Virtual events as a business

Allie Magyar, Hubb, B2B, Event Organizer, Networking, SaaS (software as a service), Women Founders

Today’s guest is someone whose background I really admire.

Allie Magyar was working at Old Navy when she got into street racing. She took it really far–even organizing her own car shows and a crew.

Today she’s the founder of Hubb, a virtual events platform. I want to find out how she did it.

Allie Magyar


Allie Magyar is the founder of, a virtual event platform.

Andrew: Hey, they’re freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And I don’t think he’s ready to come on and do an interview with me, but there’s a listener of mine who I’ve been emailing back and forth about all these different opportunities, all these different ideas that he’s good.

He’s thinking about it. How in depth, he’s thinking. And it just made me realize how much I love entrepreneurs, how much I love the audience that listens to this. And he’s someone who, at this stage in his life, he’s, running a couple of incredibly successful companies, not at the stage where he wants to jump on any of these ideas himself.

He’s just looking for somebody to run them, somebody to take these ideas and, and for him to back and, and to work with. And I’ve been doing this now long enough that I get to...

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