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Hey Everyone I’m Andrew Warner, I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious up-start. How are marketers using video to get high quality traffic? James, I talked a little too quickly in that intro, I think people wouldn’t even understand what I’m saying there, so let me say it slower. How are marketers using video to get high quality traffic for their sites? Turns out that YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google. Just as years ago, marketers built businesses on the back of Google’s massive growth, today many are using You Tube and other video channels to grow their traffic and businesses.
James Wedmore is the founder of Video Traffic Academy where he teaches video marketing. I invited him here to teach us how he does it and how he teaches his students to use video to build their businesses. James, how many students? What are we talking about? Three students, one-on-one coaching, how many people?
James: Just to give you an idea, we’re over 3,500 students in our academy and these students are business owners, online marketers and entrepreneurs. Even musicians and other aspiring artists which is really cool. That number has grown to over 3,500 in just under two months.
Andrew: In under two months, 3,500 viewers, people who just gave you their email address? What do you consider to be a student?
James: These are actually paid members who are active in our community. We have a private group where we engage and interact and grow together.
Andrew: What do you guys charge?
James: It’s $97 one time fee to get access to everything.
Andrew: All right. I’m letting myself get too distracted. I would like to have you come back at some point in the future and talk about how you’re able to do that in two months, my focus for this interview is the video training. I want to learn from you how people can do it in my audience. Let’s give them an example of what’s possible. Maybe you can talk to me about your friend who’s in the relationship space who uses video somehow and then we’ll go and break it down, step-by-step-by step. In the pre-interview I squeezed a lot of tactics out of you and we’re going to give them all out here to the audience, but let’s give them that example.
James: Perfect. This is my favorite story because it’s the perfect example of a zero to hero triumph story online. A good friend of mine, I met him at a conference about a year prior and he approaches me and he says, “James, I’m throwing in the towel. I’ve been trying to run this business online for 18 months now and M barely doing a sale a day.” A sale a day was a $29.95 digital eBook that he’d been selling on his website. Now his name is Michael and he’s a relationship coach. A very unique market. He teaches men and women who have just had their heart ripped right out of their chest, he teaches them how to get their ex back when they’ve been dumped. Very unique and very fascinating.
When he tells me this, I’m laughing, uncontrollably, I say, “Why would anyone want to get their ex back?” Well apparently they do and the fact that he was getting one sale a day, which no one can live off of $30 a day, especially when you have costs in your business, he was ready to sell off his website for $1,000, ready to give up saying this doesn’t work. And really for me, just seeing that he was getting a sale was enough to know that there was potential here and that I could work with him. So, the immediate thing I did, it’s the thing I do when I go into any business online, is we look at the online video marketing strategy. Primarily, YouTube.
So, we mapped out and created an extensive YouTube marketing campaign and within six months we had over a million views onto the channel, but views don’t really mean anything. At the end of the day, within about 60 days time, we had them up to 16 sales every single day, but the best part is we were able to raise the price of the product from just $30 all the way to $100 and we started getting affiliates onboard because of this. We got guest interviews on blogs and other websites, our interviews were being shared all over the place. Videos were going viral, but at the end of the day it was YouTube that brought in, not just the most traffic, but Andrew, you said this at the beginning of the call, the highest quality traffic. Which means it isn’t necessarily about the numbers.
It’s not about getting a video that’s going to bring in a million visitors or some crazy number like that; it’s about getting a very targeted customer who is primed, pumped and ready to take action with you. Because once they see your video, once they get to know you on your video, which is working for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They come on over to your website, to your blog, to your squeeze page, they’re ready to take the next step with you and that’s what we see every day with that. So, it’s a great story and I’ve got plenty more like that.
Andrew: That is a great story and if you saw me looking down it wasn’t because I wasn’t paying attention, it’s because I wrote down some notes so that I can circle back and fill in some of the gaps in my understanding, if there are any after we go through the rest of this interview. And the rest of this interview will really answer the one big question that anyone who heard you tell that story must have, which is, “How do you do it, give me a little more details?”
James: OK.
Andrew: I want to know how he did it and how other people do it. All right, so if the person’s listening to us, is interested in doing video, what is the first thing that they need to be aware of?
James: The first thing they need to be aware of is, and it comes down to what the big mistake is, is that most of us here we’re on this call, we’re listening, and we know that we need to be doing video. We know that YouTube is important, but we just say okay, I’m just going to make a video. I feel like making a video, I’ll make a video about this or I’ll do a video about this and we start creating videos. And the things is videos take a lot more time than sending out a Tweet or a Facebook update.
So you’re putting your time into these videos, but you’re creating a video that you want to make and not what your ideal customer wants to see. So, the first thing and most important thing is that we go back to the drawing board and we do the market research. And using software like Market Samurai or I just use Google’s keyword tool, it’s free and it gives great, valuable insight into what people are searching for when they go to
Andrew: But if people are searching for Kim Kardashian, I like to always pick on her because she makes a lot of news and there’s not much substance there as far as I can tell.
James: Right.
Andrew: If they’re searching for that, does that mean I have to go and create Kim Kardashian videos and instead of business videos like the ones that I love doing?
James: Yes and no. It really comes down to the strategy that you want to use. So I’m going to give you two examples of how we can go about. So, if you’re a coach, if you’re a consultant, if you’re someone who has an online business, you know that there are people that are searching in terms that you want to find. We work a lot with real estate agents, so how to find homes in Orange County, or we’ll even go further and be if you live in a specific town, what are the things that people are searching about when they want to learn more about that town? Things to do in LA, and then you become the expert on Los Angeles and what to do.
But then there’s another great strategy just to throw at you because you asked the question, is that things that tend to trend in the media and current events can totally be leverage with your videos. We had a client who was a real estate agent and when the big Tiger Woods scandal went down, this is my favorite example, the Tiger Woods scandal went down, he did the big apology, she did a video. Her name is Hillary, she’s a real estate agent in California, and she did a video where she kind of mocked the Tiger Woods apology, just to have kind of fun and be cheeky with it, and she got way more views on that video because obviously people are already typing in Tiger Woods that week and everything.
