Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of which as you know by now, home of the ambitious upstart and speaking of, I’ve got an entrepreneur for you who is kind of like an upstart. A guy who is an independent app developer who started building his own mobile app and now is continuing to build up a company around that. My big question for this interview is how successful can that strategy get an entrepreneur who is doing it on his own and has no outside funding and is actually, get this, charging for his app.
Joining me today is Winston Chen. He is the founder of Voice Dream which makes a currently IOS text to speech reader for students and adults with difficulties reading visually. Actually, you know what, I’m now even excited about the way we explain what that is. He has an app that will read text to you. PDFs, text, things that you save in Pocket or Instapaper, etc. and he and I were talking before the...