How Slowly Grew From Side-Business Into A Giant With 100,000 Paying Customers – with Haroon Mokhtarzada

Haroon Mokhtarzada, Webs, Bootstrapping, Customer Acquisition, SaaS (software as a service), Scaling

It started out as a side-business, built on a couple of used servers in a closet. Haroon Mokhtarzada didn’t even own the cool domain, As a bootstrapper, the best he could afford was — with a Z!

This is the story of how he slowly grew his company based on belief that anyone should be able to easily launch a web site. You’ll hear how he got his customers, found his revenue and figured out how to build features cheaply. In time, Webs reached 100,000 *paying* users, but he seems just as proud of an earlier accomplishment: earning enough money from his company to not have to work in a law firm.

Haroon Mokhtarzada


Haroon Mokhtarzada is the Co-Founder and CEO of Webs.


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Here’s an email that I got from a viewer about my next sponsor, Scott Walker of Walker Corporate Law. “Just a quick note. I was looking for a lawyer to do an updated terms of service agreement for our product. Long story short, I had a hell of a time finding someone who was charging reasonable rates and who was in the tech space. I ended up seeing Walker Corporate Law, your sponsor. They were fantastic.” So, Walker Corporate Law is the firm you turn to...

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