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About The Course And Scholarship

I’m working on an upcoming Master Class on the business of email. Justin Premick of AWeber, who will be leading the course, offered to give 3 scholarships. If you want one, all you have to do is apply.

Why I’m Doing An Email Course

I used to think email was dead as a way of building a business. Then I read an article by Jason L. Baptiste called “Email Newsletters Are Serious Business.” Jason talked about how email-based companies were quietly building value, like Ideal Bite which sold for $20 million.

I asked Jason to introduce me to founders in the email business so I could interview them. What I discovered in my interviews is that email is much easier than blogging (my own opinion, but I’ve been in both businesses, so it’s based on interviews AND first-hand experience). And email is more lucrative (again, based on my interviews and my own experience). And the steps behind building an email business or adding an email marketing component to an existing one are pretty consistent (as you might have heard me point out in my interviews).

Why I Asked AWeber To Help

AWeber is the company that hosts the Mixergy email newsletter and about 90,000 other email lists. They’re a giant in the business. So I asked Justin, who was one of Mixergy’s earliest interviewees, to teach us what he learned from AWeber’s most effective email list owners.

How you can get your scholarship

All you have to do is apply.