A conversation with Deron Triff of WaitWhat and TED

Deron Triff, WaitWhat

I want to understand about the business of content creation so invited Deron Triff. Deron  is co-producer of the Masters of Scale podcast. And prior to that, he was on the executive team at TED. He is THE person to talk on this subject.

Today Deron is co-founder WaitWhat, a New York based media invention company that creates and owns premium content. I’ll ask him about that too.

Deron Triff


Deron Triff is the co-founder WaitWhat, a New York based media invention company that creates and owns premium content.

Andrew: Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I’m the founder of Mixergy, where I interview entrepreneurs about how they built their businesses for an audience of entrepreneurs who are building their businesses often while listening to this podcast. And when I started doing my podcasts, there were hardly any other podcasts out there.

Definitely not a lot of business based podcast. The whole thing was just kind of weird. But my audience figured it out. We like tech. We like things that are a little bit weird and we got into it. And then I started to watch other podcast pop-up and when my understanding of the tech space and the podcast space changed is when Reed Hoffman, the freaking entrepreneur who created LinkedIn decides what is.

Create a podcast. It was called masters of scale, highly polished, highly produced with his, like his energy, his wisdom has, he almost has this professorial, uh, point of view and attitude. He did it. I go, whoa,...

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