Andrew: Hey there freedom fighters my name is Andrew Warner. I am the founder of and the man who speaks way too quickly and Mixergy of course is the home of the ambitious upstart. Today I have got a guest, who is a long term Mixergy fan whose business was down to its last fifteen bucks and then he did something that turned it all around. Got backing from a competitor.
Vivek Ravisankar is the founder of HackerRank, a platform that helps hackers hone their skills and helps companies hire great programmers. And he is here to talk about how he built his company and talk about a couple of really big setbacks that he had to overcome. This whole thing is sponsored by well, this page that I created. It’s called if you are looking to have a page on your site that allows you to grow your mailing list, I have one page that will do it for you. And I want you to go and grab it from is the sponsor....