Profitable WordPress plugin

Jason Coleman, Paid Memberships Pro, Consulting, SaaS (software as a service), Subscription (Membership) Model

My guest today created a plugin that allows people to create a membership site on top of WordPress. It’s called Paid Memberships Pro.

I want to find out how he came up with this product as a result of consulting. I also want to find out what event in his personal life was the breaking point that led to Paid Memberships Pro.

Jason Coleman

Paid Memberships Pro

Jason Coleman is the founder of Paid Memberships Pro, member management and subscriptions plugin for WordPress.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I was not too long ago, actually. What’s too long ago. Jason was how long? Like five years ago we said, or eight years ago. What was it?

Jason: When we saw each other, it was 2012 or so. So that’s like eight years. Yeah.

Andrew: Eight years. This was back. Automatic had an office here in San Francisco. They had an event. Um, and Jason, I just got to talking and he had a plugin that enabled people to create membership sites on top of WordPress, kind of similar to what we have. And the idea is that you pay them. A fee in our case, it’s monthly or annual, and then you get access to extra content.

And at the time, most people didn’t realize that that should be a thing. And frankly, even to this day, most people don’t realize that could be a thing. And so they go to...

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