Mixergy Funding Forum Wrap-up

The speakers:
William Quigley – Managing Director, Clearstone Venture Partners
(Clearstone backed companies include PayPal, CarsDirect, and United Online)
Daniel Gould – Co-Founder Newroo. Launched Newroo in 2004 sold it to Fox Interactive/MySpace in 2006. Currently VP, Technology at Fox Interactive.
Mark Suster – Partner, GRP Partners
(GRP backed companies include Starbucks, CitySearch, and Bill Me Later)
The Big Message:
One of the points that each speaker made is that, if you can’t build connections, you don’t deserve to be an entrepreneur, let alone get funded.
Most investors won’t even look at your plan if they don’t know you. But if you reach them through one of their trusted relationships, they’ll not only hear you out, but help you out.
Here are three ways to connect with an investor:
Portfolio CEOs – William Quigley said that a good way to reach him is by getting to know one of his portfolio companies’ CEOs first.
Service providers – Mark Suster told us that lawyers, accountants and recruiters can introduce us to venture capital firms. (They can also tell us which parter at the VC firm is a jerk and which one is easier to get along with.)
Networking events – Dan Gould talked about how he builds relationships at networking events.
The Video:
TechZulu.com, our media sponsor, will post better video soon. Until then, here’s a more self-promotional video:
The Pictures:
Wm. Marc Salsberry, the Los Angeles Tech Scene’s “official photographer” took great pictures.