Looking for founders with big success (or failure) stories for Mixergy interviews.

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Are you a founder of a company with a big success (or failure) story?

I’m looking for founders whose accomplishments will inspire and guide my audience of hard-working, ambitious entrepreneurs. If that’s you, let me interview you and help you tell your story in a way that will shape other founders’ lives, and become the kind of record of your accomplishments that will make future generations of your family proud.

Ideally, I’m looking for tech entrepreneurs, because that’s Mixergy’s focus, but if you’re outside the tech space and have a story we can learn from, tell me about it.

Also if you had a huge, painful failure, I think you’ll find that Mixergy is one of the few places that truly values what you learned. I’ve been there. Talking about it publicly and learning from it gave this site (and my life) a powerful sense of purpose. If you share your story, I think it’ll have a big impact too.

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