Check Out What Jason Cronkhite Did After Seeing A Mixergy Interview

You’ve probably heard me say at the end of my programs that you should contact the people I interview. At the very least, if you learned something, you should thank them. Jason Cronkhite went a step further.

According to his blog, after hearing Mark Magnacca on Mixergy, Jason was so moved that he bought Mark’s book, So What? I’ll let him tell you the rest, in his own words:

I read the book from cover to cover that day – a first for me since I rarely can sit still that long.  After I read the book, I popped onto the author’s website to register for his 21-Day Challenge.

Thinking the author might be interested in a few areas where he could improve his marketability and the interactive nature of the website I sent him an email with some of my ideas.

Long story short, Mark hired me to help him with his online marketing strategy for the book and his training company, Insight Development Group.

Have you contacted someone you heard on Mixergy yet? How did it go?

I get emails from fans who’ve had similar experiences with other guests, which is why I keep urging you to do more than just sit back and listen to these programs.

Update: Check out Aaron Lovelace’s comment below. He got together with Matthew Inman.