A lot of people in our group are doing that, they watch for something that is happening in the media or current events. We had a lot of people putting up Halloween videos recently and that’s what I love about it, there’s so much potential of what I call right brain marketing. Putting a creative spin into all your videos.
Andrew: Let me put you on the spot here. Let’s suppose, I’m trying to think of someone in my audience who has more of a software based business. Let’s go with Spring Metrics. I don’t know if Spring Metrics is sponsoring this interview. If they are it’s not, this isn’t an ad for them. Spring Metrics is a premium member of mine. He has an analytics company, which helps you see where your customers come from. Let’s suppose he’s listening to this and he says, you know, I’m going to pick up on whatever is going on in the news. What happens to be going on in the news, Boom, I’m going to pretend that the past is happening all over again. Tiger Woods again has another scandal. He slept with a whole bunch of women and word comes out. He wants to capitalize on it. What does he do?
James: Well, that’s a good question. I think the most important thing is he has to figure out a way to tie it in to what his audience wants, right? So, I personally don’t know what his key words are, but before he’s even going anything with current events, doing the market research to get the key words about what they’re searching for first, is a great idea. And then from there you just, throwing that key word in there, making a fun little video about it. But at the end of the day that’s really what it’s about. It’s creating a video of value. So you wouldn’t just go in and because something happened with Tiger Woods, you’re just going to make a video where you talk about Tiger Woods.
So, you know, this is where we’d have to sit down and go, okay, what’s a creative strategy that we can bring up, and have fun with it. And there’s a million things that have to go into play here. It’s like, what’s your branding? You know, can you be you know, humorous and cheeky and off the wall with it. Or are you more of this, we’ve got to be rigid and strict about what we do. So once you know that, it really allows you to optimize on that better. But using those key words is what people are searching for.
Andrew: But the idea is, first find key words just like you would if you were doing a search engine optimization campaign for your own website. Second, if there’s anything that is going on in the news, or anything else that you could piggyback off of, find a way to include that in your video. But focus on the key words in that video.
James: Yes, and I’m not saying do that for all of your videos. I’m just saying there will be a time when something comes up in the news, in the media, a current event, and you are just going to go, Wow, that’s a perfect fit for me, I’ve got to tie that in. And so I wouldn’t know how Tiger Woods can fit into software and all that stuff, but there’s a way, there’s absolutely a way with everything. Because that to me is the most exciting thing, is video allows us to have unlimited potential with our creativity and our marketing. You know, the biggest sin is to be boring.
Andrew: You know, that’s something that I need to do a lot more of over at Mixergy. I mean, whenever there’s news I’m too rigid to jump on top of it. I’m too busy doing other things. But we should have some strategy for when news comes out, picking up on it and making it a part of our site. I know whenever I do it a little bit, even as an experiment. Like, if a company, like when Assistly got sold to Sales Force, I quickly copied a piece of my transcript from Assistly, about how he, with Assistly’s founder about how he launched the company. I take that excerpt, I make it into a blog post and Boom, I get more traffic then the original interview got, just because it happened to be in the news and people are fishing for information about it.
James: Did you notice recently there was, just a few days ago, something went viral on Google where if you typed in like, do a barrel roll. Did you see anything like that? So you type that in, and if you were to type that in to Google search, do a barrel roll, the whole website would like spin. Like would do a spin. And then there were videos that people did, like, someone created like Do a barrel roll song. And it went viral. It’s just simple stuff like that. And you can just see it. People are waiting like hawks to wait for something to spring up and they just jump on it and create a video.
But on that same note, the thing I really want to stress, Andrew, is that as business owners, a lot of us look at You Tube as this place where it’s just a bunch of viral videos. And personally, the way I teach, I don’t teach how to create a viral video. Because I personally believe that you just can’t, you can’t do it. You can’t plan and create a viral video. It’s really about creating informative videos of value, so that when people are searching your key word, searching something relative about you, your business, your product, your service, you come up to give that answer to teach, to inform, stuff like that.
Viral videos are fleeting. They get a lot of views in a short amount of time and then they disappear, and you forget about them. But I want your videos to be at the number one spot on Google and You Tube every time, every day, every month, every year, when someone types in, you know, how to lose weight. How to find the man of my dreams. Stuff like that.
Andrew: First thing, find the right keywords, the ones you’re going to go after. Second, is what?
James: You want to create a video around that, that’s the easiest thing. We all know our business. A lot of us know our customers really well. When you know what the questions are that your customers are asking, you’re the best person to answer those questions. Creating simple, two to four minutes videos that don’t have to be fancy. I’ve got a live class that I’m teaching right now where we’re walking through all the steps and I rate their videos every week. My favorite videos are the ones that are simplest. We’re doing this video and it’s just a simple webcam video.
A lot of people try to get very over complicated and put all the fancy bells and whistles on it and way too much editing and too much effects and that’s great, but if you don’t know how to do that, if your spending too much time and effort for it, it’s not really worth your time investment because a simple video works well. Being able to answer a question, giving value and communicating your message as quickly and briefly as possible in a video is going to work well for you.
Andrew: OK. Give me an example of how simple a successful video can be. I do tend to think that the simple videos are fun for getting started but later on you want to graduate to the really clever, beautiful videos and you’re saying no.
James: I’m not saying that. I’m saying that it should fit you. If you don’t know how to do all that stuff, definitely don’t start that way. For a lot of people it really is about getting started in video because they haven’t done it. They’re nervous about being in front of the camera. They’re nervous about the technology. Knowing that anything will work; getting a flip-cam, turning your iPhone into a camera, using your webcam will absolutely work. From there if you want to graduate it’s fine. I don’t even teach my students to use anything like “green screen” because now you have to get the “green screen,” you have to learn lighting, you have to learn how to [chromo-a-key]. It’s a lot of extra steps for not necessarily the right thing.
Andrew: Let me ask you this, what tools are you using right now? What mic are you using because it’s looking like the levels are just beautiful here?
James: I’m using a simple blue snowball mic. I got at the Mac store for a $100. I use that when I’m doing webinars or other interviews and stuff like that. When I’m filming, I’ve used as simple as my iPhone, which is right here. Usually when I’m doing videos on the go.
Andrew: It’s also looking pretty good right now, you’re not using your iPhone, are you using just the camera in your computer?
