How to get the highest quality customers to your events – with Derek Andersen

Derek Andersen, Startup Grind, Bootstrapping, Mixergy Fan, Networking, Scaling
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Derek Andersen is the founder of Startup Grind, a 200-city community hosted in 60-countries that mentors entrepreneurs.

But that community didn’t show up overnight. When Derek first started hosting events it was more like “a startup homeless shelter” instead of a community. One early attendee took a plateful of the pizza provided and left before the event even started.

In this interview you’ll hear what Derek did to turn Startup Grind around and grow it to 200 chapters. Oh yeah, and he did it without any funding.

Derek Andersen

Derek Andersen

Startup Grind

Derek Andersen is the founder of Startup Grind, a 200-city community hosted in 60-countries that mentors entrepreneurs.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart. And joining me today is a Mixergy fan, a guy who was listening back–what, three, four, five years ago? How long was it, Derek, when you first found Mixergy?

Derek: Maybe 2010, 2011?

Andrew: Right, when there was hardly anyone listening back then. And here you are today after having built a company, you’re here to talk about how you did it.

Derek: On this show, I’ve made it. I’ve got my parents. I’ve got all my family here watching the interview. So, this is my moment.

Andrew: This is your moment to shine. I’ve got people more important than your parents. Your parents are important to you. But audience of entrepreneurs are important to the world, to the future of the world who are listening.

The guy who you just heard, his name is Derek Andersen. He is the founder of...

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