Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. And actually, you know what? Kim, before I even go with the official intro…
Kim: Yeah?
Andrew: I was checking my inbox for your name just to see if we talked or when we talked or what we said and I realized that over a year ago, you emailed me and asked if there was a slot for you to come and do an interview on Mixergy. Do you remember my response?
Kim: I do. And that’s that I wasn’t big enough and I hadn’t done enough yet.
Andrew: Ah. How did you respond to that? Internally what did you feel?
Kim: I felt that I have to have a more persuasive email to you.
Andrew: I actually forwarded your email onto someone else who did the booking and that person must have gone through our criteria, done as much research as possible and said, “Hey, it doesn’t seem to fit.” I always feel bad telling people that. At the same time, I feel like I need to. I was surprised when...