James: Yeah.
Andrew: What about lighting? I saw you turn the light on.
James: That’s the big secret, a lot of people are focusing on, oh, I got to get the HD, this is better mega pixels and all this stuff and really what it is if you have a better source of lighting, you can get away with a less quality camera.
Andrew: What kind of lighting do you have right now?
James: What’s that?
Andrew: What kind of lighting do you have on you?
James: It’s actually a $200 lighting kit that I bought off of Amazon. You can Google or search Amazon for Cowboy Lighting Kit. It’s a 3-piece lighting kit. It’s like compact, folds up.
Andrew: Are you on a laptop?
James: I’m on a laptop, yeah.
Andrew: Can you turn your computer around so we can see the lighting?
James: Yes.
Andrew: It really does make it feel like we’re in the room with you.
James: I only have two out of the three lights on and you can see it right there and I got another one right there.
Andrew: It’s pretty big so you do need space in order to keep those big lights up.
James: Yeah. You need a little bit of room. They’re about 4 – 5 feet away from me. They’re great and they fold up and they’re compact.
Andrew: $200 is a great price for them. You also told me in the pre-interview that you recommend that people get transcripts made of their videos.
James: Yes.
Andrew: Why?
James: After you create the video and you upload the video and you understand that the video is related to your keyword and I really want to drive that point home. Let’s say we’re doing a video on how to groom my dog, that’s the keyword that first pops in my head, the video is about how to groom your dog, okay. The title, the description, and the video tags which when you’re uploading video it’ll ask for the tags are going to include that keyword, how to groom dog, or how to groom my dog or whatever the specific search term that you chose is. When you make the video, you’re saying the keyword in the video.
Andrew: You’re saying it in the video, right?
James: Absolutely. In this video, I’m going to show you how to groom a dog, thank you for watching this video on how to groom a dog. Say it three to five times, but make it natural in a short two to five minute video. When you are done with the video and you upload it to YouTube, the biggest thing that no one does and it’s so simple, is create a transcript of your entire video, upload the transcript to YouTube and now YouTube using its wonderful, magic software will index every single word of your video.
We’ve done fun little tests, where I did a video, and it was actually in a course and I showed people where I did a video on a topic of Kettle Bells, which is a fitness program that I follow, and in the middle of the video I said, “I’m passionate about Kettle Bells.” Just randomly, it’s not in the description, it’s nowhere else. If you type that intoYouTube, my video comes up number one. Why, because it’s in the transcript.
So if the keyword that you want a rank for is in your transcript enough times, that’s going to help you go light years above your competitor. Because at the end of the day you get more views when people are using You Tube as a search engine, they find yours above the competitor, they find you at the top and then a lot of times if you’re the number one or number two position, you get ranked in Google as well. You get your videos ranked inside of Google and you’re going to see incredible amount of traffic.
Andrew: I’m writing a note here to come back and ask you how you get the traffic that comes to that Kettle Ball video, how you get it to come back to your site.
James: Yeah.
Andrew: It’s cool that you get traffic on You Tube and it’s cool that people watch you, but I know that’s not your angle.
James: It’s not.
Andrew: All right. Is there anything I want to know about transcripts before I move on, yes?
James: That’s it. It’s a two step process. You can hire someone on or little Billy down the street to get a transcript of your video and then you save it as a TXT file and you follow a two-step process on You Tube and it’s as simple as uploading it to their server. They sync it up and you’re good to go.
Andrew: Oh, really. They now have a system where they’ll take your TXT file and automatically sync it up and include the transcript?
James: As long as you give them the actual transcript, they know how to match it up perfectly with your words.
Andrew: OK. And Fiber is one of the sites that you go to, that’s where you pay five bucks?
James: Pay five bucks, you get a transcript of your video.
Andrew: All right. Next, what do we do?
James: The next step. So now your video is live, you’ve got your transcript up there and it’s really about getting out there to the world. So what I like to do is social bookmark it. Get it out there on the social bookmarking sites and I don’t know much about this, I really don’t, but I’ve always done this with all my videos and it really works. So I use and Social So only,, they have free and paid services. Really simple and easy, but just a way to submit your video and get it out there to more people and really that’s what we want to start doing, is start getting it out there and promoting it. That makes sense, that’s a pretty simple step, right?
Andrew: Well yeah, but I still am curious about it. What social networks does it put it up on and do you have any examples of how you’re able to get traffic by just submitting your video to only Wire or Social Monkee?
James: Like I said, I don’t know them that much, but Delicious and Stumble Upon and Reddit and all those sites which I’m totally clueless to all that stuff and how it works, but ever since I’ve been marketing on line, I’ve always said every time you create a new piece of content you want to put it out there. Because it can get picked up, it can go viral from those sites. We’ve definitely seen that happen, but I’ve personally never had anything that automatically gets on the first page of Dig, but if that does happen you can expect a lot of view obviously. For me personally, I like the fact that it’s automated, I like the fact that it can take me two minutes and I can submit that. So you want to submit the URL on You Tube, that specific video.
Andrew: The YouTube URL?
James: Absolutely.
Andrew: Next you told me in the pre-interview, you want to share your video with your sphere of influence.
James: Yes.
Andrew: Who is your sphere of influence, James?
James: We definitely are now.
Andrew: You are now?
James: Yes. So what is your sphere of influence? For me that includes your entire reach on social media. So putting your video out on Facebook and Twitter and Google Plus and wherever else you’re hanging out with other blogs and forums and social networking sites. A word of that as well, is we talk about a concept called the share factor, and people need to be marketed and sold to at every touch point. A lot of people, they create a video, they get all excited about it and they put it up on Facebook and they go, “My new video’s live!” or, “Check out my new video!” We have to be marketers. That’s not good marketing copywriting.
I’ve done things where it’s like, “Watch what happens at minute 3, when I mess up”, or something like this. Or, “Check out this shocking [??]”. Something that when you share it, gets people to see it because people are going to see your video on Facebook, “Oh, there’s Andrew’s new video.” but they’ve got to have a compelling reason why that they have to take the time to press the play button and actually watch it. And I’ll also throw in like a little call to action and tell people, “Don’t forget to subscribe” or “Don’t forget to leave a comment” because the big thing that I can reveal as to what YouTube looks for for getting videos more views is that interaction on their website.
