Want to grub with a Mixergy interviewee in your city? (Space is VERY limited.)

A have an incredible opportunity for a (very) small number of Mixergy fans, thanks to GrubWithUs.

The challenge

Have you ever heard me say that you should get to know the founders featured on Mixergy, and thought to yourself, “I really should, but how?”

Getting to know someone online is tough because it’s impersonal. And meetups aren’t ideal either, because it’s hard to have meaningful conversations in busy rooms that are full of people.

The idea

I think I found a way for you to do it.


Later this month, founders who I’ve featured on this site are organizing small, quiet dinners in their cities.

Keeping it small

I keep emphasizing that it’s small because I believe that’s the key to making this work. A few weeks ago I organized a local dinner with Mixergy fans, and on the way out, someone said to me, “I actually got to know every single person at the table.” That’s what I’m going for here.

Want to join?

So, if you want to join us, go to GrubWithUs.com/Mixergy and add yourself to the guest list.

Who will be there?

Bo Fishback
Co-Founder & CEO of Zaarly, the site that can get you pretty much anything you need local. (I used them to find someone to deliver my groceries.)

David Rusenko
Founder & CEO of Weebly, the platform that makes it easy to build a web site. (I literally built a web site using Weebly while interviewing David.)

Ramit Sethi
NYT Bestselling Author of I Will Teach You To Be Rich, the book that’s based on the site that teaches smart personal finance and entrepreneurship skills. (When I needed help with the business side of Mixergy, I called him and he showed me what to do.)

Eddy Lu
Co-Founder & CEO of Grubwithus, the site that helps you organize meaningful dinners. (When you click over, I bet you’ll understand why I used Eddy’s site for these dinners.)

Frank Gruber
Co-Founder & CEO of Tech Cocktail, which hosts tech events across the country and covers the industry on its site. (Frank can get founders who won’t return my phone calls to fly out to his events.)

Marc Nager
CEO of Startup Weekend, the event that enables you to launch a startup in 54 hours. (I don’t think anyone has launched more startups than Marc and his organization.)

Find the dinner one near you

To find the dinner near you, go to GrubWithUs.com/Mixergy