Do you ever feel like you’re your own worst enemy?

Silence Your Inner Critic So You Can FINALLY Grow Your Business

(And boost your productivity, too…)

I’ve had hundreds of thousands of conversations with entrepreneurs in all stages of business.

And I’ve interviewed more than 1,000 founders like Seth Godin (Tribes), Barbara Corcoran (Shark Tank), Tim Ferriss (4-Hour Workweek), Guy Kawasaki (Alltop), and Jessica Livingston (Y Combinator).

What I discovered is that they all have something in common.

And it’s not what you think. They’re so successful and they’re giants in the business world. From the outside you’d think their lives are perfect, and they’re everything you want to be.

But here’s the truth: they all deal with an inner critic. Thoughts like:

  • “You’re in over your head…”
  • “It’s not ready yet…it needs to be perfect…”
  • “You need to research this more before you do anything…”
  • “Who do you think you are? You aren’t capable of doing this…”
  • “They’re going to find out you’re a fake…”

I want to talk about the elephant in the room…

Most successful businesspeople didn’t want to talk about their inner criandrewwarner1tic. At least, not on camera.

But I did. Because these thoughts quietly play in the background. And even if we aren’t aware of them, these thoughts are running the show.

I call them the Counter Mind thoughts, because they counter everything we try to do.

  • You sit down to make a sales call, and your Counter Mind says, “What if the people you call are too busy?” So you procrastinate.
  • You want to write, and your Counter Mind says, “Hmm Brian Clark would write that better,” so you open your browser and check your email or Reddit.
  • You want to start a company, and your Counter Mind says, “What if you fail?!” So you wait till the ‘timing is right’ and never launch.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

I’ve been there, too. It’s why my second business failed.

Here’s what happened…

Almost 15 years ago, I sold my first business for millions of dollars.

So when I was ready to jump back into the game, I was excited. I was feeling positive and energized by my new idea: an event invitation site.

I’d studied books like The Lean Startup, so I knew I needed to talk to customers.

And, I had the perfect person to talk to: my buddy Jon.

Jon planned a lot of events. He was the perfect guy to talk to about my invitation site. He even used Evite and complained about it.

But you know what? I didn’t talk to Jon.

And when I got brutally honest with myself, I realized WHY I didn’t talk to Jon…

Do you recognize this kind of thinking?

  • I was scared to ask for feedback. I thought, “I don’t want to bother Jon, he’s busy…”
  • I’d procrastinate, thinking, “I’ll do it…but tomorrow…”
  • I’d beat myself up. “Who am I to ask Jon for feedback? I don’t even have a site yet.”
  • I was afraid of looking stupid. “Jon thinks I’m smart because my last business did so well. But what if he thinks this idea is stupid? And then he thinks I’M stupid?”
  • I wasn’t making progress, even though I knew what I needed to do.

It was my Counter Mind taking over. In the end, my invitation site failed. I lost $300,000 and months of time.

And then it all changed…

I kept thinking, “How can this happen?!”

I knew I was capable, I knew what I SHOULD be doing, and yet I failed. Why?

Believe me, no one wanted answers more than me.

So I dedicated myself to finding them. That’s when I first started interviewing entrepreneurs, to discover their secrets, their formula for launching and growing a successful business.

Only I noticed something surprising…

Off-camera, these guys would tell me about their OWN Counter Mind thoughts.

We’re talking about some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world…

People who seem to be able to snap their fingers and get VC funding. Who get covered by Techcrunch every time they exit.

THOSE people had the same struggles. However, they didn’t want to talk about the problem on camera. They had reputations to protect.

But they had the exact same problem that I did.

I was driven to find a solution. I knew that if I could crush the Counter Mind, things would go more easily.

That’s when I turned to my audience. “Do YOU guys have this problem?” I asked.

Over 100 entrepreneurs said yes. So we took my insights from the interviews, created a framework, and spent months testing it. It required brutal honesty–if something didn’t work, we cut it from the program.

Just imagine…

  • You feel confident asking for feedback, because you know people genuinely want to help you.
  • You’re as excited about your idea and your business as you were in the early days–positive and energized. You can’t wait to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Instead of beating yourself up, you focus on thoughts that are true, helpful, and wanted–and your productivity goes up.
  • You believe in your value, and the value of what you’re building.
  • You’re in the zone, hitting benchmark after benchmark, and confident that you’re finally living up to your full potential.

The result was a new course that I launched in 2013–yes, I spent years of research and work on this, even while I was growing Mixergy.

Because this is the thing I’m most proud of.

To see why, just check out Shaan’s story…

Shaan Rafiq was ready to shut down his tutoring business.

“I started the journey on a high. So soon after the ups, we had the downs, and then I kind of ended up in a bit of a spiral. It was down, down, down. I was pretty much just overwhelmed. Hugely, massively overwhelmed.

And his mindset was actually making sales WORSE…

“We were desperate for customers, so [on sales calls] I was kind of like, ‘It’s all in your hands, and I need you.’