So the more comments you get, the more likes that you have, all that interaction, the more views and all that stuff, they like that and they’re going to help push your video up to the top. That’s why we want to share it out to these people. Not just because our customers and our prospects are in this social media pool, but because YouTube is going to see, “Wow, look at this surge of traffic to this video! Look at all this interaction on this video.” That’s going to help it. And the last thing on that step is, if you have an e-mail list, you’re building a list, which if you’re not, you absolutely should and that’s what I use YouTube for is a list-builder, you want to mail the video out to your list. Send a quick e-mail out saying, “Hey, guys, quick video on this topic. Go check it out. It’s three minutes long. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.” So, getting it out to your sphere of influence.
Andrew: All right. I wrote that part down. We keep talking about YouTube only. Is that because YouTube is the only place where video really is at, where you can get traffic, where you can get viewers and bring them back to your site? Or is it just the one place that you know?
James: I like to apply the 80-20 rule and say that you can use these other software programs like TubeMogul and Traffic Geyser and you can take one video and put it on 20 different video sharing sites. Yet, you will get 80% of your results from YouTube. So for me, it’s been about, instead of learning a little about all of the sites, let’s focus all of my energy on one, and that’s been YouTube.
What I do tell people at the end of all these things that you can do with each video, is, “Hey, take that video, go to TubeMogul Traffic Geyser and upload it to all those other sites as well, Vimeo, Viddler, Riddler, and all the other ones that exist out there and let that do some work for you as well.” But it’s YouTube where I’ve seen a lot of the results, it integrates well, everyone is familiar with YouTube. The videos just play easily on there. You never have a problem with YouTube, so I personally love YouTube the most.
Andrew: OK. Makes sense. What’s next?
James: After we share it with your sphere of influence, what I like to do, and usually I wait a few days for this one because this is kind of a way to double-back and repurpose your video, is I’ll take my video on YouTube and embed it as a blog post on my blog. The quick trick I’ll share with you here is that, what I’ve really noticed through my testing is that, people like to see video and then they like to read as well. So being able to take the video, put it on a blog and then outline, let’s say your video is on the “Five Steps to Grooming Your Dog”, I would bullet point the five steps and have a little paragraph below that so people could play the video and read through and get an idea and move on with their day and whatnot. That’s definitely been very beneficial for me.
But when you create that blog post, now you’ve created new content on your blog, now you’re getting your blog posts indexed inside of Google for the same key word and you get to share the blog post with your sphere of influence and you get to social bookmark this blog post as well. So it’s kind of just using one video once and then using it multiple times.
Andrew: So first you put it up on someone else’s website on YouTube, and then you put it up on your own site?
James: I’d upload the video straight to YouTube and then get people to the video on YouTube and then I would embed that same video on my very own blog.
Andrew: After?
James: After.
Andrew: Why after? Why does YouTube get the hits first and then your site?
James: Well just because that’s where the video originates. You have to have somewhere to upload the video so people can see it.
Andrew: No, I mean, why don’t you upload it to YouTube and then embed it on your site, and send people to your site where you can get traffic?
James: You can and I’ve done that too. Personally, what I feel, if I’m going to make a video, and I’m going to put a lot of effort into it, like I said, it takes longer to make a video than it does to send out a tweet or a Facebook message, I want to be able to use it as many times as possible. So when it’s up on YouTube, I’ll send them there and then I can come back, either a week later or a few days later and do it again without being annoying, like I’m sending out the same piece of content.
Andrew: I see.
James: And it’s just a way to, kind of, keep the touch-points out there and continuing to give more content out there.
Andrew: And before we go onto the next step, let me ask you this, how is the video looking on your side? Are you able to see yourself OK? Everything’s feeling fine?
James: Yeah. Is it getting choppy?
Andrew: No, it’s looking fine on my side. But I thought maybe I was sensing that you weren’t able to see yourself or that you were a little nervous.
James: Oh, no, no, I’m good. Yeah.
Andrew: OK, good. As long as I’m taking this aside, let me ask you this other question here. I’m now looking at the e-mail that your virtual assistant sent me. I wasn’t sure if I should bring this up, but I’m going to bring it up anyway. He addresses you as “Sir James”. He is “Sir James, VA”. What is that? Is that like a requirement? Do you say to your virtual assistant, you’ve got to . . .
James: Oh my gosh, no.
Andrew: . . . with respect and call me, “Sir”? Because I would like to do that, too.
James: I’ve actually asked him not to say that to me. I’m a big advocate for leveraging other people to help you in your business, so I’ve been blessed and fortunate enough to find a team in the Philippines. It’s a team of four. It’s an entire family and they help me run my business on a daily basis.
Andrew: So you hired this family in the Philippines to help run your business?
James: It started with a gentleman and he actually got married. I funded their wedding.
Andrew: You flew to their wedding?
James: No, I funded it.
Andrew: Oh, funded it. OK.
James: I didn’t actually fly out. I was too busy. I’m still promising that I’m going to come out and see him, but I’ve sent them gifts and laptops and it’s been the most amazing experience. So it’s him and his wife and his little brother and his little sister and it’s the four of them and they do incredible stuff for me.
Andrew: You’ve got all four of them full-time?
James: All four full-time.
Andrew: What kind of things do they do for you?
James: That’s a great question. They do, literally, I try and let go of as much as possible, like all the little tedious stuff, even blog posts. I will even write a blog post in an e-mail because it’s just the quickest way for me and I’ll send it to them. They’ll format it. They’ll find some pictures and they’ll upload it onto my WordPress blog, stuff like that. They do a lot of back-linking strategies for me, a lot of just small, administrative tasks that need to be done on a daily basis.
Andrew: What’s the most personal thing that you’ve had them do, that kind of feels like a luxury but it allows you to do your work?
James: Oh boy. I don’t know. What’s the most personal thing? I have one time I had them organize some music tracks for me so I could put them on my iPod. [laughter]
Andrew: You mean like into play lists?
James: Yeah.
Andrew: All right.
James: I had all this music but it wasn’t categorized properly and I had all these duplicates and, yeah. But I normally don’t have them do stuff like that.
