Ray Got Press From the Mixergy PR Event

Ray Doustdar was a huge hit at the Mixergy PR panel. He’s an entrepreneur who had the audience laughing and taking notes on the clever ways he generates publicity for his Web site, TeamDating.com.

He’s a good speaker, but more importantly Ray’s ideas are practical and effective. That’s why I wanted him to present.

As further evidence of how effective his ideas are are, Ray was able to parlay his appearance on the Mixergy panel into an article from one of the other panelists: Brian Deagon of Investor’s Business Daily.

If you’re trying to get media attention for your startup, go read Brian’s article. It’ll help you understand what Ray does.

Ray emailed me and said, “I have you to thank as it all happened due to the PowerPR event.” I think it’s because he used the same techniques he taught us. Thanks Ray!