How to Get 80% Open and Click Rates

And be at the forefront of the next big thing in marketing…

…before your competitors get there first.


Hi, I’m Andrew Warner, founder of Mixergy.

For years I interviewed founders, and they kept telling me how email marketing is the most effective thing they do.

But the more I talk to them in private, the more they’re admitting that it’s getting harder to collect email addresses, and harder to get people to open emails and harder to get real sales from email.

And I was noticing the same thing with our marketing emails.

I realized it’s because of the two problems with email marketing…

#1 Too much email

I asked my friends on Facebook to post screenshots showing how much unread email they have. The image above is pretty typical.

Every marketer is hitting people’s inboxes. So when you send your message, you have to compete with every freakin’ email in there.

It’s an endless box of stress.

#2 People LOVE using messaging apps more than email

I realized that even when I talk to my team about the marketing emails we plan to send our list, I use messaging apps to communicate with them.

People LOVE messaging apps.

They make sending messages so fast.

The responses you get are shorter and easier to read.

And they’re just more fun.

Think about the last person you kissed or the person you do the most work with. Do you talk to them via email? Or do you use a messaging app?

So I tried an experiment…

If messaging apps are how people prefer to communicate, can I use that to reach my audience? Would they open and click what I send? Would they buy?

So I tested it. And what I saw was crazy…

I got 80% open and click rates.

Who the hell is getting 80%+ open rates in email?! Pretty much no one, that’s who.

I thought maybe it was just my Mixergy audience. Maybe they’re just a little bit crazy or advanced or different. ;-)

So I started talking to other people who are using messaging to communicate with their people, and they’re saying it’s not at all unusual–80% is high, but over 50% was not at all unusual.

It’s not unheard of.

That’s the way it is in messaging because marketers haven’t saturated it. And because it’s so quick to check FB Messenger that people just open it up to see what’s there.

Compare that with the average email open rate of about 20% and click rates of 2-5%, according to MailChimp.

“But Andrew, my email open rates don’t suck THAT bad…”

If your email open and click rates are higher than MailChimp’s average, that doesn’t surprise me at all.

But are they 80%? Probably not.

So why aren’t we trying to get a piece of this 80%? Why are we still living in email only?

Look, I’m not saying email is dead. If it’s working for you, keep doing it. I’m saying that you also need to know about THIS, because the open rates and engagement are too good to just ignore.

And I’m excited about this for another big reason…

Besides the killer open rates and conversions, I’m excited for another reason:

This is the next big thing in marketing and sales.

Just like how email took over snail mail.

Right now, you can join me at the forefront of a movement, BEFORE your competition jumps on the bandwagon and saturates the market.

For me and my team, there’s no going back. The opportunity in marketing with messaging is too big to ignore.

And not only does this get results…it’s freaking fun to run these messenger campaigns! It’s magical to see what happens when you create a sequence, run it, and see the response rates you get back.

I want to show you how to do this, too…

To do that, I’m introducing The Bot Academy.

The Bot Academy is a 5-week course that will show you everything you need to know to create a successful marketing campaign with messenger.

The Bot Academy includes:

>>>Week 1: The tech–How to set it all up

>>>Week 2: How to write your campaigns

>>>Week 3: How to get people to opt-in

>>>Week 4: How to work with clients on campaigns (for consultants)

>>>Week 5: Workshop and certification–putting this into action, getting feedback on your work

My promise to you is that if you do the work, at the end of this program you’ll be creating messenger campaigns that convert.

And I’ve put together a special bonus package:

>>> Bonus #1: You get one year of free messaging software, so you don’t have to pay anything to run your campaign…($600 value)

>>> Bonus #2: You get listed in my directory of certified messenger campaign consultants. When a business comes to me and wants one of these campaigns, I’ll refer them to the certified people in that directory…

That’s free software, and free leads if you want to set up these campaigns for your clients.

This program may not be for you, though…

That’s because this is NOT one of those programs that’s “magically” a great fit for everyone who who’s interested.

For instance, there was a guy named Rene–an incredible engineer and developer–who LOVED the idea of marketing with messenger. But he didn’t enjoy selling anything, on any platform. He thought it was a chat bots are a cool engineering challenge…something he could code.

