The clever marketing tactics that built the biggest daily deals aggregator in Australia

Mixergy is for people who are actually building businesses or going to do it for real.

Today, you’re about to meet one of those people. Rob Liu is a Mixergy member I met to get a sense of what he was doing, what he thought of the site and just to get to know him the way that I do with members and former members. I really want to understand who’s in the audience.

As I got talking to him, I said, “Dude, you should be on Mixergy. Your story is incredible.” I’m excited to have him on here because Rob is the founder the biggest daily deals aggregator in Australia.

Rob Liu

Rob Liu

Deals Extra

Rob Liu is the founder and CEO Deals Extra which is the biggest daily deals aggregator in Australia.

Who should we feature on Mixergy? Let us know who you think would make a great interviewee.
