What do you want to know about SEO or inbound marketing from Rand Fishkin of Moz?

Rand is coming to Mixergy. (Photo via Moz)

What do you want to know about SEO or inbound marketing from Rand Fishkin of Moz?

I’m not sure what to ask Rand Fishkin.

Could you help me?

I’ll tell you a secret. One of the reasons I ask the kinds of questions that make you feel like I’m reading your mind is that, when I prep for an interview, I try to imagine that **I** am **you**. I remember what you might have told me in an email or on a call or over scotch at my office. And I think “What is s/he wresting with right now? What does s/he need to know?”

Well, in this case, I can’t seem to put myself in your shoes. I can’t figure out what someone who wants to know about SEO would ask.

So could you give me a hand?

What do you want to know?

I’m about to record a full hour with one of the smartest SEO & inbound marketing guys on the planet. I want to make this time meaningful for you. Got any suggestions?