Thanks for the support! I’m out of the hospital.
I’m not out of the woods yet, but at least I’m out of the hospital.
Thanks for all the support and the good wishes you sent me by email, comments, twitter and Hacker News. In my worst moments, Olivia (my wife) read me what you said and it perked me up.
If you’re wondering what was wrong with me, I wish I could tell you. Later this week, I’ll go back to the hospital and my doctors will run some tests to figure out why my terminal ileum stopped letting food through and how to fix it. Until then, I’m on an all-liquid and Jello diet.
As tough as the uncertainty about my health was, in my foggy, morphine head, I was more obsessed with whether anyone would remember me. I kept trying to explain to Olivia why disappearing for even a few days would kill my momentum and lead the world to move on to other people, other sites, other things.
That’s when she read me what your wrote. Told me your names. Reminded me who was out there. And showed me that you still care.
And I still care about you. More than ever.