Entrepreneur interviews you must listen to

1.    Rosalind Resnick – Founder of NetCreations
Why listen: Rosalind bootstrapped a company that she eventually took public. You’ll learn the trial and error that went into finding that golden idea.

2.    Timothy Sykes – Author of An American Hedge Fund
Why listen: Timothy teaches how he built a personal brand that led to appearances on CNBC, FOX Business, and other business news outlets.

3.    Roger Ehrenberg – Managing Partner of IA Capital Partners, LLC
Why listen: Roger teaches you what he learned from a startup that spent $20 mil before closing.

4.    Marcus Nelson – Co-Founder, UserVoice
Why listen: Marcus teaches you how to get your customers to help you build your business.

5.    Premal Shah – President, Kiva.org
Why listen: Premal teaches you how to launch an agile company quickly.

6.    Timothy Ferriss – Author, The Four Hour Work Week
Why listen: Timothy teaches you to network with bloggers to create an insanely successful book or startup.

7.    Seth Godin – Founder, Squidoo
Why listen: Seth teaches you how to build a tribe of passionate supporters who will help you grow your business

8.    Adeo Ressi – Founder, TheFunded.com
Why listen: Adeo teaches you how to protect yourself from investors.

9.    Guy Kawasaki – Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures
Why listen: Guy gives practical business advice, like “Don’t worry. Be crappy.”

10.    Tara Hunt – Author, The Woofie Factor
Why listen: Tara teaches you how to use social capital, instead of cash, to get things done in social media.

11.    Tom Szaky – Founder TerraCycle
Why listen: Tom teaches you how to find value in assets that other people consider garbage.

12.    Mark Jeffrey – CTO, Mahalo
Why listen: Mark talks about how he recovered and went on to build a successful startup, after a previous business failed.

13.    Eric Stephens – Founder BeerMenus.com
Why listen: Eric teaches you how to design an intuitive user experience.

14.    Ori Brafman – Author, Sway
Why listen: Ori teaches you how to understand what sways the people around you.

15.    Dan Gould – VP, Technology at FIM
Why listen: Dan walks you, step-by-step, through the process of getting your startup funded.

16.    Peter Pham – Founder, Bill Shrink
Why listen: Peter teaches you how to network with the top people in your field.

17.    Ryan Scott – Founder, Causecast.org
Why listen: Ryan prepares you for what happens after you cash out of your startup.

18.    Neil Patel – Co-Founder, KISSMetrics
Why listen: Neil teaches you how to promote your business online.

19.    Karel Baloun – Founder, i2we, inc
Why listen: Karen, one of Facebook’s early hires, helps you understand why Facebook succeeded.

20.    Jeremy Schoemaker – Founder, ShoeMoney.com
Why listen: Jeremy shows you how to think more creatively about online marketing.

21.    Julia Angwin – Author, Stealing MySpace
Why listen: Julia shows you how thinking like marketers helped the founders of MySpace build one of the most successful web businesses in history.