Andrew: Did it feel a little bit awkward at first to ask them to do it, even though they’re happy to do it? They get paid by the hour, I imagine.
James: They get paid by the hour and, yeah, they’re more than happy and that’s what’s I love about it. It’s literally, Andrew, I can’t stress enough how much it’s changed my life. And I know there are people out there that they get a weird feeling about outsourcing, they think we’re losing all our jobs and everything and I know, it’s not even a question, I would not where I am today if it wasn’t for this team.
Because when I started, like most of us start, the young, ambitious entrepreneur, we don’t have a lot of money. So I could only afford $50 a week to pay him and he was willing to work overtime for me and kick butt and, as I grew, I got to bring on his family with him and, as I’ve seen myself grow, we have employed on our staff people in the States. I have a community of over 3,500 business owners who I know are seeing incredible results for their business. None of that would be possible if I didn’t have someone helping me. Otherwise, I’d have to work 24 hours a day and live off coffee and Adderall.
Andrew: One more question on this and then I promise I will move on.
James: Yes.
Andrew: I promise the audience. It seems like you are comfortable talking about anything.
James: Oh, absolutely.
Andrew: I am not apologizing to you. I am apologizing to the people in the audience who are sitting there waiting for the next tactic here. How do you document for virtual assistants the way that you want them to go and find pictures? The right picture can really make or break a post. If it does not look right, it can make the post look lame?
James: I have two resources that I give them.
Andrew: You just say, “Go to one of these two resources and find them?”
James: Yes, and they already know. They already know the resources, and here is the big secret is that if you look at the long-term of hiring a virtual assistant–because a lot of people have tried it now, and they said, “I got someone in India; I got someone that sold things; they are a pain in the butt; it took me two hours to explain to them how to do something that takes thirty seconds”–and I understood that myself.
And I said, “OK, well, this is for the long haul; this is for the long-term big picture here, so if the first time they did it, it took them two hours to figure it out, next time you ask them to do it, they are going to do it instantly, and it is six months down the line when they know everything and they are fully trained that you are going to have this well-oiled machine.” Yes, in the beginning, I had to explain to them, “No, not this picture. Use this picture. No, this is better; not that.” Now, I do not have to say anything. They know my tastes, they know my style, and it is really simple, and that is what I love.
Andrew: OK. One more time, I am going to send you a third invitation to say that if you ever want to come back and talk about how to outsource properly, it seems like you have this thing down.
James: Yes.
Andrew: I would love to have you come back here and teach that.
James: It is something I am actually really passionate about, so I am honored. I would love to.
Andrew: All right, cool. I will tell you what, let’s have the audience tell me which interview they want to see next. Do you guys want to see James come back and talk about how to build a membership site–he has obviously done a whole lot in the last two months–or do you want to see him come back and talk about virtual assistants? Come back and let me know, or let me know in the comments, email, or whatever way you prefer.
All right, on to the next tactic here for videos. Now you have built up your video; you have it up on your website; and you have sent it out beforehand to social bookmarking sites and shared it with your sphere of influence, including James Wedmore if you are like me and you happen to have him in your sphere. What is next?
James: Backlinking.
Andrew: OK.
James: Now, backlinking is also something that if you are familiar with SEO, if you guys know SEO (search engine optimization), you know that backlinking is a big part of getting your website ranked in Google. Now, I am not a big SEO person, and I have had plenty of websites that I have tried to get ranked and just never happened, and that is obviously why I like video so much. It is kind of like a shortcut. You get to bypass that whole crazy SEO stuff, but putting backlinks on your video is going to make a big difference, and we see it time and time again.
Andrew: Backlinks to the video on YouTube?
James: Absolutely.
Andrew: All right. How do I do that? How do I hire a family [??]?
James: Well, there are a ton of different ways. I will share with you the ways I do it. There are services. You can hire an outsourcer and train them. Article marketing will actually serve as a backlinking service, so we use Unique Article Wizard, and you can get someone to create simple articles, and then when the articles are uploaded with the backlink to the article directory, that will serve as a backlink for you as well. The quickest way we have done this–and you just have to be careful, so I will just have a little caution–is we have used Fiver, and you can buy backlinks on Fiver for five bucks.
You just want to make sure that they are kind of legit, and some people might try to scam you there, so you want to be careful with that. I have purchased a course–I do not even remember the name of it, but it was some traffic-getting course–a year or two ago, and it shows you how to get backlinks by putting comments on blogs, by posting in forums, and I gave that to one of my virtual assistants. I said, “Every time I upload a new video, I want ten backlinks per video,” something like that.
Andrew: I take this course and pull out the key points.
James: Exactly. Read the course. That is the most amazing thing, is that a lot of people are teaching. They have their strategy, they have their system, and we get overwhelmed with information, but if you have a virtual assistant, you can say, “Take this. Go learn it. Give me the ‘Cliff’s Notes,’ and let’s put it into our business.” It just allows you to move so much faster. There is no shortage of ways, Andrew, that we can be finding backlink resources for our business.
Andrew: The two easy ones are–what was it–Unique Article what?
James: Unique Article Wizard is a great article wizard.
Andrew: It is a website.
James: Yes, and it is a software program as well, so it basically submits your articles and does it really quickly and easily for you.
Andrew: The second one is, you buy it on Fiver, but watch out for the scam artists there.
James: Yeah. Just be cautious about that. Third way is hiring someone and doing it in-house. Having your own backlink person. If you have a website and you know your keywords you should be doing that anyways. You should always be focusing on some SEO efforts at least a little bit in your business. Here’s the final trick and this is why I chose this one, a lot of people already knew that and they go, “Oh yeah, we throw back-links in our videos.” The thing they don’t know is that putting back-links to your channel URL is even more beneficial.
Just to clarify that, when you put a video out on You Tube, it has a video URL, a specific link that you can share for anybody to see on video. You also have a homepage or a channel where all of your videos sit. It’s kind of like your Face Book profile or your Twitter profile where they can see everything you’ve ever done on that page. You Tube is really shifting to make the focus more on a channel centric community feel versus a video-specific. You can go look on anybody’s channel right now and it will say video views and it will say one million and then it will say channel views, like 10,000. A lot of people never go to someone’s channel and You Tube is really trying to change that. You’re actually going to get rewarded when you put back-links to your channel URL because they’re really trying to showcase that . . .
