Win a copy of the book, Do More Faster, in the next 36 hours

How can you get it?

Click the Marginize tab on the right side of this page and check in or write a comment.

The founder of Marginize will pick a few winners and give out the book.

Why am I doing this?

When Do More Faster came out, David Cohen, the book’s co-author did an interview about it and offered to give out a few books.

Why Marginize?

David’s TechStars invested in Marginize.

Also, I hear using Marginize will generate extra tweets and hits for Mixergy.

What’s Marginize?

“Marginize enables an additional social interaction layer on existing web sites, including things like checkins, shares, comments and badges.” I copied that from Brad Feld’s blog post. Brad, of course, is TechStar’s co-founder and the co-author of Do More Faster.

Anything else?

Yeah, what do you think of Marginize and of me doing contests like this?

And go hit that Marginize tab on the right side of this page so you can see how it works.