How talking to customers can turn a company around – with Tim Sae Koo

Tim Sae Koo, Tint, B2B, Brand (branding), Marketing, Social Media, Subscription (Membership) Model
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Today’s guest ran a company that was based on the wrong idea and it wasn’t working.

Then he did 1 thing and his company turned around. He talked to his customers and found their pain.

Tim Sae Koo, is the founder of Tint, a platform that helps brands aggregate, curate and display any social media feeds anywhere they want.

Tim Sae Koo


Tim Sae Koo is the co-founder and CEO of Tint which is a platform that helps brands aggregate, curate and display any social media feeds anywhere they want.

Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters, my name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart and I’ve got a guest with me today who ran a company that well, pursued the wrong idea, it doesn’t working, it didn’t go anywhere. Then he did one thing and this company turned around. He talked to potential customer and he found their pain. Tim Sae Koo is the founder of Tint, a platform that helps brands aggregate, curate, and display any social media feeds anywhere they want. I invited him here to talk about how he built his business, how he found his customer’s needs and how he actually generated GRevenue, go figure revenue in a tech company, who knew?

This whole thing is sponsored by Toptal. I needed a developer recently to help me with my work for a site, and I thought Toptal only works with Top developers who work on Top platforms and Top languages, they probably wouldn’t want to do anything with my little...

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