Customers could smell the desperation.

Shaan tried reading sales and business books to fix the problem, but nothing was working. That’s when he discovered my program.

Shaan realized that his Counter Mind was saying, “Well, we aren’t this company, or we aren’t that company. They do $50 million. They do $100 million. We aren’t them.” And those feelings of insecurity were coming across in his sales calls.

Shaan finished my course and quickly turned his company around. Here’s what Shaan says about his first sales call after the program:

“I spoke to [a customer] on the phone, we had a 20-minute conversation. I told her what we do and said I’d call her back in a week’s time. A week later she was like, ‘Yeah, I definitely want to start.’ And next thing she said is, ‘By the way, I told my friend about you guys. She says she’s looking for a tutor, as well.’ She’d already started telling people about us!

Shaan wasn’t just closing sales, he was on a high again. He was excited about his business. Confident that people SHOULD buy from him because they really did need his services.

Are you ready to punch your Counter Mind in the face?Punch

Introducing…the True Mind program

The True Mind program is a 7-week course that’s open for enrollment right now.

The True Mind is the opposite of the Counter Mind…it’s the thoughts that are true, helpful, and wanted.

And in the True Mind program, you get:

  • Weekly video lessons that walk you through the system, step-by-step (plus, video lessons means you can go at your own pace)
  • Weekly assignments that help you implement what you’re learning, so you can get results quickly
  • A community where you can post questions and share breakthroughs, so you can get positive support from other True
  • Mind students (I’ll be in there, too)
    A set of True Mind beads, which will help you focus on your new
  • True Mind thoughts now and in the future (you’ll learn more about how this works inside the program, but one guy loved the beads so much, he wore them at his wedding!)
  • Lifetime access to the program, so you can always refresh your skills and tackle any new mind trash that’s holding you back in business (or in your personal life)

Here’s the week-by-week breakdown:

  • TWO WEEKS IN: Pinpoint the #1 barrier that’s really holding you back in growing your business. (Hint: it’s not education, lack of knowledge, or experience)
  • AT THREE WEEKS: Tear down your #1 barrier and start to question your inner critic.
  • WEEKS FOUR & FIVE: Discover your True Mind, the entrepreneur mindset that you need to become a driven, productive startup founder.
  • WEEKS SIX AND SEVEN: Turn your new mindset into a lifelong habit. A tool you can use anytime you’re stuck or not making progress.

And the cool thing? True Mind works on mental blocks in your business AND in your personal life.

So what’s the catch?

Right now, this is the only time I plan to run the True Mind program in 2016.

So if you’re interested, get in on this now. Otherwise you’ll have to wait until 2017, and the price will probably be higher.

But don’t worry, the investment is going to be much less than you think. (And if you’re honest with yourself, the cost of NOT reaching your goals is insanely high.)

And the investment will be much less than it should be, based on the results it’s gotten for others, because I really care about making a difference in the lives of entrepreneurs like you.

And much less than hiring me to teach this one-on-one (which I don’t offer)…

Ready to get started?


And if you join now, you’ll get two special bonuses…

Bonus #1: The Mixergy Mindset Pack ($57 value)

These are five game-changing Mixergy interviews on how to think like top performers think. You’ll discover:

  • How looking for a “good idea” is really a mindset problem, and what to do instead, with James Altucher, entrepreneur and author of Choose Yourself
  • How Tim Ferriss gets so much done, despite his serious, even crippling, inner doubts
  • Why we think we just need to “work harder,” and why it doesn’t work, with Kim Walsh-Phillips, CEO of IO Creative Group
  • How to get over the startup fear and just get started, with Andy Wilkerson, founder of Parallelus
  • How to massively upgrade your productivity, with Steven Kotler, founder of the Flow Genome Project

I’ve curated this collection specifically for True Mind students to help you develop the mindset of a top performer even more quickly.

Even if you’ve heard one or two of these people speak before, you’ll extract a lot more value from it as a True Mind student.

Bonus #2: The Morning Routines of Startup Founders eBook ($29 value)

This is a brand new ebook we put together about the morning routines of proven startup founders.

How do top performers start their mornings so they can win their day?

I won’t say too much about who’s in this one–it’s a surprise! ;-)

However, it’ll give you a ton of different approaches so you can create your own productivity-boosting morning routine. (Plus, you’ll learn the truth about how some of the most famous Mixergy guests REALLY spend their time.)

What’s the cost of NOT taking action?

Now, I mentioned that the cost of True Mind is MUCH less than hiring me to learn this skill one-on-one.

And since value of my time works out to about $1,000/hour, it’s just not affordable for most people to learn this one-on-one. (In fact, I don’t even offer that as an option.)

Another route would be to learn this skill on your own, through trial and error.

It certainly CAN be done. It just takes months, maybe even years, to sort through frameworks and tactics and ruthlessly test them. You’ll lose a lot of time that you could’ve spent growing your actual business.