Andrew: There we go. Let’s go on to, I’m looking at something I was going to tee up for later but it’s becoming a distraction, I’ll come back to it, I’ll come back and talk about it in a moment. Now, we’ve gotten all these video — actually I’m skipping ahead — video responses you told me about in the pre-interview that we need to pay attention to that. How do we use video responses? In fact, for anyone who doesn’t know, can you give a quick intro to what they are and then tell me what to do with them.
James: I’m also going to preface this by saying this is, hands down, my favorite strategy because not only is it not well known or not well used, but it’s the biggest bang for your buck. The strategy’s called, Get Video Responses, so if you’re taking notes there, that’s the one you want to write down, Get Video Responses, circle it, put five stars next to it. You Tube has a community aspect and they really want engagement on each video. They want comments, they want the “like’s,” they want people to subscribe that’s good when your video does that. There’s one thing in particular that’s really impressive to You Tube, when someone puts a video response to your video.
What is that? What is a video response? When I put a video out there, Andrew can come to that video and he can leave a comment, just like a blog comment or Face Book comments, “Hey, great video James.” If Andrew was really nice, he could sit there and create a quick video saying, “James, what a great video, just wanted to tell you that I thought it was awesome, keep up the great work.” He can immediately upload that as a video response. Now because that video took a little bit more time than just sitting there and typing, You Tube looks at that as a huge indicator as this video needs to catch our attention. This needs to be shown to more people, because someone took the time, Andrew took the time out of his day to make a video just to show this other video.
The more video responses you get from other channels on your videos the better. This seems like a lot of work but it really doesn’t have to. It’s really about being clever and creative about the whole process. The latest thing that I’m doing right now is, I just uploaded a video and I’m trying to get it ranked in a very competitive keyword so, what I did is I held a contest on our community, video traffic[??] and I said, “I’m going to give away a free iPad 2 to the video I like the most. I’m going to watch all you guy’s videos and I’ll rate the first one. In order to submit your video to the contest you have to submit it as a video response on my video.” Now we have dozen’s of videos being added to one video. That huge. That’s a huge thing.
Now you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to give away something every time you want to add them. Another great way is to ask your past customers and clients for a short video testimonial. Then they upload it to their own channel and they connect it as a video response. Then obviously if you want to go even further than that you can have someone on your team create other channels create related content videos and add them there. This is a strategy where you get two to four video responses on a video you can get the number one spot. It’s pretty cool.
Andrew: That’s it, not that that’s it, but two to four doesn’t seem like that many.
James: Yeah, but 99% of videos don’t have a single video response on it, so, yes. Here is the thing, at the end of the day. I forget the number, it is like some twenty hours of footage is uploaded every single minute to YouTube, so more videos than you can ever imagine. Right now, if you guys upload a video, your video is a needle in a haystack, and really all of the things that we just went through are designed to get you out of the haystack and up to the top of Google and YouTube.
Andrew: What about this? I sometimes get people who add video responses to my videos, but the responses are completely unrelated.
James: Yes.
Andrew: They just take whatever video they have up and they make it into a response, I guess trying to get hits for their video, and I have been removing them. Now I am questioning myself.
James: Yes, I have a great answer for you. Here is what you are going to do. You are going to leave them on there because they do not know this, but they are actually doing you a favor, so you are going to leave the video on there, but then, what you will notice is that their video is below yours. You do not want people clicking onto your stuff, so what you can do is you can then go in and add one of your own videos as a video response to your own video.
YouTube only shows the last two video responses uploaded, so if you guys were to go there and some video had twenty video responses, the only two that you see are the last ones submitted, so you go in there to your own account and you can just click “Add this existing video as a video response,” you bump out that competitor’s video, and no one will ever see his video, yet it counts as a video response.
Andrew: I see.
James: Yes, sneaky.
Andrew: You know, I thought of something. I love getting tactical.
James: Yes.
Andrew: I thought of something. You know how your YouTube video is connected to your main Google account, which is connected to your Gmail account and your GoogleDocs, et cetera? If you hire a virtual assistant and say, “I want you to run my YouTube channel for me,” are you giving them control of your whole YouTube, Google account and Gmail account along with it?
James: Yes, I believe so, because it is all the same for me, so I would assume that it is all the same for everybody else. The reason I am hesitating is that I am wondering if there is a way you can–I know that if I was logged in to one Gmail account and I try to log into another YouTube, it kicks me out of that Gmail–so I am assuming yes. That is the beauty of it, working with my team and people in the Philippines, is there is not a trust issue.
Andrew: They can go into your Gmail account?
James: Yes. They do. That is one is one of the things I have them do. I have them manage my email. They delete all of the spamming messages and the little Facebook and Twitter notifications that are not important.
Andrew: What about the username and password for your bank account? Doesn’t that go into your Gmail account?
James: No, bank information, I do not have on Gmail-
Andrew: You have a separate one.
James: -but I have given them my PayPal before, because there are little things they have to buy. For example, we sell products on Kunaki, so they have to go in there and when an order comes in, they have to actually fill the order, so they need to be able to process that order, so I say,
“Here is my PayPal.”
Andrew: You know, PayPal will allow you to have accounts for other members of your team where you can decide what power they have, so that you can let them give refunds but not see how much money you have in your account, or get history, but not do other things. It is kind of cool, and they do not talk about it much.
James: I had no idea. That is awesome.
Andrew: Yes. All right, finally.
James: Yes.
Andrew: We have all these video views.
James: Yes.
Andrew: We have all these channel views. We have all these responses, and we have knocked down the ones we do not like. We now need to translate all of that work into hits to our site, where we will hopefully convert those people to customers. How about that?
James: Yes, and this is the most important thing. If there is anything we talk about, this is the most important to pay attention to, because at the end of the day, I joke about this, but there is no bank that you can just go walk down to and say, “Hey, I have a million views. Can I have some money for it?” It does not really matter. Yes, YouTube has a partner program, and you can make some money, but that is not your job. You have a business. There is a specific goal and intention with that business, and really, the whole reason we are trying to get views is to convert that into traffic, and as I said at the beginning of the call, what you are going to experience is an incredibly high-quality source of traffic.
