Mixergy Mastermind: Where is it 2 years later?

This is a guest post by Matt Ackerson, the Founder & CEO of Petovera.com and the group leader of the first Mixergy Mastermind. Get free updates on new posts Here

In January of 2013 a call was put out for members of the Mixergy community to apply for a new mastermind group that was about to be formed.

It would be focused exclusively on bringing together a small group of five to six entrepreneurs who had the goal of building and scaling SaaS web businesses. Dozens applied and six were selected.

We began meeting once we week. At first, the timing for the meetings wasn’t perfect and the discussions were slightly robotic since we were six strangers thousands of miles and three time zones apart talking on a video chat.

But we stuck with it and as we got to know each other better. The discussions became more natural and more effective for all members.

In the span of 24 months, the group has cumulatively grown from where we started at about $500,000 and, now, together we are on track to generate an estimated $3.5 million dollars in sales revenue in 2015.

Several months after Javier Sarda put the group together with Andrew Warner’s help (thanks Andrew!), I was asked to take over the role as group leader. In that role, I was given a unique view point into each person’s business beyond the weekly meetings and I was also given a unique opportunity to experiment with the group dynamic to see what would help move us forward.

Here’s what I’ve learned about what makes a successful mastermind group, potential pitfalls, along with the insights of my fellow group members.

Important Note: Andrew and I are working on putting together five new mastermind groups. If you’re interested applying, please fill out the Wufoo form here.

What works well

What doesn’t work or harms the group dynamic

Secret Ingredients to a Successful Mastermind

There is more more to be learned, but here are some of the “tools” and “levers” we utilize in our meetings.

Individual insights and reflection

Matt Ackerson, Founder, Petovera

Brennan Dunn, Founder, Double Your Freelancing

Mark Michuda, Founder, Call On The Go

Brian Casal, Founder, Restaurant Engine & CasJam

Jordan Gal, Founder, CartHook.com

Javier Sardá, Founder, Newsletter Breeze & cold email consultant

Russell Kommer, Founder, eSoftware Associates


A mastermind group is only effective if it’s working to propel all members forward, helping them to challenge their assumptions, work through problems creatively and constructively, and resulting in all members growing together and helping one another.

If you’re interested, Andrew and I are putting together 5 new mastermind groups made up of members of the Mixergy audience.

Who we’re looking to work with:

You can click the link here to apply.

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