Notifo’s Founder: “My Startup Is Dead.” See What He Learned – with Chad Etzel

Chad Etzel, Notifo, B2B, Bootstrapping, Failure

What does a founder learn from launching and shutting down an unsuccessful startup?

One of Mixergy’s missions is to talk to successful entrepreneurs and really deconstruct what they did. But, more importantly, I want to show something that you don’t really see much in books, in the Wall Street Journal, and other publications. And that is, a reverence for, and an understanding of, why an entrepreneur failed, why a business didn’t work.

Chad Etzel is the founder of Notifo, a simple and affordable way to add notifications to a web app or project. I invited him here to talk about what happened with that business.

Chad Etzel


Chad Etzel is the founder of Notifo, a simple and affordable way to add notifications to a web app or project.


Andrew: Hey, before we get started, these three messages. First, when you’re facing a tough business problem, like, “How do I get customers? Where do you go?” Have you noticed that when you do a Google search for those kind of issues, you end up with a poorly-written, link-bait article?

Well, with Mixergy’s premium membership, proven entrepreneurs turn on their computers and teach you their techniques for getting customers, or press, or new employees, or anything else that you need to be an incredible entrepreneur who leaves a mark on the world., check it out.

Next, when we needed to learn how to build Mixergy’s membership site, do you know who we trusted? This dude, Noah Fleming. If you want to learn how to create a compelling membership site, I recommend going to I’m a member of it, and I recommend it to you.

Finally, after you sponsored hundreds of...

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