When we do our presentations, I share an example, an experiment that a good friend, Travis Campbell of did, and it was really cool. What he did is he took all these different resources–the free resources, all the social media sites: Twitter, Facebook, Google+,, and YouTube–and he drove them to a squeeze page, and then he tracked to see what the conversion rates were, and it was about a 400% difference from the second-place winner and the first place winner, and first place winner was YouTube.
So what you have to realize is that if Andrew created a two to three minute video of sharing a tip on how to drive traffic to your web site or some really cool little tip. And you’re watching him and you’re paying attention to him and you go, “I really like this guy. I trust him and can see his body language.” 88% of our communication is none verbal, right? So, people are always judging and looking and seeing, is this person safe, can I trust them? And if at the end of that tip that Andrew says, “Now head on over to and I want to give you this free report that’s going to show you ten more tricks.” I go there and I go to this new web site. I’ve never been there before. I know what to do, I’m ready to do it and there’s no question.
How many times have you stumbled onto a website, a blog or whatever and the second you get there your defenses get on. You’re like what is this, I’m trying to figure this out, is this a scam, why am I here, I need to get out of here, whatever. YouTube for some reason gets rid of that. Because video is so transparent, so by the time they’re on your site, what do I say? They’re just primed, pumped and they’re ready to take action with you. So the question is how do we do that? How do we get them from YouTube, how do we get the three billion daily views from YouTube onto your web site?
And there are a few different ways. First one is your video itself. Your content and communication in the video is going to be a big factor. At the end of every video you need to have a physical call to action where you tell people what to do next. If you don’t they’re just going to watch the next video. And that next video is usually your competitor. The average person is spending fifteen to twenty minutes a day on YouTube. So they’re going video to video to video. You need to stop that and get them to come to your web site. So end your video with a compelling enough reason for why they need to go to your web site.
To get your free report on the seven ways to increase your traffic, head on over to my blog,, whatever it is, and I’ll give you that free report. OK, and the more you can make it a desirable offer and tell them what it’s going to do for them. Throw out the benefits, the better. Say that in the video, make it very clear. Now, the next part about that is having that link, that URL in your video in a few different ways.
So, I’m going to say something, Andrew, and it might go over people’s heads but they can Google it. But there’s something called, A Call to Action Overlay. Now a call to action overlay, you guys have seen it. Most people are not using it, but it’s there for you guts to use. It’s a banner that’s going to show up at the bottom third of your YouTube videos. This banner, you can fully customize. The title, the description, there’s even a thumbnail. And it is the only way that someone can click inside of your video, leave YouTube and go straight to your web site.
Failure to have this is like leaving traffic on the table. You’re telling more people, don’t come to my sites. So, it’s something that takes about five to ten minutes to set up the first time. Because you actually do have to set up a Google ad words account, which is a pain but you don’t have to pay any money, which is beautiful. Because if you set it up to only go on your own videos, then YouTube doesn’t want to charge you for your own stuff.
So, it’s called, The Call to Action Overlay, and I’m sure you can, I mean, we teach it in our course but it’s a little technical step by step to set it up. But I’m sure if you Google it you can find out how to do it as well. Now the other thing is putting your link in your description box. So every video gets a little description underneath that. So make sure you have the URL that you want to send people to right at the beginning of your description box.
And the big thing that everyone forgets is they don’t put the HTTP at the beginning, so it doesn’t make it clickable. So you got to make sure you do that as well. But putting that in there, saying it in your video, even telling people. I’ll say, “Hey, the link’s in the description box, guys. So just click the link below and that will take you straight to the free report.”
Andrew: Oh, that’s cool.
James: That’s it, yeah.
Andrew: I’m looking here and I see there’s so much that I haven’t been able to include in this. Like as you’re saying, as you’re talking about the overlays I was looking at one of the, because I signed up for your course and I’ve got one of the flow charts from the coarse. And I see there’s so many things I didn’t get to talk about. Like the adaptation magic, I didn’t get to talk about how to leverage play lists. Need to talk about how to transcript but not, other ways to promote your video. I guess I’ll just have to except that this can’t be the most complete coverage of how to use video YouTube to get traffic to your site.
James: But there’s one other thing I want to talk about. How about this?
Andrew: Yeah.
James: Earlier when you talked about the relationship friend of yours, you said, “And his video went viral.” And then later on you said, “I don’t teach people how to make their videos go viral.”
Andrew: Right. Was that just happenstance or is there something he did to “goose” the traffic, to “goose” the share-ability of his video?
James: Yeah. Let me clarify that. If your video’s go viral, which another one of our students did — they’re an inventor that created something called the Pasta Fork. It’s this funny little fork that’s all twisty and you put it in your spaghetti and you just run your fingers down and it automatically spins up all the spaghetti and you eat it in one bite. They didn’t mean for it to go viral, it’s a funny little invention and when I showed Andrew and he smiled and you see it and you smile and you go that’s silly. He was just explaining how it works and people went nuts over this little funny fork and it went viral. He didn’t sit down and go with a big team of guys, “How are we going to make the next viral video? How are we going to make the next Justin Bieber, cute cat, laughing baby video?”
When people try and do that, they fall flat on their face. I actually saw a video that someone shared in our group and I don’t even care sharing the name of Sotherby’s Realty, which to me the Sotherby’s brand is one of the Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous, very fancy that’s the brand that is reflected when I think of that name. They did this video where they were trying to do some parody of some rap song with babes and booty and I was like, that just doesn’t work. It had no views and it had a lot of dislikes and it didn’t go anywhere. What was the point of that? They were trying to make a viral video and people can see it, people are not dumb, when they see you trying to do something and you fall short of it, it’s going to backfire.
Yes, Michael’s videos were in no way an attempt to go viral, but his video’s started showing up on relationship blogs, they got ranked to the number 1 spot so, the views would go right off the charts. It’s pretty cool because he doesn’t use a camera, he’s never opened up iMovie, he literally goes to a Starbucks, his local Starbucks, opens up his webcam on the laptop [??] and then presses the upload button to YouTube and he’s done. It’s really funny. It can be that simple.