I loved his enthusiasm. But this program is about sales and conversions, so I told him that he wasn’t a good fit.

However, if you’re a marketer (or are willing to let this course teach you how to sell) and you want to have a huge advantage over every other marketer out there…it’ll be a great might be a good fit.

Or if you’re a consultant, and you want to wow your clients in a way that makes them want to throw more money at you and send you lots of referrals…it might be a good fit.

So at this point, you’re probably in one of two camps…

You either know you want in, in which case, go here to get started now.

Or, you’re curious, but still on the fence.So I thought it’d be helpful to round up some of the most common questions I’ve gotten from past students.



Q: Isn’t Facebook going to shut this down?

A: We’re going to focus this course on reaching customers inside Facebook Messenger because Facebook is encouraging this. They want the Messenger app to replace email. Already 1 billion people use it every month. Now they’re encouraging companies to reach people via Messenger to increase the app’s lock in.

That’s why they worked with PayPal to send receipts via Messenger. And enabled TechCrunch to send their articles via Messenger. And why they keep trumpeting all the possible ways companies can use Messenger instead of email.

Q: I don’t use Facebook or messaging personally, so how can this really work?

A: That’s okay. Because other people DO use it. The Facebook Messenger app has more than one billion monthly active users (not downloads, *active* users), so you’ll be reaching a huge market.

And think about it like this…

When email was a new thing, lots of people said, “I never use email. Why not pick up a phone?” Now pretty much everyone uses email on a daily basis. The companies that jumped into it quickly seemed crazy at first, but they were able to lock in subscribers fast.

Q: Aren’t messages like this going to annoy customers?

A: You know what? I’ve found that customers actually PREFER these messages.

For one thing, the messages are shorter and easier to read than email. Also, it’s a lot more interactive and fun, since you can add buttons, gifs, and more. And finally, readers can unsubscribe from anything in Facebook Messenger using one swipe.

Q: What exactly is inside this course? What can I do with it?

A: This course will show you everything you need know to create a messenger marketing agency. Use what you learn to use messenger to promote your clients’ products, or your own.


-The tech side of setting it all up

-How to write Messenger campaigns that convert

-How to get prospects to opt-in

-How to get clients to pay you to set up Messenger campaigns

You’ll also get the bonus package, which includes one year of free messaging software and a listing in my directory of certified messenger campaign consultants, where I’ll send any leads that come my way.

Q: Is the course guaranteed?

A: Yes. Because I want to do everything I can to make sure every Bot Academy student is successful, I’m offering a special guarantee…

Take 14 days. If you do the work you start struggling, falling behind, or even if you just start wondering if this is really for you, let’s chat. If it’s not a problem I can help you solve, I’ll give you a full refund.

Given my schedule as an entrepreneur and a dad of two, t’d be much easier to just offer a straight 14-day money-back refund. But when you join The Bot Academy, I’m personally invested in your success.


I’ve seen what happens when you ignore the next big thing…and it’s not pretty.

When I was 24 yrs old, I owned a company in Manhattan. I remember that rent alone for the office space was $1.2 million.

We invited an old-school direct mail marketer to the office one day. We wanted to know how he wrote copy back then…to see what we could learn from him andy apply to email.

I’ll never forget what he said when he came into our office and saw that we had a floor of space in midtown Manhattan…

“Wow? Email built all this?”

Later on he admitted, “I missed email.”

He was SO good at direct mail marketing. He knew how to target, how to use gimmicks like scratch off offers, and how to make a whole lot of money at it.

“We got lazy and weren’t paying attention to email,” he said. “So now I want to see what you younger guys are doing with email.”

By then it was too late, though. We were too big for him to catch up to, with 20+ million email subscribers. He was too far behind.

After the guy left, I remember my CFO saying, “That was a splash of cold water. We could be that guy one day.”

No way. I’ll never be that guy.

And that’s why I’m talking about marketing with Messenger today.

People under 30 aren’t doing email as much. They’re on messaging apps.

This is what’s next, and if you ignore it, if you wait until the market is flooded the same way our inboxes are getting flooded with email…

…then you just might end up like the direct marketing guy. A dinosaur. Extinct.

Don’t be that guy. Let’s get in front of this movement before anyone else.



Founder, Mixergy

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