“Persistence To The Point Of Ridiculousness” [clip]

I asked Lucinda Holt, CEO of ClickEquations, how she got through the hard times in business. Read and/or listen to her answer here. (Grab the full interview for the full story.)

The clip

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The transcript

Well, if you talk to anybody who knows me really well, they will tell you my one outstanding trait is persistence to the point of ridiculousness. Way beyond where it’s a good thing. And paired with that and probably behind that is utterly unrealistic optimism.

So somebody along that road there gave me a button that said, “Optimistic even in the face of reality.” And I think that’s what it is, is I get up every day, whether it was then or now, and I think everything’s going to be good.

I just believe it. It’s not a thing I manage. I just genetically believe it. And so that let’s you get up another day. And by the end of the day, you’re tired and beaten up and whatever. And I wake up the next day and I am ready to go again.

So, I think that it’s a trait that serves entrepreneurs well.

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