Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses, and I do it for an audience of real entrepreneurs. Joining me is the former Chief Technical Officer of HomeAway, the site where you can go and rent people’s homes when you’re on vacation. He left that company, was going to take some time off and it’s going to be a year, but Ross, you couldn’t even do it, right? You had to jump in even sooner.
Ross: Yeah, I couldn’t make it a year. I mean, at 10 months, you know, I started getting itchy and literally within two weeks of making the decision, I was, you know, in the middle of it already. I mean it goes from, I wouldn’t say day to day, but it goes from, “Oh shit, what did I get into?” to now, this is so very exciting. So I don’t resist it anymore. I just go with it. I’m having a ball.