There Goes My Hero

As I interviewed Seth Godin on Friday, the song “There Goes My Hero” by the Foo Fighters kept going through my head. It’s not the first time that interviewing reminded me of that song, but before I get to that, I need to tell you that the experience I’m describing isn’t hero-worship.

Guests don’t come to Mixergy for me to stare at them in awe. I get to engage them in the kind of intellectual conversation that we dreamt of having in college. (I’m assuming you fantasized about that too, or else you’d be watching a wacky cat video on YouTube instead of reading my site.) Listen to my interview with Seth and tell me if you don’t actually hear me grow as a person.

All right, watching ME grow is peachy, but what’s in it for YOU? I’ll get to that. I promise. I’ll show you how you can get all this and more.

First you have to understand what “all this” means. You see, it’s not just the interviewees that make me smarter and help me grow. The people who are drawn to the writers and entrepreneurs who I interview have a lot going on for themselves too. You should see the emails I get after I interview someone like Seth. And the help they give me is something I couldn’t pay for. It’s priceless. Truly.

Alright, enough about me, what about YOU?

I think you should do interviews too.

You should find the people who make your inner ears ring with the song “There Goes My Hero,” and ask to interview them. You should spend some time learning from them. Maybe you thought I was a dork for admiring Seth Godin so much. That’s cool.

What’s not cool is missing the chance to reach out to the people you admire. Yeah, I know. You read their blogs, buy their books and learn from afar.

It’s not the same.

I love reading too, but it’s not the same. Listen to my conversation with Seth and you’ll notice how sometimes an idea needs to be challenged a bit in order to really understand it.

Besides, it’s not just about the knowledge. It’s the friendship. No, Seth Godin and I aren’t going to 6 Flags together this summer. But Gregg did take me to breakfast to talk about my business after I interviewed him. Jeanne did help me figure out how to be more of a digital nomad after I interviewed her. Neil did help my site get noticed after I interviewed him.

Let me pay it forward by helping you. If you want to do interviews like the ones I’m doing and have questions about how to do it, email me. I’ll put together some kind of FAQ here on Mixergy based on what you ask.

And if you don’t, would you mind emailing me about that too. I’m curious. I’m not judging. I don’t think everyone should do what I’m doing just because I’m doing it. I’m just curious.