This is why Mixergy is still the best interview site for startups.

Here’s what recent interviewee Anand Sanwal had to tell me after he came onto Mixergy.

– AW

P.S. If you missed it, you can check out his interview here.

The emails says:

Hey Andrew,

Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to speak with me about CB Insights and our path to-date.

I’ve heard from a lot of the folks on our team that they’d never known the back story and details of the company so they found it really useful.

We’ve actually worked it into our employee onboarding.

I’ve also gotten probably 100 emails from fellow revenue-funded entrepreneurs who appreciated how we’ve built the biz.

We shared it in our newsletter a week or so ago (82k+) and via Twitter (10.6k+) and will do that a bit more so hopefully that turned more people onto the awesomeness of Mixergy.

Thanks again,

P.S. My mom thinks you’re the best interviewer ever btw. A lot of folks said that to me as well. I agree.

Anand Sanwal
CB Insights
CEO / Co-Founder / Customer Service

Twitter – @asanwal