I asked Mixergy viewers to give me feedback on my work in 2010. Even though the response has been positive and useful, this guy’s comment stood out:

The quality of the guests were amazing. He’s doing a good thing by making me come back to the site time and time again. Everyone has different tastes…no offense but I can’t stand Andrew. He’s a total duesch [sic] bag. His facial expressions and body language show it all.

I admire his persistence. The guy keeps coming back even though he can’t stand me.

Glad he’s in my audience.

When you’re hungry, nothing should get in your way. Not bad audio. Not a host you don’t like. Not facial expressions that rub you the wrong way. Nothing.

As a kid, I used to listen to ancient self-improvement records by Earl Nightingale. The damn things sounded so scratchy I could barely hear Earl’s voice. I didn’t care. I was so freakin’ determined to build a business that the annoyance was insignificant to me.

I’ve read biographies of great entrepreneurs whose authors were so hellbent to send the “all businesspeople are crooks” message that they nearly missed why their subjects were successful. I kept on reading and ignored the hate. I was too eager to learn from accomplished entrepreneurs to allow petty jealousy to distract me.

So this guy doesn’t like me. Who cares. The important thing is that he’s taking what he needs out of my work.

The people at Alcoholics Anonymous tell new members, “Take what you want. Leave the rest.”

I’ll say the same thing to Mixergy listeners.