Our latest changes to the Cheat Sheets (What Do You Think?)

By April Dykman

It’s time for another round of making Mixergy’s new Cheat Sheets even more useful for you! This time, we asked Mixergy producer Jeremy Weisz for his advice.

We applied Jeremy’s ideas to the recently published Cheat Sheet for Kelly Azevedo’s interview (here’s the before and the after). Today we’re sharing his tips so you can see what we learned.

Check out the “before” screenshot with Jeremy’s advice:

“Make it easier for your audience,” he says. “Short and sweet.” Here are his suggestions on how to do it:

  1. Write benefit-driven headlines. “Combine the benefit with the headline,” says Jeremy, “and eliminate the separate benefit sentence altogether.”
  2. Move story up higher. With the benefit sentence eliminated, Jeremy suggests making the example sentence, which he calls the story, up higher. “Hook readers and make them think, ‘Oh, I need to do this,” he says.
  3. End with a Take Action step. Jeremy likes that we refer to these tactics as “actionable highlights”, so he suggests calling the How statement the Take Action statement instead.

Here’s how we used his advice to make the Cheat Sheet for Kelly’s interview more useful:

What do you think about Jeremy’s tips?

How can we make the Cheat Sheets more useful for you?