How successful marketing turned a musician into the founder of InsiderMusicBusiness – with Kavit Haria

Kavit Haria, Insider Internet Success, Content, Customer Acquisition, Educational Company, Marketing, PR / Media Marketing

Joining me is a musician who built a business by teaching what he himself needed to learn.

Kavit Haria is the founder of, which showed indie musicians how to promote their music, get more paid gigs and sell more music.

Today he head Insider Internet Success, which creates a predictable marketing sales process for businesses on the web.

Kavit Haria is the founder of Insider Internet Success and helps entrepreneurs get more leads, sales and revenue using the internet.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, home of ambitious upstart. Joining me right now is a musician who built a business by teaching what he himself needed to learn. Kavit Haria is the founder of, which shows indie musicians how to promote their music and get more paid gigs and sell more of their music. Today he heads another company that he founded; it’s called It creates a predictable marketing sales process for businesses on the web. It does it for them and we’ll find out about both of those businesses.

And we’ll do that thanks to my sponsor, Toptal. If you need a developer, you go to Toptal, you tell them what kind of work you need done, what your culture is like, how you’d like to work with a developer, how many hours you want. Do you want a full timer? Do you want a part timer? Do you need someone who will just work a few hours?...

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