Thank You Past Mixergy Interviewees For Continuing To Support My Work!

I don’t measure the success of Mixergy in hits. I use other metrics. My most important yard stick is the feedback I get from people who I interviewed in the past. That’s why I’m so proud that they continue to support my work, long after our interview is done.

Just look at today’s interview and you’ll see how much I’ve benefited from knowing the people who came to Mixergy.

– I met Ben Huh of Cheezburger Network through a previous interviewee, Neil Patel.

– That interview is now on Hacker News (my favorite news site) because another intervieweeKevin Fischer, submitted it to that site.

– A few seconds ago, while reading Mark Hurst’s site, another interviewee, I noticed that he quoted a section of this interview and linked his readers to it.

For every interview I post I can create a similar list.

After I interviewed Gregg Spiridellis, he invited me to his office and opened his rolodex to me. Which led to my interview with Matt Mullenweg. After my interview with Maria Sipka, she introduced me to Yossi Ghinsberg. After I finish editing and posting his interview, you’ll see why I’ve thought about what he taught me ever day since we recorded the interview.

But it goes beyond referrals. Neil Patel spent an evening going through my site and improving it. Jason Calacanis helped me raise my profile by having me on his show, This Week in Startups. Seth Godin took a flier on me and did my first video interview.

See what I mean? I’m so grateful to them all.

[Image via this moving blog post]