How The Author Of “Founders At Work” Helps Y Combinator Discover And Mentor Startups – with Jessica Livingston

Jessica Livingston, Y Combinator, Funding, Women Founders
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How does Jessica Livingston do it? How does she look at new, (usually) unproven entrepreneurs and figure out which of them are worth banking Y Combinator’s money, reputation and mentorship on?

When I asked her co-founder at Y Combinator, Paul Graham, he said she has a “social radar.” “She is very rarely wrong,” he told me.

I invited her to Mixergy to find out what she looks for. How can she tell who’s going to be clever and persistent enough to see a business through to success? And, more importantly, how can you be as perceptive when you’re deciding who to work with?

I also wanted to find out how she wrote one of my favorite books on entrepreneurship, “Founders at Work,” a collection of interviews about how the founders of admired companies like Apple and Adobe launched their businesses.

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Jessica Livingston

Jessica Livingston

Y Combinator

Jessica Livingston is a founding partner at Y Combinator, a seed-stage venture firm based in Cambridge, MA, and Mountain View, CA. She was previously VP of marketing at investment bank Adams Harkness. In addition to her work with startups at Y Combinator, she organizes Startup School. She has a BA in English from Bucknell.


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Hey, everyone, it’s Andrew Warner, founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. Today, I’ve got with me – man, I’ve really been looking forward to this interview. I’ve got Jessica Livingston, she is a founding partner of Y Combinator, the seed funding firm that helped launch over 200 startups and the author of “Founders at Work,” a book of biographical interviews...

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