Why Aren’t There More Interviews With Female Entrepreneurs On Mixergy?!

I got an email from Rosie Bernardo pointing out that there aren’t many interviews with women on this site.

I’ve noticed that too, and it bothers me. Will you help me fix this problem?

Why this is an important issue

If we study the same group of Web 2.0 entrepreneurs over and over and over (the way other sites do), we’re never going to get fresh ideas that will help us build breakout companies. My goal with Mixergy is to bring a mix of different voices.

That means I need to have more women here. (And, while I’m at it, it means I need to have more voices from outside the US.)

Will you help me find women to interview?

Of course, just being a woman isn’t enough to qualify someone for an interview on Mixergy. What I’m looking for are women who online startups need to learn from.

I want to talk to women who achieved extraordinary success and are willing to talk about how they did it. Or women who had big failures in business and are willing to talk about what they learned.

Do you know someone who fits this profile? Tell me by email or in the comments.

And if you’re not sure someone’s a good fit, let’s talk first. I don’t want to turn down someone after you introduce me.