How a founder grew his software by wowing customers with support – with Gavin Zuchlinski

Gavin Zuchlinski, Acuity Scheduling, Mixergy Fan, Outsourcing, Wow People

Back in 2011, I was really struggling to book guests on Mixergy. Part of the struggle was that I was starting to invite so many people to do interviews that I had a hard time of keeping track. If one person said yes to one date and then another person said yes to the exact same date, it would be a little bit awkward. I was ready for the big time but a little thing like scheduling people was driving me nuts.

I remember going to my mentor this problem and soon after, he sent me a link. He said, “Hey, I found this site. Go sign up for this.”

The site was Acuity Scheduling and it just fixed everything.

I know that this happened back in 2011 because I had a question about the software back then and the founder emailed me back. The founder did my tech support, which was really interesting and it turns out the founder was a Mixergy fan.

His name is Gavin Zuchlinski and he’s the founder of Acuity Scheduling, a calendar scheduling service.

Gavin Zuchlinski

Acuity Scheduling

Gavin Zuchlinski is the founder of Acuity Scheduling, a calendar scheduling service.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart.

And back in 2011, I was really struggling to book guests on Mixergy. Part of the struggle was that I was starting to invite so many people to do interviews that I had a hard time of keeping track of when I invited them to come on, when they said yes. If one person said yes to one date and then another person said yes to the exact same date, it would be a little bit awkward. It was all kinds of headaches like that. I was ready for the big time but that little thing, scheduling people was driving me nuts.

I remember going to my mentor at the time, Bob Hyler, and telling him I had this problem and it stinks that I have it. I just kind of assumed that I had to accept that, that it’s tough when you’re scheduling calls and interviews with so many people. Soon after, Bob just sent me a ink. He said, “Hey, I found this...

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