Three messages before we get started. First, copy this Facebook idea for your business today. See how they make it super easy for their users to import their contacts from AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc.? Well you can add that functionality to your site today using CloudSponge. By using CloudSponge, your users can easily import their address books into your service and invite their contacts to use your site. And if you use the discount code Mixergy, you’ll get a couple of months free.
Secrets Of Selling By Not Selling
David Siteman Garland’s new book, Smarter, Faster, Cheaper, talks about how entrepreneurs use new media to promote their businesses by teaching instead of selling and cultivating communities instead of advertising.
I invited him to Mixergy to share a few stories of the entrepreneurs he profiled in his book and teach the techniques they use.
David Siteman Garland is the Founder of The Rise To The Top, a web show for entrepreneurs, forward-thinkers, business owners and marketers, as well as The Rise To The Top TV show on ABC. He’s also the author of Smarter, Faster, Cheaper: Non-Boring, Fluff-free Strategies for Marketing and Promoting Your Business (Wiley Publishing). In less than two years, David has attracted a loyal community of 100,000+ through the power of relationships and without spending a cent on traditional advertising.

Full Interview Transcript
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