The other big cost to the DIY approach is money. Because until you create a system that works, you’ll stay stuck in your business. Still chasing shiny new ideas, trying courses and books, looking for the right guru to learn from…yet making zero progress because your Counter Mind is still running the show. (Remember, this is exactly why I lost $300,000 with my second business.)

However, once I figured out the True Mind process, I finally was able to launch Mixergy’s membership site. I started getting paying members. And the site went from zero to six figures in no time flat.

And after Shaan went through the True Mind program, he pulled himself out of a downward spiral and turned his business around.

So whether you’re in the early stages with your business and feeling stuck or whether you’re already successful and you can’t seem to reach that next level, True Mind can help.

Now, the NEXT time we open this program (probably in 2017), we’ll have even more case studies, feedback, and big wins from students. So the price might be higher, too.

However, right now, you can take advantage of the 2016 pricing, rather than wait and pay more later.

So as part of this offer only, you won’t pay thousands of dollars for one-on-one coaching…

You won’t even pay $1,000…

You pay only $497 (or two payments of $275).


Keep in mind…

Not only is this the only time I’m planning to launch True Mind this year…

It’s also a system you can only learn right here. It’s not available anywhere else, because it’s the process I developed with more than 100 entrepreneurs, specifically to help other startup founders.

We threw out the useless tactics that didn’t work, kept the ones that did work, and boiled it down into a proven system that’s gotten results, like:

Personal and professional growth:

“I applied [True Mind], then reached out to over 300 businesses. That resulted in 10 interviews for my podcast. Those interviewees have surprisingly huge companies now, and the blog articles that resulted drive some of the largest numbers to my site. The True Mind technique taught me how to manage ‘head trash’ and push myself into the new, uncomfortable moments that allow us to grow personally and professionally.”–Brian Kearns,

A huge confidence boost:

“Despite the setbacks (and there have been setbacks), I’m totally confident that in the long run, no matter how long it takes, everything’s going to work out. And to know that there’s a community of people on the same path has been invaluable.”–Jason Koprowski

A top performer mindset:

“[While editing an interview] I battle Counter Mind thoughts: Andrew is so much better at this than I am. I say ‘so’ and ‘um’ far too often. My video quality is shit. So I refocus on…[my] True Mind statement. I find new ideas entering my brain: I’ll get better. I’m glad I asked the question about branding. Don’t be afraid to pause. These thoughts are so much more productive.”–Marc Binkley, The Sleeping Barber

Closing sales:

“Negative mind chatter would completely distract me, and my preparation would fail, which led to zero sales calls made. Now it is not as terrifying as it was before. From my initial six calls, I closed one of the sales just last night. Woke up this morning with the money in the bank! Wahoo!”–Nadia Lau,

Risk-free guarantee

If you check out True Mind for 30 days, and you don’t get results, I’ll refund you every penny.

The only requirement? Show that you’ve done the work.

Normally, I don’t ask people to do that. However, I want you to experience what life is like when you’re on your game and IN the game, instead of watching the sidelines.

So all I ask is that you give it a go. Because I’m so confident that it’ll work for you, just like it’s worked for hundreds of others, that I’ll willing to let you try the program for a full 30 days before you decide whether or not to keep it.

Do that, and you could even start seeing business results before the 7-week program is over.

Now you’ve heard a lot about True Mind…

You’ve seen what it’s done for others.

Hopefully, you’ve also seen how passionate I am about this process. It’s the reason Mixergy finally became a successful membership site after months of me tinkering away and getting nowhere.

And, it’s guaranteed. You do the work, and if you’re not happy for any reason, I’ll refund you every penny.

However, if you’re still wondering if this program is right for you, or if you’ll *really* get results, consider this…

You’re at a crossroads.

If you didn’t accomplish what you set out to accomplish last year, how are you going to make 2016 different?

Because I can tell you that there’s no magic book, no perfect mentor, no “extra information” you just need to FINALLY make progress.

So how much longer do you want to wait to grow your startup?

That’s something only you can answer.

There’s no limit to what you could accomplish in the next year…

IF you wipe out the Counter Mind that’s holding you back.

So…it’s up to you:

Do you want to sit on the sidelines…

Or jump in and be in the game?

Registration closes on Saturday.


I can’t wait to see what True Mind is going to do for your business and your life.

Andrew Warner
Founder, Mixergy and True Mind

PS. If you don’t invest in True Mind, where will you be in the next three months?

In the next 3 years?

Will things stay the same?

You stay stuck, feeling like you just need to “stop sucking” and get stuff done.

Or will things get worse?

Opportunities pass you by. You waste more time and money chasing magic bullets instead of growing your business. Maybe you end up even more in the red, instead of running a profitable startup.

I don’t want that for you.

And since the True Mind program comes with my guarantee…

And EASIER than doing nothing at all…

Why not give it a shot? Right now, while enrollment is open for 2016…


Who should we feature on Mixergy? Let us know who you think would make a great interviewee.
