How Will Bunker bootstrapped and sold the Internet’s first major dating site

Will Bunker, One and Only, Bootstrapping, Marketplace, Sell Your Business, Web 1.0

When I first went online, I remember talking to someone and saying, “I see your website but how are you making any money?” And he pointed me over to an ad for One-and-Only and he said, “Right there. They have an affiliate program. Anyone can sign up for their affiliate program and if they send a new member over to One-and-Only, the site gets a commission.” I thought that was amazing.

I started looking around the Internet and I would see One-and-Only everywhere. It was an online dating site that was eventually sold to

Today I get to talk to the founder. His name is Will Bunker. Now, after having sold the business and moved on, he is running an angel fund called Silicon Valley Growth Syndicate.

Will Bunker

One and Only

Will Bunker is the founder of which was acquired by

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I was doing this so the camera can pick up on my skin tone. That’s why the hand was up in the air a little bit longer than usual. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of It is home of the ambitious upstart.

You know, when I first went online, I remember talking to someone and saying, “I see your website. How are you making any money with this thing?” And he pointed me over to an ad for One-and-Only and he said, “That thing right there. They have an affiliate program. Anyone can sign up for their affiliate program and if they send a new member over to One-and-Only, the site gets a commission.” I thought, “That is amazing.”

And then I started looking around the Internet and I would see One-and-Only it felt like everywhere. It was an online dating site that was eventually sold. Today I get to talk to the founder. His name is Will Bunker....

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