Raising Money 101 [Resource Page]

Raising Money 101 (and beyond)

Send this to entrepreneurs raising money

By Bob Hiler

Reading TechCrunch makes it seem like raising money is easy.

It isn’t.

Happily, raising money is just like any other skill. And the best way to master a skill is to break it up into specific components and master each tactic one by one.

That’s our mission here at Mixergy. We invite experts to teach specific proven tactics for you to master.

Read on to learn specific tactics for raising money from experts who’ve done it before.

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Introducing the Fundraising Series.

  1. Oren Klaff has an approach to pitching that turns conventional wisdom on its head. When a lead investor wrote his client specifying a laundry list of terms, he wrote back “I don’t understand. Are you in or out.” Fifteen minutes later, he got the reply: “We drop all our requirements, we’re ready to go.”

    If you want to learn how to stop begging and start pitching, you need to check out Oren’s amazing interview, one of Mixergy’s most popular.

    If you want to learn more, check out Oren’s Mixergy Premium course on Raising Capital.

  2. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re raising money using AngelList right now. But are you making rookie mistakes? Small things like filling out your bio can make a huge difference, let alone big things like establishing social proof with advisors and investors. Naval Ravikant, the cofounder of AngelList, breaks breaks it down in his interview.
  3. Gagan Biyani was a nobody in the startup scene who didn’t know any investors and couldn’t program. He raised his profile by writing for TechCrunch and attending The Founder Institute. He connected with investors by making sure he ran into the best of them at events and leveraged Angel List. He raised exactly $1 million, and he shares every tactic he used in this interview.

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