Andrew: I’m going to ask you one final question but first I want to say this to the audience, I met James through Lewis Hall’s whose interview I did and he did a course here on Mixergy about how to use LinkedIn to get traffic and to grow your lists and that course was freakin’ phenomenal. He said, “Hey, I got a friend of mine who I’ve been working with, do you want to have him on and talk about videos?”
I’m so glad that I did, but Lewis Hall’s been getting so many freakin’ thank you emails from the audience, especially people who took the course, the Mixergy course that he did here. I love you guys in the audience for actually reaching out to my guests and saying thank you.
I was fishing earlier for some of these emails, there’s too many for me to go through, but if I say a dozen, it’s an understatement. I just picked one email that he sent me recently from people who emailed him, he says, “Hey Andrew, these two just came in today. Been getting lots of these over the past week.” These meaning, thank you notes, testimonials and compliments for him doing the course.
These are people who pay to take the course that he did on Mixergy and they’re still going out and saying thank you. “Thanks for having me on. I love the story, I love to be able to inspire others” he says, and he really does and here are two of the messages he sent me, he said, “Loved your Mixergy interview. I’ve been selling off webinars for two months now,” I guess this is one about him, about the interview where he taught webinars, “I can’t tell you how inspired I am by your story,” I am too.
Here’s another one from Dan Blank, from he says, “Just finished watching your most recent Mixergy interview. Just want to say thank you. I also enjoyed your Mixergy Master Class a few weeks back. I have a list of to do’s from that. Have a great day.” Thank you, Dan Blank for saying that.
What I wasn’t able to find is all these people who took the course about how to use LinkedIn to get traffic, who then did everything that Lewis talked about, then took screenshots of their place on LinkedIn and how they come in at the top of the search, at the top of the LinkedIn searches for the keyword that they targeted. I’m not really explaining this super well but I think the audience is getting it. My big point is this, first of all, sign up for Mixergy Premium, so you can take all those courses, they’re all included and second, my focus is on constantly teaching tactics that you can use right a way, especially with the courses. If this is the approach that you have to life, if you say, “I don’t just want to learn ideas that are interesting, but I want to know how I can use those ideas quickly,” I hope you will sign up for like all these people who took Lewis’ course did and take those courses. I promise you that you’re going to get results quickly and I hope when you do, you’ll do what so many people did with Lewis Hall’s, which is send him a thank you note. I hope if you got a lot out of this interview, when it’s over and it’s not over yet, you’ll send a thank you note to James Wedmore and I’ll tell you where to find him.
All right, James, here’s the thing, I’m looking at my notes here it’s full of actionable tips and that is great because it makes me feel like I’ve given a lot of value to the audience and I know you feel the same way, but the negative side of that is that we might have overwhelmed them. I feel a little overwhelmed at the end of some of these interviews, of course. Is there one thing, if you’re not willing to commit completely to doing video responses and sending out to your email lists and all those things together, is there one thing that the person listening to us can do that would give them results quickly and then they can work on the rest?
James: Absolutely. Most of the people that I work with and every time we get on a webinar we ask, who here’s used You Tube? Over 60% of people have attempted it. If you have, then this answer is really easy, go back to your You Tube videos that are collecting dust that you uploaded a year ago and didn’t do anything with and change the titles and descriptions so that they actually do have a keyword associated to them.
I’ve seen so many people that, they even leave the file .mp4 at the end of the title, the original title that was created or like new video .mp4 – really? Let’s do something here. Put a compelling title that includes your keyword. Work on the description. The description should be like a mini blog post, three to four paragraphs long. Fill in your tags with 10 – 15 related keywords that alone is going to tell YouTube, hey this is what this video is about. If you want to take it to the next step, I always say the next thing is the transcript. Tell You Tube and tell Google exactly what your video is about and it’ll get ranked.
Andrew: That’s a great place to leave it. If you thought that was useful, if you thought anything in here was useful, the place to go to say thank you is, jamesW-E-D-M-O-R-E, like “wed more” like you got wed more often than the rest of us.
James: A lot of weddings.
Andrew: Did you ever get to meet anyone or date anyone because you put videos up? When you’re that visible do people reach out to you?
James: No. I will leave you with the fact that I was actually attending an event, a marketing event that was like 500 women and — but this happens at all events when people see you and they’re like, “Oh my gosh, I feel like I know you.” We talk about this in the course, I won’t go into it, but there’s a little mini celebrity effect that happens, which is really cool. Like, “Oh my gosh, I’ve seen all your videos. I feel like I know you” blah, blah, blah. That’s a really, really cool feeling and you get to do that in your market place.
Andrew: It really is. I’ve seen that too myself. If you wrote text-based blogs over and over you might get more traffic than videos but people wouldn’t even know who you were. There’s something about the connection that people have when they see a video.
James: Absolutely.
Andrew: All right. So, to say hi or say thank you and if you guys want to take the course that I mentioned earlier, you’re not plugging, I love that you’re not plugging, but I’ll plug on your behalf, it’s You can see it’s a much more in-depth program than what we can possibly get into. How many hours of video in there?
James: Eight.
Andrew: Eight.
James: Basically, it’s because you can take a video that once you make it, you can get it ranked for some long-tail keyword that gets 5,000 searches, you can do that instantly. Then for people who have lofty goals who want to get a really competitive keyword and they want to rank for that it’s going to take more work. We pretty much say, if you just do these steps, it’s going to get it, it’s just a matter of time and what you’re willing to do to make that happen. When that does, it’s amazing. We talked before the interview about [??] book marketing coach and I’ll just say it briefly and end it, is that we took one keyword, one video uploaded it, got it to the first page, which I said, “What did you see, what type of results?”
I stayed in touch with her. The first week she got over 80 opt-ins and she was able to convert one of those into a paying client. That paying client is a $10,000 platinum coaching number. She says she has three others in the wings that are a warm lead. If you’re willing to do that, spend a little work yeah, we might feel a little overwhelmed, but she has a $10,000 coaching client from one video from it. To me that’s marketing and that’s what makes it all worth it to me.
Andrew: Good place to leave it. Thanks for doing the interview.
James: Thank you for having me.
Andrew: Thank you all for watching.