How to use infoproduct marketing tactics to sell physical products

Steven Sashen, Xero Shoes, Bootstrapping, Brand (branding), eCommerce, Marketing, Non-Tech, Physical Product

A lot of the first-time entrepreneurs that I interview here are often just out of school, sometimes even have built their businesses in dorm rooms, but today’s guest is not like that.

He started his company in his late forties. Steven Sashen is the founder of Xero Shoes, which creates minimalist shoes and sandals that will help you run and walk the way nature intended.

I want to talk about how he’s built this company by not getting crushed by the giants. And I want to find out the marketing techniques that he’s using. I think anyone in the audience, whether they have an info-product or physical product can learn from his story.

Steven Sashen

Xero Shoes

Steven Sashen is the founder of Xero Shoes, which creates minimalist shoes and sandals that will help you run and walk the way nature intended.

Andrew: Hey, everyone. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. A lot of the entrepreneurs that I interview here are frankly, first-time entrepreneurs, often early out of school, sometimes even have built their businesses in dorm rooms, but today’s guest is not.

Steven: No.

Andrew: Steven, how old are you? Are you comfortable saying that?

Steven: I am. I am 55 and change.

Andrew: And how old were you when you started your company?

Steven: This company? It was eight years ago, like 7 years and 11 months ago. What kind of got me into this was something that happened 10 years ago, which is that I got back into sprinting after a 30-year break at the age of 45. We’ll get into the details later.

Andrew: So you guys get the picture here. Here’s why I have him on. First of all, he built a company that I’m fascinated by, and I like...

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