The Upstart Who Got Promotion From Richard Branson on MTV [clip]

Don’t miss this great story from my interview with Trent Kitsch, the scrappy entrepreneur who got Richard Branson to promote Saxx Apparel, the premium underwear brand he founded.

It’s one of many inspiring stories of creative marketing that Trent told and I hope you listen to the full interview to hear them all.

The clip

The transcript

Richard Branson, when I heard he was going to be on MTV live in Toronto, I smuggled a pair of Saxx in my jacket and wore a Saxx t-shirt [hidden under my jacket].

Then, when the producer asked, “Does anyone have any questions for Richard?” in the middle of the commercial break, I said, “yeah, I do!”

I told him this whole story about how I wanted to ask about Virgin Airlines getting blocked out of Heathrow and this shit.

When he gave me the mic, I just went off on national TV, live, about Saxx and dropped my jacket and gave Richard Branson a pair of Saxx. Then he put the Saxx on over his jeans.

Then we were talking about Saxx and underwear on MTV for like three minutes with Richard Branson. It was so awesome!

I was just like, “Yeah!” I just did that total guerilla, against all rules.

Then when it went back to commercial break, the security guards tried to grab me and I just ran out the side door.

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