How legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman gets his creativity

Joe Sugarman, BluBlocker, Content, Marketing
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Last year I took a little bit of time off to go to my sister’s wedding on an estate in Hawaii, and when we got to this place, my wife looked out and she said, “This is gorgeous.” We’re from San Francisco and we’ve never seen so much grass. My brother looked around at the house where the wedding would take place and said, “This is giant. Forget the wedding, this is going to be an amazing experience with an amazing wedding on top of it.”

I looked at the house and I immediately zeroed in on the bookcase and I said, “Hey, that’s Joe Sugarman’s book. What’s that doing here? That’s the copywriter, the guy who used to sell those BluBlocker sunglasses on TV. I used to read his book instead of hanging out with my friends when I was in school.”

My sister said, “You know that guy? This is his place. This is his home where we’re doing the wedding.” I said, “Yeah, I know him. I studied him forever. I love him.” So I asked my sister’s new mother-in-law if she would introduce me so that I can have Joe Sugarman here on Mixergy to do an interview and here he is.

Joseph Sugarman is a legendary copywriter and bestselling author. His books include “AdWeek Copywriting Manual,” “Triggers,” and “Success Forces.”

Joe Sugarman

Joe Sugarman


Joseph Sugarman is a legendary copywriter and bestselling author. His books include “AdWeek Copywriting Manual,” “Triggers,” and “Success Forces.”

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of, where I’ve interviewed over a thousand entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. I do it because I have an audience of entrepreneurs who want to learn from other entrepreneurs, want to keep building their businesses, and my goal is for you to be listening to this interview, to use what you’ve learned, and then to come back here and do an interview yourself so you can teach other entrepreneurs how you did it.

Well, last year, I took a little bit of time off to go to my sister’s wedding on an estate in Hawaii, and when we got to this place, my wife looked out and she said, “This is gorgeous.” We’re from San Francisco. We’ve never seen so much grass, and then the grass ends in the ocean, which is even more beautiful. My brother looked around at the house where the wedding would take place and said, “This is giant. Forget the...

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