Punch Your Counter Mind in the Face (time-sensitive) [Part 4 of 4]

In case you missed it, yesterday I announced that I’m reopening my True Mind program (enrollment closes on Saturday).

And today, I have a question for you:

What’s holding YOU back?

Why does it seem so easy for everyone else…

Yet so hard for YOU to do things like:

Ask for feedback on your idea…

Finally launch the damn thing…

Pick up the phone and do a sales call…

Really sell yourself and your product…

Put yourself “out there,” whether it’s online or speaking at an event…

It’s THIS that’s holding you back: the untrue, unhelpful thoughts of your inner critic…

The thoughts that constantly play in our heads and hold us back…the Counter Mind that we aren’t even aware of.

In yesterday’s email, I showed you how to identify those thoughts. I also gave you two specific questions to ask yourself. Questions designed to break down those unhelpful, untrue thoughts.

However, that’s just the first part…

When I worked with that group of 100+ entrepreneurs on this problem, we discovered this:

The next step is to replace your Counter Mind with your True Mind: thoughts that are true, helpful, and needed.

And then you strengthen your True Mind. It’s like building a muscle–you strengthen it through practice and repetition.

Now, we have a proven system for doing this, and it actually gets results.

It’s called True Mind, and it’s a 7-week course that’s open for enrollment right now.

Here’s how it works:

TWO WEEKS IN: You pinpoint the #1 barrier that’s really holding you back in growing your business. (Hint: it’s not education, lack of knowledge, or experience)

AT THREE WEEKS: You tear down your #1 barrier and start to question your inner critic.

WEEKS FOUR & FIVE: You discover your True Mind, the entrepreneur mindset that you need to become a driven, productive startup founder.

WEEKS SIX AND SEVEN: You turn your new mindset into a lifelong habit. A tool you can use anytime you’re stuck or not making progress quickly enough.

This is the same process I used to start a membership site after months of getting nowhere. And it’s the same process I use today when I’m stuck.

And here’s why I’m more proud of True Mind than almost anything else I’ve done…the things that make the True Mind program different:

#1 We help you put the True Mind material into action.
This is NOT a book or a course that you consume and then never actually use.

There are weekly video lessons with me, followed by a homework assignment to help you take action. We also have True Mind forums, where you can ask questions. I’ll be participating in the forums, and you’ll get positive group support from True Mind students who are going through the same stuff you are.

We’re in this together.

#2 True Mind was developed and tested by startup founders, for startup founders.
More than 100 members of my audience provided brutal feedback on every step of this process. If something didn’t work, it was thrown out. If something worked, it stayed. Every step, every idea, was tested.

Since then, I’ve taught this system to thousands of entrepreneurs, both in the True Mind course and at conferences like World Domination Summit.

This isn’t fluffy woo-woo “visualize checks in the mail” kind of stuff.

It’s an effective, efficient system for overcoming the mental blocks that every entrepreneur deals with.

#3 The True Mind system is a lifelong skill.
This is something you can use for the rest of your life. Whenever you’re stuck and not making progress, you’ll have a skill to help you get unstuck

True Mind works on mental blocks in your business AND in your personal life. Plus, you have lifetime access. If you need a refresher, True Mind is always there for you.

“I’d been running a business for close to a year. I started the journey on a high. So soon after the ups, we had the downs, and then I kind of ended up in a bit of a spiral. It was down, down, down. I was pretty much just overwhelmed. Hugely, massively overwhelmed. [My sales calls] probably came across as a little bit desperate at times. I was kind of like, “It’s all in your hands, and I need you.”
”–Shaan Rafiq, founder of Syncro Education

So…no matter what you decide to do next, I hope you’ll at least start to identify and question your Counter Mind, using the tips I shared yesterday.

However, if you want my help…

If you want to work through a proven system to knock out the mental chatter that’s been holding you back in life….

That’s what the True Mind program is all about. And you’re invited to join us.

Plus we have some pretty cool bonuses. (Check them out here.)

Keep in mind: Registration closes this Saturday, January 23, at midnight (PT).

(And just so you know, I don’t know if I’ll run this program again in 2016. It’s not on the calendar.)

>>So…if you’re ready to live up to your full potential, click here.<<