little bit better valuation.

Andrew: How much money did you raise?

Hardi: We raised, after that, $5.5 million.

Andrew: Wow. So, we understand where the business is at this stage in the

story, then you made a big change. What was that?

Hardi: One of the things we learned was that focus really matters. This is

something we keep learning all the time. In January of this year, we looked

at what we were doing. We were building challenges, we were building

services, we are helping people order these services, we were building [??]

community, and we started to build this collaboration for the…there were

all so many different things on our plate, and we really sat back and

thought what kind of company do we want to build? Do we want to build a

marketplace and be a police in the connection between the engineers and

customers, and both engineers and customers were saying maybe you don’t

need to be involved. We really asked ourselves what kind of company do we

want to build, and are we offering a really true value by being the police

between customers and engineers. We decided that what we were good at is

building products for mechanical engineers, so we did a quite big change by

closing down the whole services part of the business. We took away

customer’s ability to order these services, and we closed that part where

we were booking engineers by being the middle-man in the collaboration. We

built the functionality that actually helped customers contact directly to

engineers, and we started to promote that functionality more. We set the

focus on building the collaboration product.

Andrew: So you gave up a whole lot of customers, and how much in revenue,

in order to make this shift to a more focused business?

Hardi: I would not like to share the revenue numbers, but we gave away

about 200 customers by that time. And that was a hard decision, but we

don’t know if that was the right decision or not, because we’re still on

the journey, but as of now it has been the right decision. Our product got

much better because we focused more and we do one thing good, not five

things OK.

Andrew: What are the challenges that you mentioned in the interview a few

times, the product of challenges, not the challenges you face as an


Hardi: We have a challenging product. One of the things, as I’ve said

before, is that we constantly experiment with different models, and think

about all the things we can do with this big crowd of mechanical engineers.

We came up with an idea. Imagine if you had tens of thousands of engineers

that could solve one problem, or give feedback on the ideas on the next

iPad 4 or 5 in a very short period of time, a week. That would be something

very volatile [sounds like]. We reached out to a couple of customers,

saying we have this idea, what do you think, would you be interested? And

the first customer we reached out to was a Canadian company who was

building electrical superbike. There was just one guy who was a mechanical

engineer, he had one other guy, I think he was a manufacturer, and he

raised himself as well. He said in order to win this international North

American superbike championship, I needed a lighter bike. So I have this

one piece here, and it’s really heavy. I bought it from one big company,

and I need it lighter. We both [??] said just come in and design this

lighter piece for this person trying to win this championship. And in two

weeks he received 200 design ideas from engineers, actual CAD ones with

stress coloration he could just manufacture. He was so impressed by that

model, and we thought, ‘There is something here,’ and we made a product and

started to offer that to other companies as well.

Andrew: So they pay to run a challenge, and the engineer who has the best

solution that the customer wants to pay for is the one that’s picked and

gets paid.

Hardi: Yes. That’s our old idea, in reality we of course get paid, but

we’ve had so many different challenges. Usually five engineers would get

paid. Sometimes the company who organized the challenge hires all the

engineers to continue working with them. One challenge that we did, 40

engineers got paid, because the customers decided to use every single

design that people [??]. So there are a lot of different models, and our

customer and engineering community is helping us to figure out exactly the

right model for us.

Andrew: It seems a little bit like this is similar to 99Designs for

Designs, where you put up a design challenge, and you decide that you’re

either going to pay for the top design that you use, or maybe for a couple

of designs. It’s similar to that, right?

Hardi: Yes, and actually the 99Design founder is our Asian [sounds like]


Andrew: Who, Matt?

Hardi: Yes, Matt.

Andrew: Oh, cool. Is he the one who opened you up to this idea?

Hardi: Actually he contacted us later, once we already did that.

Andrew: So he saw that you did it, and he talked to you about how to do it

right, or does he automatically say, ‘Hey, I want to invest in you.’

Hardi: He said that he would like to help do it right.

Andrew: OK, then he came in as an investor afterwards.

Hardi: Yes.

Andrew: I’ve met him a few times, he was one of my early interviewees. I

remember once we were talking when we were both on this week in startups,

about where else could his crowd sourcing idea apply, and for some reason

neither one of us though of mechanical engineering. Maybe it’s because we

were both so focused on software and design, our world. Looks like you

found a whole other world to apply some of the ideas to.

Hardi: What I’ve seen, and I’ve found is very disappointing, is people are

thinking that those great iPhones or iPods (I actually have an Android) or

iPads or MacBooks, they’re [recording cuts out] somewhere. Then you can

start coding and using them. But there are a lot of people building

products that are around us. I’m sitting on a chair, and a lot of engineers

put their heart into designing and making sure you can manufacture that

chair. People take those products for granted.

Andrew: We do.

Hardi: In reality there are a lot of people, a very big industry, working

very hard and not really using great tools and are not that [??] so that’s

where our [??] is.

Andrew: All right, I’ve got two other questions to ask you. The first is

about how you bring people in. How do you get mechanical engineers to come

in? They’re not like teeny-boppers; they’re not like teenagers; they’re not

like social media experts who are flitting around, waiting for someone to

create a new community for them to be a part of so that they can chat on

it. They’re serious people with a lot of work to do who aren’t exploring

similar sites to yours. How did you recruit a quarter million of them to be

a part of your community?

Andrew: Sorry, one sec, it looks like our connection just went down for a

moment. And I see you’re smiling, so I feel like I just missed a great part

of the answer. Can you take it again from the top? How did you get them to

be part of your community?

Hardi: The truth is that, yes, they’re not using Twitter. They are on

Facebook, but they don’t really know what social media is. They’re giving

their social media time to GrabCAD, not to Twitter or Facebook. And the

point of this community is that it’s a very tight community. People talk a

lot. And our growth has been all about word of mouth. So we don’t have any

[??] functionality. We don’t have anyone marketing on it, though, to be

honest, we’re just about to hire someone. It’s all about people saying,

“Yeah, I found this on GrabCAD, you should check it out” and then sending

emails to the whole engineering department saying, “You should check it

out.” And people really are Googling great content. So that’s how our user

base came to be. We are one of those lucky companies who have not worked

very hard in order to get a lot of people using our program.

Andrew: Are you in any engineering magazines or blogs? Do you do any of

that? You do.

Hardi: Yeah, we are, people are writing about us.

Andrew: Without you soliciting them and building a relationship to


Hardi: Yeah, we’ve been extremely lucky with that. I think one of the

reasons is that we’ve really been focusing on how to create value for the

individual engineer. And because of that, they’ve been sharing some really

great content, and that gets people excited.

Andrew: All right, I want to say something and then I’m going to ask you

that final question. And I think your answer to it is going to be a little

controversial. That’s why I saved it till the end.

Hardi: I have three minutes of battery.

Andrew: Oh, three minutes of battery? All right, so here’s what I’m going

to say. Guys, go to, where we offer courses by real

entrepreneurs who can teach you what they’re especially good at. All those courses are yours once you join. All right,

here’s your final question. Your video’s frozen, you’ve got less than three

minutes left, so here it is. You say you have to commit as an entrepreneur

full-time to your business. You can’t do it part-time while you’re doing

something else. Why?

Hardi: Because in order to build a great business and great product, you

have to fully commit to it. Building something new that nobody has ever

done before – it’s not something you can just do part-time. It doesn’t work

like that. It’s hard work, it’s a lot of rethinking and thinking all night,

and you cannot do it by doing two different things at the same time.

Andrew: All right, let’s leave it there before the battery completely dies

out. Hardi of, thank you for doing this interview. Everyone

else who’s out there, thank you all for watching. Bye.

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