Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of I always smile extra when I have a guest on who’s heard this intro millions of times. Anyway, Mixergy is home of the ambitious upstart. The reason I’m smiling so big is joining me is one of the first Mixergy listeners. He started listening back when I thought nobody was listening, except I know he was because I’ve got a bunch of emails from him from back in the day.
Well, the guy started a video ad business, came close to bankruptcy and then eventually he persevered and he sold the business and I invited him here to talk about how he did it, to find out what he sold it for, to find out what he learned from all that process. I’m excited for you guys to all meet him.
His name is Jay Gould. He is the founder of Yashi, which allows video advertisers to micro-target their ads to viewers. So, for example, Yashi could allow an advertiser to reach a...