How Orbit Baby Founder Re-Imagined A Necessity And Turned It Into A Business – with Vivian Chiang
One of the reasons why I moved here to San Francisco is that I wanted to meet people.
So for example, the other week I was a party for the founder of the company that makes these water purifiers, they’re called Soma, and as we were enjoying the water and the conversation there, I met today’s guest. I found out about her story, and I said, “I’ve got to get you here to Mixergy.” I instantly took her email address so we could connect, and bring this interview for you.
In today’s interview we’re going to find out how a former Apple product manager built a business that re-imagines strollers and car seats, and how she sold that business. Vivian Chiang is the founder of Orbit Baby, which designs the only infant to toddler car seat and stroller system. She launched the company in 2005, sold it six years later, she’s here to tell her story.
Vivian Chiang is the founder of Orbit Baby, which designs the only infant to toddler car seat and stroller system.
Andrew: Hey there Freedom Fighters. My name is Andrew Warner, I am the founder of, home of the ambitious upstart. And one of the reasons why I moved here to San Francisco is that I wanted to meet people.
So for example, the other week I was a party for the founder of the company that makes these water purifiers, they’re called Soma, and as we were enjoying the water and the conversation there, I met today’s guest. And I found her, found out about her story, and I said, “I’ve got to get you here to Mixergy,” and instantly took her email address so we can connect, and bring this interview for you.
In today’s interview we’re going to find out how a former Apple product manager built a business that reimagines strollers and car seats, and how she sold that business. Vivian Chiang is the founder of Orbit Baby, which designs the only infant to toddler car seat and stroller system. She launched the company in 2005,...
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