The first social media influencer, crashes & rises

Jason Zook, Wandering Aimfully, Brand (branding), Educational Company, Marketing, Social Media, Subscription (Membership) Model

Over 10 years ago, I interviewed Jason Zook about how brands paid him to wear their shirts on social media.

Every day of the week, without a break, he’d broadcast himself live, post YouTube videos, take photos, Tweet, etc. He showed followers his life, and promoted brands the paid him.

How much money did he make? What happened when he crashed? How did he rediscover himself? Listen. It’s worth it.

Jason Zook

Wandering Aimfully

Jason Zook is the founder of Wandering Aimfully which is a membership community for client-based business owners who want to transition into selling digital products.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses. And 10 years ago, I interviewed today’s guest for the first time and get his model back then. He had a company called, IWearYourShirt. And he would get paid by companies to wear their shirts on social media. He would do it on sites that are dead like Ustream, on sites that are very much alive like Twitter. He would every day, it felt like all day, be visible promoting the t-shirt, doing live Ustreams where people could talk to him and hang out with him. Creating videos, I think it was for YouTube. I’m I right Jason?

Jason: Yeah.

Andrew: Where you would create videos for each sponsor. And these people, I think the model was on January 1st, you would pay him $1 to wear your shirt, for him to wear your shirt. January 2nd was $2 and would just keep building up as the year went on. He’s...

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