Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I was not too long ago, actually. What’s too long ago. Jason was how long? Like five years ago we said, or eight years ago. What was it?
Jason: When we saw each other, it was 2012 or so. So that’s like eight years. Yeah.
Andrew: Eight years. This was back. Automatic had an office here in San Francisco. They had an event. Um, and Jason, I just got to talking and he had a plugin that enabled people to create membership sites on top of WordPress, kind of similar to what we have. And the idea is that you pay them. A fee in our case, it’s monthly or annual, and then you get access to extra content.
And at the time, most people didn’t realize that that should be a thing. And frankly, even to this day, most people don’t realize that could be a thing. And so they go to...